
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 10/13/20 Fulton vs Gallows, Lee vs Rae

The Madman from Dayton, Ohio takes on The Big LG tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

– Moose meets with Scott D’Amore ahead of his match against EC3 for the TNA World Heavyweight title in an undisclosed location. Moose walks away upset before we see EC3 projected on a wall and says that Moose will find him and the TNA World Heavyweight title when he’s fully committed. Moose then says that he knows where he needs to go.

Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie vs Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz vs Havok & Nevaeh

Rosemary and Nevaeh start the match off by exchanging standing switches and rolls up for two. Rosemary sends Nevaeh into the corner before she and Taya double up on Nevaeh for two. Taya gets double teamed by Havok and Nevaeh off of a hot tag by Nevaeh for two. Taya hits Havok with chops and forearms before Tasha tags herself in and hits Taya with a running back elbow and uppercut in the corner. Kiera comes in and knocks Rosemary off of the apron before hitting Taya with a running basement dropkick in the corner.

Taya knocks Tasha off of the apron and suplexes Kiera before Rosemary comes in and drives Kiera into a neutral corner. Rosemary hits an exploder suplex and allows Nevaeh to tag in before Nevaeh stomps Kiera in the corner. Nevaeh hits a float over suplex for two before Tasha comes in and gets flap jacked into the mat when she gets distracted by Havok. Rosemary hits a fall away slam to Tasha for two before Taya comes in and Kiera hits Havok with a suicide dive to the outside. Taya dropkicks Nevaeh out of the ring before hitting a diving cross before Rosemary hits Tasha with a double under-hook jawbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie defeat Tasha Steelz, Kiera Hogan, Havok and Nevaeh via pinfall.

– We get a graphic for Moose and EC3 in an undisclosed location at Bound for Glory before we are told about the return of the Call Your Shot Gauntlet at BFG.
– We go to John E Bravo’s groom’s people before a frustrated Fallah Bahh and John leaves Johnny, the Deaners and Alisha as we go to commercial.

– Backstage Havok and Rosemary agree to a match where if Rosemary wins Havok will help her revive Father James Mitchell.

Fallah Bahh vs Crazzy Steve

Steve tries to get Bahh to strip before Bahh hits him with palm strikes in the corner and hits a running cross body when Steve grabs his chest. Steve locks in a tarantula in the ropes before locking in a rear naked choke on Bahh’s back. Steve then stops a Samoan drop before ripping the shirt off of Bahh before Bahh covers his chest and Steve rolls him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Crazzy Steve defeats Fallah Bahh via pinfall.

– Backstage Rhino meets with Heath where he tells Heath that he’ll be in the Call Your Shot Gauntlet match at Bound for Glory. Rhino informs Heath that if either of them win they’ll get a shot at what ever title they want before telling him that if they don’t win Heath will get no more chances. Rhino tells Heath that they have a match up next with the Call Your Shot Gauntlet implications before Scott walks up. Scott then clarifies with Rhino the part that he didn’t tell Heath that if neither he or Heath win the gauntlet Heath will be gone and Rhino will also have to give up his contract as we go to commercial.

Tommy Dreamer, Brian Myers, Cody Deaner, Johnny Swinger & Tenille Dashwood vs Hernandez, Cousin Jake, Alisha, Rhino & Heath

Heath and Johnny start the match off before Tenille gets tagged in by Johnny before she and Alisha exchange standing switches. Tenille takes Alisha down before Alisha gets to her feet and Tenille locks in a standing side headlock. Tenille clotheslines Alisha when she misses a senton before tagging in Cody as Hernandez comes in.  Hernandez immediately tags out and tags in Rhino before locking in a headlock and Rhino drops him with a shoulder block. Jake comes in and helps his partner up before Cody tags Tommy in when he’s not looking. Tommy shakes hands with Jake and puts him in a headlock before Jake drops him with a shoulder block, but misses a jumping elbow drop.

Jake runs Tommy over before Cody argues with Jake over his treatment of the Hall of Famer Dreamer. Hernandez comes in and clotheslines Tommy before locking in a bear hug and Tommy bites him to get free. Hernandez clears everyone off of the apron before hitting a scoop slam to Tommy before missing a running splash. Brian avoids a tag by Tommy before Tommy grabs and throws Brian into the ring and the match. Heath comes in and drops Brian repeatedly before hitting a jumping neck breaker for two.

Brian comes back with a flat liner and tags in Johnny who gets hit with The Wake Up Call by Heath for the pin and the win while Brian and Tommy brawl at ringside.

Winner: Heath, Rhino, Alisha, Hernandez and Cousin Jake defeat Brian Myers, Tommy Dreamer, Tenille Dashwood, Cody Deaner and Johnny Swinger via pinfall.

– Backstage Sami Callihan nearly comes to blows with Eddie Edwards before Ken Shamrock comes from behind and chop blocks Eddie before locking in an ankle lock as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a backstage interview with IMPACT World champion Eric Young where he comments on the whether or not Rich Swann will show up at Bound for Glory for their title match. EY says that he’s wondering if Rich will hop out of bed all healed and make it to BFG before saying that no one has dealt with someone like him before. EY then says that he’s going to go to the ring to get some real answers before leaving.

Kimber Lee w/ Deonna Purrazzo vs Kylie Rae

Lee backs Rae into the corner by holding onto her hair before taking her down and Rae gets to her feet before hitting a head scissors. Lee gets out of the way of a running meteora in the corner before Rae is distracted by Purrazzo at ringside. Back in the ring Kylie hits a head scissors into a pump kick for two before missing a running love in the corner. Lee pulls Rae out onto the apron before chopping her and attempting to hit a German suplex off of the apron. Lee counters a head scissors off of the apron and catches her before hitting a powerbomb onto the edge of the apron.

Rae gets back into the ring at the count of six before Lee chokes her in the ropes and stomps her in the corner. Lee chops Rae in the corner and rakes her face across the top rope before mocking her and hitting her with forearms in the corner. Lee chops and hits Rae with forearms before Lee scrambles to the ropes when Rae drops her and goes to lock in a submission. Lee hits a delayed suplex for two before hitting a sliding clothesline for two before Kylie comes back with clotheslines. Kylie hits the Kylie Special for a near fall before hitting a cannonball in the corner for two.

Lee hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Kylie gets distracted by Deonna on the apron. Kylie then locks in Smile to the Finish for the tap and the win.

Winner: Kylie Rae defeats Kimber Lee via submission.

– Deonna attacks Kylie after the match when she won’t let go of the hold on Lee before Kylie and Deonna exchange and Kylie sends Deonna out of the ring.

– We come back to a graphic for the formal announcement of the wedding between John E. Bravo and Rosemary in two weeks time.

The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows w/Karl Anderson) vs Madman Fulton w/Ace Austin

Karl and Doc cut a promo on the Motor City Machine Guns before the match ahead of their title match at Bound for Glory. The match starts off with LG going after Fulton with a boot and punches before Fulton hits a snake eyes. Fulton then clotheslines LG over the top rope and down to the floor before they brawl up the ramp and get counted out. 

Winner: No Contest due to double count out.

No Disqualification Match

The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows w/Karl Anderson) vs Madman Fulton w/Ace Austin 

We come back to Doc and Fulton hitting each other with trash cans and chairs before Doc hits Fulton with a beer bottle. Back in the ring Fulton gets a boot up when Doc goes to hit him with a chair before choking him with a crutch. Fulton smashes the face of Gallows into the top turnbuckle before Doc sends Fulton into a chair wedged in the corner. Doc then hits a double armed chokeslam through two chairs for the pin and the win.

Winner: Doc Gallows defeats Madman Fulton via pinfall.

– It’s announced that the winning team from the inter-gender tag match earlier tonight will face off next week with the winner getting the final spot in the gauntlet and the person taking the fall coming in first.

– The IMPACT World champion Eric Young comes out to the ring and says that he will defend his title in eleven days before saying that this is his world now. EY says that he has all of the power before demanding that he get an update on the condition of Rich Swann. Scott D’Amore shows up on the big screen backstage before he gets a call from Rich Swann’s doctor before he gets off of the phone. Scott then leaves off screen to make his way out to the ring as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Scott and Eric in the ring before Scott tells Eric that he spoke to Rich Swann’s surgeon who told him that Eric did additional and substantial damage to the ankle of Rich. EY says that Rich gave him no choice before saying that Scott works him for now and that he taught Rich a lesson. Scott asks EY what has happened to him since he knew him as a teenager and as part of Team Canada. Scott tells EY he lost who he was meant to be be Scott tells Eric that Rich has been cleared to face him at Bound for Glory. Scott tells Eric that he hopes Rich knocks some sense into him before Eric shoves him in the corner and stomps Scott before beating on him.

Eric goes to snap the ankle of Scott before Rich Swann comes in and saves Scott as EY scrambles away up the ramp looking like he’s seen a ghost. Rich then holds up the IMPACT World title that EY left in the ring.

– We go to Moose driving up to where EC3 is before they exchange words and EC3 tells Moose that he just an amalgamation of his favorite wrestlers. EC3 lies the title on the ground before daring Moose to cross the line and the two brawl as music plays in the background. EC3 tells Moose that he wanted so bad to have the fight of his life before laughing at and mocking Moose. EC3 goes to leave before Moose beats him down and takes his belt back and walks away as EC3 laughs as we go off the air.

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