
IMPACT Wrestling Results (9/15/2022): IMPACT Tag Team & X-División Titles On The Line & More.

Results for the 9/15/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 9/15/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match: OGK (Mike Bennet & Matt Taven) vs. Josh Alexander & Rich Swann.

– Alisha vs. Killer Kelly.

– Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).

– X-Division Championship Match: Mike Bailey (c) vs. Mascara Dorada.

– Moose & Steve Maclin vs. DECAY (Crazzy Steve & Black Taurus).

Live Coverage.

– After a video package promoting the show, Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match. 

X-Division Championship Match.

Mike Bailey (c) vs. Mascara Dorada.

Bailey took down Dorada with a double-leg takedown. Bailey and Dorada evaded each other’s offense before Dorada hit a slingshot arm drag on Bailey. Dorada & Bailey exchanged chops before Dorada laid in the forearm strikes and connected aN inverted slingshot on Bailey, followed by a walk-rope dropkick to send Bailey out of the ring. Bailey hit a springboard plancha on Dorada to the outside. Dorada and Bailey exchanged chops before Dorada hit an arm drag on Bailey off the stairs. Dorada got back in the ring and hit a Tope Suicida on Bailey to the outside. Back in the ring, Dorada climbed to the top rope went went for a manuever, but Bailey evaded. Dorada hit the tijeras on Bailey, but Bailey turned it into a pin for a near fall. Bailey got Dorada in a Victory Roll before quickly transitioning into an inverted Figure Four, but Dorada got a rope break. Bailey laid in the kicks on Dorada before hitting a standing shooting star press on Dorada. Dorada hit a back-stabber on Bailey’s back. Dorada went for the Dorado Driver, but Bailey moved out of the hold. Dorada tried to slide on Bailey’s legs, but Bailey leaped onto the top rope to hit Dorada with a Springboard Moonsault on Dorada to the outside. Back in the ring, Dorada caught Bailey’s spin kick, but Bailey responded by kicking Dorada in the head. The two climbed to the top rope before Dorada hit a leaping Hurricanrana on Bailey off the top rope while Bailey was on the ropes for a near fall. Dorada went for a springboard moonsault, but Bailey lifted his knees. Bailey hit a high kick, a superkick, and a vicious spin kick on Dorada before ending proceedings with The Ultimate Weapon for the pinfall win and title retention.

Winner & Still X-Division Champion: Mike Bailey.

– Mascara Dorada and Mike Bailey shook hands, but Kenny King attacked them from behind. King hit the Royal Flush on Bailey, calling his shot for the X-Division Championship. 

– In a cabin in the woods, Deaner & Eric Young started recruitment for Violent By Design. Young asked one of the people trying out what was his name, with the man saying his name was Eric Young Deaner attacked the man viciously the man before Young called out another person to ask him what his name was, to which he responded by saying Young’s name was “The Designer”. A man named Justin introduced himself, but Deaner beat the brakes off the man and bit his forehead. Young asked the rest of the recruits what their names were, and they all responded repeatedly “I AM VIOLENCE”. 

– Scott D’Amore talked to Mike Bailey backstage. D’Amore revealed that former ROH wrestler Delirious requested a match for the X-Division Championship at Victory Road 2022. D’Amore also revealed that because of Bailey’s success as X-Division, he will bring back the Triple Threat Revolver. D’Amore said that Laredo Kid, Black Taurus, Alex Zayne, Yuya Uemura, Trey Miguel, Kenny King, Mia Yim, and former X-Division Champion & current AEW Wrestler Frankie Kazarian are among the names that are interested in getting a shot at Bailey’s title. Bailey said that he did say that he wanted all comers so here they come. 

Moose & Steve Maclin vs. DECAY (Crazzy Steve & Black Taurus).

Steve went for a code breaker, but instead bit Maclin’s face. Taurus hit a shoulder tackle on Maclin before tossing Steve into Maclin’s back with a chokeslam. Back from the commercial break, Taurus hit a corner splash and a rope-assisted enziguri kick on Maclin, but Moose caught him with a vicious lariat on the apron. Moose tagged in and stomped down Taurus in the corner. Moose forcibly tagged Maclin in. Maclin hit a chop and series of stomps on Taurus. Maclin went for a suplex while asking for Moose to tag in, but Taurus pushed Maclin onto Moose before getting him with a Schoolboy Roll-Up for the pinfall win. 

Winners: DECAY (Crazzy Steve & Black Taurus).

– After the match, Sami Callihan was on the balcony and showed proof of Maclin and Moose working together. It was a video of Moose asking Maclin’s friend for a favor to take out Callihan before he gets rid of him. Callihan then showed a video of Maclin talking on the phone saying that he knew Moose’s career and tricks. Maclin & Moose brawled inside of the ring and on ringside before Callihan attacked Maclin from behind. Callihan hit Maclin with a barbed wire bat onto the ribs before rolling out of the ring. With a demented smile on his face, Callihan stood tall in the ring.

– Rosemary, Taya Valkyrie & Jessikah were backstage, with Rosemary saying that Jessikah was the reason Taya lost the match. Taya said that Rosemary may be the one that has issues with Jessikah instead of Jessikah being the issue. Taya said she had an idea, but did not elaborate on what her idea was.

Alisha vs. Killer Kelly.

Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans joined the broadcast team for the match. Kelly and Alisha locked up before Alisha hit five forearm strikes, but Kelly hit a throat shot on Alisha. Kelly got Alisha in a sleeper on the apron while staring at Steelz. Kelly hit a Standing Fisherman’s Suplex on Alisha. Kelly slammed Alisha’s head into the top turnbuckle. Alisha hit a forearm strike on Kelly’s back. Alisha went for the Backpack Stunner, but Kelly reversed it with a sleeper hold followed by a pump kick. Kelly locked in the Killer Clutch on Alisha for the submission victory.

Winner: Killer Kelly.

– Kelly crawled across the ring while staring at Steelz. Steelz ordered Evans to get after Kelly with a steel chair, but Kelly caught the chair by stomping it off Evans’ hands. Steelz then tried to retrieve the chair, but Kelly pulled Steelz into the ring with the chair. Face to face, Kelly mouthed to Steelz the following: “I’ll see you at Victory Road”. Steelz & Evans walked to the ramp while Kelly has a terrifying smile on her face. 

– There was a video package of someone being hospitalized after being thrown a chair. The mysterious man was surrounded by his family, only to show Joe Hendry coming to the scene. The man hit with the chair died with a smile on his face before revealing that Joe Hendry was coming to IMPACT Wrestling.

IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match.

OGK (Mike Bennet & Matt Taven) (w/ Maria Kanellis) vs. Josh Alexander & Rich Swann. 

Bennett and Alexander began the match locking up, with Alexander hitting with an arm drag, a hip toss, a drop toe-hold, and a wrist lock on Bennett. Alexander & Swann hit a back-breaker/ rolling leg drop on Bennett. Taven tagged in and hit a middle rope dropkick on Swann. Swann hit a high boot on Taven before connecting the Tijeras on Taven. Taven took Alexander off the apron before hitting Swann with a lariat for a near fall. Bennett & Taven hit a catapult/ enziguri kick combination on Swann before Taven hit a spring rope elbow drop on Swann for a near fall. Taven & Bennett stomped down Swann in the corner. Bennett went for a back suplex, but Swann reversed it with a crossbody before tagging in Alexander. Alexander hit two back elbows, a running elbow strike, & a rolling senton on Bennett. Alexander hit a crossbody on Bennett’s mid-section, sending them to the outside. Alexander tossed Taven onto Bennett before Swann tagged in and hit a Moonsault on OGK to the outside. Swann & Alexander hit a spin-kick/ spinning heel kick into a German Suplex combo on Bennett for a near fall. Alexander tagged back in and went for the C4, but Bennett hit a back drop on Alexander, but Alexander caught him with an ankle lock. Bennett broke the hold by tagging in Taven, who got greeted by Alexander with a chop. Alexander hit a hip toss on Bennett, but Taven caught him with a springboard enziguri kick. Bennett & Taven hit a Death Valley Driver/ Running knee strike on Alexander for a near fall. Taven went for a Lionsault, but Alexanader lifted his knees. Alexander locked in an Ankle Lock on Taven, but Taven tossed Alexander into a kendo stick strike from a wild Eddie Edwards while the referee was distracted. Heath hit a Wake-Up Call on Taven, but the referee caught him and awarded OGK the disqualification win.

Winners & Still IMPACT Tag Team Champions: OGK (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett).

– Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice brought a huge box of Pizza to the locker room of IMPACT Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace. They also gave her a black folder, which had a picture of former ROH Roster member Max The Impaler, teasing a match between Grace & Max on Victory Road. Dice told Grace that sh better be careful or Masha Slamovich would kill her on Bound For Glory. Grace was bamboozled by his words and told Dice that next week she would kill him. Grace smacked Dice in the face with a huge slice of Pizza before Dice & a laughing Swinger walked out of the Locker Room. 

– Scott D’Amore confronted Heath, Rich Swann, and IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander backstage. D’Amore revealed to them that they will face Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett in a Six-Man Tag Match at Victory Road. 

Mickie James vs. Hyan.

The match began with the two locking up before Hyan got a Schoolboy Roll Up on James for a near fall. James got a Jackknife cover on Hyan for a near fall. Hyan got a wrist lock on James, but James flipped out of the hold and hit a snap-mare knee strike on Hyan. Hyan hit a head-drag before hitting a Wasteland Slam and a leg drop on James for a near fall. Hyan went for a suplex, but James caught her with a palm strike. James & Hyan exchanged strikes before James hit Hyan with a flapjack. James got to the top rope and hit a Top Rope Thesz Press before hitting the Mick-DT on Hyan for the pinfall win.

Winner: Mickie James.

– Gisele Shaw confronted James after the match. Shaw said that James is wrestling nobodies was because she was delaying the inevitable. Shaw told James that if she wanted to prove herself, to face her on Victory Road 2022. James accepted Shaw’s challenge. 

– There was another video vignette showing PCO getting his head electrocuted while it cut to Vincent speaking to him. Vincent told PCO that they both are Honor No More.

– IMPACT Digital Media Champion Brian Myers cut a promo backstage, with the camera looking at him from above. Myers reflected on his career, including his run with the Edgeheads. Myers told Bhupinder Gujjar that his momentum will come crashing down at his hands. They will face each other on the 9/22/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling.

Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson).

Shelley and Anderson began the match exchanging wrist locks before Shelley hit a headlock takedown on Anderson. Sabin and Gallows tagged in before the two locked up. Gallows got a wrist lock on Sabin, but Sabin reversed it with a wrist lock of his own, but Gallows broke the hold by punching Sabin in the mouth. Sabin hit a middle turnbuckle dropkick on Gallows, but Gallows responded with an upward slap on Sabin. Sabin slid out of the ring and dropped Anderson onto the apron. Shelley and Sabin hit a drop toe-hold/ face slam combo on Gallows before hitting a chest kick and back kick combo on Anderson. Shelley ran the ropes, but Gallows caught him with a choke. Shelley punched Gallows, but Gallows responded with a big boot on Shelley’s head. Anderson tagged in and punched Shelley in the abdomen before gauging Shelley’s eyes and punching Sabin off the apron. Gallows tagged in and hit four body shots and an upward slap on Shelley. Gallows shouted at Tom Hannifan on the broadcast table to “Shut up and Let Matt (Rehwoldt) talk more!” before locking in a side headlock on Shelley. Shelley broke the hold, but Anderson kicked Shelley’s back while the referee was distracted. Shelley slammed Anderson into Gallows in the corner off an Irish Whip before tagging in Sabin. Sabin hit a double cross body on Gallows and Anderson before laying in the strikes on Anderson and Gallows. Sabin hit a superkick on Anderson, a running punt on Gallows on the apron, and a cross body on Anderson for a near fall. Sabin & Shelley hit sliding dropkicks on Anderson & Gallows before hitting cross bodies on Anderson & Gallows to the outside before the commercial break. After the break, Shelley had Anderson in an Abdominal Stretch before connecting Anderson with a Dragon Screw to Anderson’s left leg. Sabin hit a dragon screw on Anderson’s left leg on the apron before Shelley hit a second Dragon Screw on Anderson in the corner, this time on Anderson’s right leg onto the mat. Sabin & Shelley then hit leaping dropkicks on Anderson’s legs. Shelley locked in a Figure Four on Anderson’s injured legs, but Shelley broke the hold with a rope break. Sabin and Shelley targetted Anderson’s legs before hitting double chest kick on Anderson. Sabin locked in a side Figure Four on Anderson, but Anderson broke the hold by gauging Sabin’s eyes. Shelley kicked Anderson in the head before locking in a front-ankle lock. Anderson hit an up kick on Shelley, to which Shelley quickly responded by locking in a Guillotine Choke on Anderson. Shelley broke his own hold to attack Gallows on the apron, but Anderson quickly greeted him with a chop to the chest before connecting a vicious spinebuster on Shelley. Gallows and Sabin tagged in, with Gallows hitting lariats, upward slaps, corner splashes & double-clotheslines on Shelley & Sabin. Gallows hit a pump kick on Shelley before connecting Sabin with a superkick. Gallows hit a pump-handle slam on Sabin before he and Anderson attempted the Magic Killer on Sabin, but Sabin kicked Anderson in the face. Shelley & Sabin went for a double suplex on Gallows, but Gallows reversed it with a double-suplex on both Sabin & Shelley. Sabin and Shelley tossed Gallows out of the ring before hitting him with stereo kicks on the apron & lowering the rope to send Anderson flying out of the ring too. Sabin hit a Tope Suicida on Anderson & Gallows to the outside. Shelley & Sabin hit a Dropkick/ Flatliner combination on Anderson for a near fall. Sabin went for the Cradle Shock on Anderson, but Anderson reversed it with the Gun Stun on Sabin for a near fall, broken up by Shelley. Anderson hit an enziguri kick on Sabin before Gallows hit a corner splash on Sabin too. Gallows & Anderson hit a back suplex/ neck breaker combination on Sabin for a near fall. Anderson tagged backing went for another Gun Stun, but Sabin pushed Anderson onto Gallows. Shelley hit an atomic drop on Anderson, which was followed by Sabin hitting a low dropkick on Anderson before Sabin & Shelley hit the Last Chancery/ Leaping low dropkick on Anderson’s face. Shelley and Sabin hit a double enziguri kick on Gallows before hitting a corner Helluva Kick/ enziguri kick on Anderson. Sabin & Shelley hit a Neck breaker/ frog splash combination on Anderson for the pinfall win. The two teams did a collective “Too Sweet” in the middle of the ring and embraced in the ring as the broadcast ended.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).


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