
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 11/17/20 Turning Point Fallout

Witness the fallout from Turning Point this past Sunday tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of Turning Point from this past Saturday where The Good Brothers defeated The North to become the new tag team champions and Deonna Purrazzo won her Knockouts title back from Su Yung.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship No Disqualification Match

Moose (c) vs Willie Mack

Willie goes right after Moose and beats him down before Moose rolls out of the ring and Willie gives chase. Willie beats on Moose at ringside and sends him into the post and the railing before Moose launches him over the railing and onto the concrete floor. Moose tosses Willie back over the railing and into it before tossing him end over end so hard that the railing moves. Back in the ring Moose locks in a rear naked choke before Willie comes back with a discus clothesline and Moose dropkicks him. Moose steps on Willie and chokes him in the corner before demanding Willie tell the camera that he is a wrestling God before Willie says that he isn’t anything.

They exchange strikes before Willie hits a Samoan drop into a standing moonsault for two before Moose counters a stunner. Willie hits a Tour of the Islands before missing a frog splash off of the top when Moose rolls out of the way. Willie counters a spear into a stunner before Moose spears him and hits what is now called the Lights Out. Moose then beats on Willie in mount before elbowing him unconscious for the referee stoppage.

Winner: Moose retains his TNA World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Willie Mack via referee stoppage.

– We get the final edition of The Rascalz Smoke Show ahead of their final match in tonight’s main event.

Suicide vs Gio

Joe Doering and Eric Young immediately come out and attack both men for the double disqualification.

Winner: No Contest due to double interference.

– After the match Eric gets on the mic and says that Joe will be what haunts everyone in the locker room and that the world is theirs.

– We go backstage to an interview with the newly crowned two time Knockouts champion Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee where Deonna talks about winning her title back from Su Yung at Turning Point. The screen then has a weird effect take it over before they turn around and see that Su Yung has sent another red message on a mirror this time as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Heath talking to Rhino before Rhino walks out of the locker room and Eric and Joe beat Rhino down. Heath then opens the door and sees them before Joe comes in and blocks his path and Eric comes in behind him and closes the door.

Brian Myers vs Crazzy Steve

Brian backs Steve into the corner for a clean break before Brian ducks out of the ring and regroups when Steve tries to cut him off. Brian gets back inside and kicks Steve in the midsection before Steve hits a head scissors and Brian rocks him with a back elbow. Steve gets his knee up in the corner before locking in a tarantula and smashing the face of Brian into the mat. They then exchange on the apron until Steve bites Brian and Brian drives him back into the post and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back to Steve in control before Brian turns him inside out with a lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Myers defeats Crazzy Steve via pinfall.

– We then get this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a Knockouts Tag Team Championship match between Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, Tara and Brooke Tessmacher in which Madison and Gail become the new champions as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Tommy Dreamer interrogating Johnny Swinger and accusing him of shooting of John E. Bravo before announcing the return of Wrestle Court for next week.

Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament First Round Match

Tenille Dashwood & Alisha vs Havok & Nevaeh

Tenille and Nevaeh start the match off with Tenille taking control before Alisha comes in and momentarily grounds Havok before being flung across the ring. Tenille and Alisha send Havok out of the ring before Nevaeh takes out Tenille and Alisha hits a running back elbow in the corner. Havok comes back in she and Nevaeh hit a sit-out face buster cutter combo for the pin and the win.

Winner: Havok and Nevaeh defeat Alisha and Tenille Dashwood via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Fallah Bahh vs Hernandez

Bahh runs over Hernandez with a running cross body before Hernandez sends him out of the ring and hits a tope before tossing him back inside. Bahh whips Hernandez into the corner before missing a splash and Hernandez clotheslines him before wrenching his neck. Bahh gets to his feet and comes back with palm strikes into a headbutt and a running splash into a running hip attack. Bahh then hits a Samoan drop for two before Hernandez counters a fireman’s carry and slingshots Bahh before hitting a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hernandez defeats Fallah Bahh via pinfall.

– Backstage Scott D’Amore meets with Rohit Raju before Rohit leaves and TJP shows up and Scott asks TJP what Dusty Rhodes would do. Scott then gives TJP some veiled advice about getting the title off of Rohit so he can challenge for it again before leaving as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Ethan Page of The North barging into Scott’s office and demanding a rematch before Karl says that he and Doc will give them a rematch if Ethan can beat a phenomenal opponent.

– We get a graphic for an IMPACT World Championship match between Rich Swann and Ken Shamrock as well as the continuation of the Knockouts Tag Team tournament.

The Rascalz vs Trey Miguel & Rich Swann

Trey kicks things off with Wentz, the two exchanging wrist and head locks before mirroring a dropkick and a flip. Rich and Dez come in and the two lock up before exchanging arm drags and running the ropes. Rich then drops Dez with a roundhouse kick before Trey comes in and hits a rip cord forearm shot and before The Rascalz double up on Trey for two as we go to commercial.

We come back to The Rascalz still in control of Trey before he comes back with a neckbreaker to Wentz that makes Wentz DDT Dez. Rich gets the hot tag and knocks Dez off of the apron before hitting Wentz with an enzuigiri into a frankensteiner onto Dez on the mat. Rich hits a rolling splash for two before Trey and Rich hit a double bicycle knee into a running shooting star press by Rich for a near fall that Dez breaks up. The four exchange strikes until they collapse before The Rascalz double up on Rich and hit their finisher for a near fall. Everyone hits a move before Rich hits a diving splash for a near fall before The Rascalz then miss their finisher before Rich thrust kicks the back of the head of Dez for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann and Trey Miguel defeat The Rascalz via pinfall.

– The four then hug before raising each others arms and crying and hugging more before Trey, Dez and Wentz drape their jackets over the top rope and leave up the ramp. The three then share a group hug backstage with Rich before they’re attacked and laid out by Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock as we go off the air.

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