
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 11/11/21 IMPACT Tag Team Title #1 Contender Match

A new number one contender for the IMPACT World Tag Team titles will be determined at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Match
Bullet Club (Chris Bey & El Phantasmo) (w/ Hikuleo) vs FinJuice

Chris and David start the match off before Juice comes in and hits Chris with a scoop slam into a senton before FJ isolate and double up on Chris until Phantasmo distracts Juice and Chris distracts the referee as Hikuleo drops him across the railing. Back in the ring Chris takes control as BC double up on Juice for two before Chris and Phantasmo take turns raking the back of Juice before choking him in the ropes and Juice and Phantasmo exchange strikes until Juice headbutts Phantasmo and the two collapse. David gets the hot tag and drops Chris before sending Phantasmo out of the ring and taking him out with a tope before hitting Chris with an uppercut and a deep six for a deep two count before Juice comes back in and FJ hit their finisher for a near fall that Phantasmo breaks up. Phantasmo then breaks up a second near fall before he’s sent out of the ring and FJ hit running moves in the corner and David takes out Hikuleo at ringside before Chris gets a near fall off of a clutch and Phantasmo superkicks Juice before Chris pins him for the win as Phantasmo keeps David from breaking up the pin.

Winner: Bullet Club defeat FinJuice via pinfall to become the new number one contenders for Good Brothers tag titles.

– After the match Karl and Doc come out and attack Chris and Phantasmo before Hikuleo tosses Doc out of the ring and Bullet Club hold the ring.

– Backstage Scott D’Amore is interviewed before Josh Alexander shows up and asks why he’s not the number one contender for Moose’s world title before Scott says that Josh needs to razor focused and gives him a match against Minoru Suzuki next week as we go to commercial.

Kaleb vs Minoru Suzuki

Kaleb repeatedly backs into the ring when Minoru approaches him before Minoru immediately takes Kaleb down and locks in an knee bar before Kaleb gets to the ropes for the break before they exchange strikes Minoru locks in a sleeper before transitioning to the Gotch-Style Piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Minoru Suzuki defeats Kaleb via pinfall.

Decay vs Undead Bridesmaids

Decay immediately clear the ring before IInspiration come out to the ring and distract Rosemary and Havok by sitting on the stage as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Brandi and Kimber in control before Decay come back and double up on Brandi before Havok hits a splash in the corner into a backbreaker and Rosemary a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Decay defeat the Undead Bridesmaids via pinfall.

– We get a backstage promo by Heath and Rhino targeting Violent By Design as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to a backstage promo by the Knockouts tag team champions IInspiration.

– We get a backstage promo by Chris Sabin towards Ace Austin who he challenges to a match.

– We get a video from last week where Madison Rayne yells at Kaleb before Scott shows up and makes a match between Madison and Mercedes Martinez for next week to set up tonight’s match between the two.

Madison Rayne vs Mercedes Martinez

Madison shoves Mercedes before Mercedes rocks her with a forearm and hits a delayed suplex before Madison hits a back stabber for two before choking Mercedes in the ropes and Mercedes hits a variation of a Tiger driver with a jack knife cover for a deep two count. Mercedes hits a DDT before Madison counters a suplex into an inside cradle for two before hitting an enzuigiri into a neckbreaker before hitting a blockbuster off of the top for a near fall before Mercedes comes back with a high knee. Mercedes then calls for her finisher before they counter each other and Mercedes counters a cutter into a roll up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez defeats Madison Rayne via pinfall.

– After the match Madison attacks Mercedes and lays her out with a cutter before she goes to hit Mercedes with a chair and Mercedes is saved by the Knockouts champion Mickie James before Mercedes lays Mickie out with an air raid crash and stands tall over the champion.

– Backstage Steve Maclin cuts a promo before he’s interrupted by Trey Miguel and the two nearly come to blows before Scott shows up and Trey lobbies Scott for a triple threat match at Turning Point before Scott makes a match between Steve and Laredo Kid next week where if Steve beats Laredo the match will become a triple threat for the X-Division title as we go to commercial.

Rohit Raju (w/ Raj Singh) vs Rocky Romero

Rohit arm drags Rocky before playing to the crowd and the two lock up before taking each other down and Rohit kicks Rocky in the midsection before dropping Rocky with a shoulder block and flexing before Rocky drops him with a shoulder block. They then run the ropes before Rocky pokes Rohit in the eye and hits a head scissors that sends Rohit out of the ring before diving off of the steps as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Rohit in control before Rocky comes back with chops and an Endless Clothesline before turning Rohit inside out and hits a tornado DDT for a deep two count before Rohit counters a shiranui into a flat liner for a near fall. Rocky hits a head scissors into an armbar before Raj distracts the referee and Rocky before Rocky takes out Raj with a suicide dive and hits a running shiranui for a near fall before hitting an enzuigiri. Rohit then hits a knee lift into a flying knee for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju defeats Rocky Romero via pinfall.

– Backstage Johnny Swinger meets with Hernandez before the two cut a promo about the end of Swinger’s Palace and The Demon before Hernandez tells Johnny he got them a match against The Demon and Decay before Fallah shows up and agrees to team with them as we go to commercial.

– We get a backstage promo by Chelsea Green who says that she’s coming for the Digital Media title.

– The IInspiration versus the Undead Bridesmaids is announced for next week as well as the return of Deonna Purrazzo and Minoru Suzuki versus Josh Alexander.

IMPACT World Championship Number One Contender Match
Matt Cardona vs Eddie Edwards vs W.Morrissey

W takes out both Eddie and Matt before exchanging strikes with Eddie before clotheslining him over the top rope and down onto the floor before beating on Matt in the corner and man handling Eddie and Matt as we go to commercial with W in complete control.

We come back from the break to W still in control as we see Moose watching from a sky box before Eddie comes back with chops and accidentally spears Matt before W hits Eddie with a fall away slam and beats on Eddie in mount before knocking Matt off of the apron. W chokes Eddie in the corner before exchanging chops with Eddie and dropping him before standing on him and choking him for two before Eddie and Matt team up and drop W before they hit a tower of doom for a near fall. W hits Matt with a black hole slam for a near fall before Eddie and Matt hit a double suplex and low bridge W to the floor before exchanging strikes until Eddie hits a flying knee off of the apron. Eddie then counters Radio Silence and pins Matt with the Boston Knee Party for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards defeats Matt Cardona and W.Morrissey to become the new number one contender for Moose’s title.

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