
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 11/10/20 Karl Anderson vs Josh Alexander

It’s the final edition of IMPACT Wrestling before Turning Point this Saturday night at 8pm EST!

Hey Fight Fans, welcome to tonight’s coverage for the go home edition of IMPACT Wrestling before Turning Point this Saturday night on IMPACT+ and FITE TV!

Tenille Dashwood & Madison Rayne vs Havok & Nevaeh

Madison and Nevaeh start things off with Madison quickly getting two off of a roll up before hitting an arm drag. Nevaeh hits a snap mare into a neck snap before Tenille comes in and exchanges standing switches with Nevaeh. Tenille picks the ankle of Nevaeh before Havok gets the tag and walks Tenille down before Tenille locks in a sleeper on her back. Havok backs into the corner to get Tenille off of her before Tenille hits a sliding cross body for two. Havok drags Madison into the ring after she denies the tag from Tenille and she and Nevaeh double up on Madison for two.

Havok then pins Madison with a tombstone for the pin and the win.

Winner: Havok and Nevaeh defeat Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood via pinfall.

– We get a breakdown of the card for Turning Point and the rest of tonight’s show before we get a backstage interview with The Good Brothers as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Tommy Dreamer interrogating several members of the roster with a lie detector.

X-Division Championship Match

Rohit Raju (c) vs TJP

TJP goes right after Rohit before the champion capitalizes on TJP being too aggressive and TJP comes back with a head scissors into an uppercut. Rohit then pulls the referee in the way before Rohit drops TJP as we go to commercial.

We come back to Rohit still in control, dropping TJP with a roundhouse kick for two before focusing on the arm of TJP. Rohit hits a float over suplex for two before kicking him in the spine and hitting a running elbow drop for yet another quick two count. Rohit locks in a hammer lock before hitting a single arm DDT for two and transitioning into a double wrist lock. TJP gets to his feet and gets two off of an inside cradle before Rohit hits a twisting neckbreaker. TJP hits a tornado DDT into several clotheslines and a slam into a springboard forearm.

TJP locks in a surfboard stretch for two before chopping Rohit in the corner and hitting a wrecking ball dropkick. Rohit catches TJP on the top rope and puts him in the tree of woe before TJP hits a spider suplex and Rohit hits several running moves in the corner. Rohit hits a hammer lock DDT for two before locking in a cross face before TJP hits a bloody cross and misses a diving splash. Rohit locks in another cross face before TJP reverses into a knee bar and Rohit gets to his feet before having a tug of war with the referee. Rohit then low blows TJP when the referee is getting the belt out of the ring before finishing TJP with a running knee strike for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju retains his X-Division Championship by defeating TJP via pinfall.

– Backstage Hernandez comes out of the locker room and accuses Fallah Bahh of shooting John E. Bravo before Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz try to manipulate Bahh as we go to commercial.

– We come back to The Rascalz in their tree house where they’re informed that they will have to pay rent or be evicted next week.

Acey Romero w/Larry-D vs Chris Sabin

Acey overwhelms Chris with his size and strength before Chris uses his speed to chop the big man down. Chris hits a slingshot cross body to the outside onto Larry and Acey at ringside before hitting a diving cross body once they’re back in the ring for two. Acey catches Chris coming in and hits a uranage before Chris rolls out of the way of a senton and hits an enzuigiri into a missile dropkick to the back of the head. Chris then hits a shining wizard into a pair of enzuigiri for the pin and the win.

Winner: Chris Sabin defeats Acey Romero via pinfall.

– XXXL attack Chris and leave him lying on the mat after the match, sending a message to MCMG and the rest of the tag team division.

– Backstage Chris Bey is joined by Sami Callihan who talks about the potential Chris has. Chris then tells Sami to get to his point and that he can’t our finesse the ultimate finesser before Sami starts to explain his offer to Chris as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Father James Mitchell being interrogated before he tells Tommy that he didn’t do it, but may Joe who did.

Chris Bey vs Eddie Edwards

Chris plays mind games early, doing his best to avoid Eddie when he tries to lock up before Chris hits a head scissors into a dropkick. Eddie headbutts Chris before hitting an inverted atomic drop into an overhead belly to belly suplex for two. Chris sweeps Eddie and hits a jumping senton before stomping Eddie in the corner and dropping him with a spinning heel kick for two. Chris stomps Eddie in the corner before Eddie chops Chris and Chris rocks him with a back elbow before Eddie throws him into the air. Chris then counters a Tiger Driver before Eddie counters a Lethal Injection into a sunset flip for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards defeats Chris Bey via pinfall.

– Chris brings a chair into the ring after the match before Sami Callihan appears and attacks Eddie with a bat before he’s saved by IMPACT World champion Rich Swann. Ken Shamrock evens the odds for the bad guys and Eddie and Rich are incapacitated with chair shots by Chris. Sami then puts a chair across the neck of Rich before he and Eddie are saved by The Rascalz who run Sami, Chris and Ken off.

– Backstage Tenille and Kaleb meet with Jordynne Grace where they try to convince Jordynne to team with Tenille in the tag tournament. Jordynne then tells Tenille that she won’t team with her in the tournament, but she will tag with her at Turning Point and offers Tenille a chance to earn her trust as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Rich thanking The Rascalz for helping them before setting up a tag match between Trey and Rich and Dez and Wentz for next week.

– We get this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a tag match between Beer Money and The British Invasion.

– We get a backstage interview with Deonna Purrazzo ahead of her rematch against Su Yung at Turning Point before Kimber Lee disappears off camera and Deonna goes go find her. Deonna then goes up to a window that says “I think ur alone now.” written in red before Kimber appears and face plants against the window before collapsing and startling Deonna as we go to commercial.

Reno Scum vs Fallah Bahh & Crazzy Steve

Steve and Luster kick things off with Luster beating Steve down before Bahh gets the hot tag and runs over Adam before hitting Luster with a belly to belly suplex. Bahh hits a Samoan drop to Adam for two before Luster drives Steve into the post and Bahh misses a sit-down splash. RS then hit an assisted diving stomp to Bahh for the pin and the win.

Winner: Reno Scum defeat Fallah Bahh and Crazzy Steve via pinfall.

– Backstage Chris Sabin enlists James Storm as his tag partner for Turning Point before they celebrate with beer as we go to commercial.

– Backstage Moose attacks Willie Mack, but Willie quickly fights Moose off before saying that he’ll see Moose at Turning Point.

Karl Anderson w/Doc Gallows vs Josh Alexander w/Ethan Page

They lock up before Josh backs Karl into the corner and the two exchange chops before Karl drops Josh with a back elbow and clotheslines him over the top rope and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back to Josh in control of Karl, rocking him with forearms before choking him in the ropes and mocking Doc at ringside. Josh yells at Karl and mocks him before Karl comes back with chops and gets dropped with a knee to the midsection. Josh drives his knees into the spine of Karl before hitting a float over suplex before locking in a rear chin lock. Josh hits a back drop driver for two before missing a knee drop and Karl goes right after the now injured knee. Josh whips Karl into the corner when he kicks his knee before locking in an abdominal stretch and hitting Karl with clubbing blows.

Karl comes back with elbows into a running senton before hitting a spine buster for two and setting Josh on the top turnbuckle. Josh counters a superplex into a back elbow and a pump kick for two before Karl counters a butterfly suplex. They exchange strikes until Karl turns Josh inside out with a clothesline for a near fall before Josh counters the Gun Stun. Ethan then rushes in and attacks Karl for the disqualification.

Winner: Karl Anderson defeats Josh Alexander via disqualification when Ethan Page interferes.

– The four then brawl after the match before they’re separated by security as we go off the air.

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