
IMPACT Wrestling Results (6/30/2022): Jordynne Grace vs. Savannah Evans, Ace Austin In Action + More

Results for the 6/30/2022 episode of IMPACT Wresting.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/30/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling, live on AXS TV & YouTube. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– There was a video package showing the proceedings of the 6/23/2022 episode of IMPACT Wrestling, with Honor No More pillmanizing the legs of The Briscoes. Backstage, James Storm tried to convince PCO to join him, Chris Harris & The Good Brothers on their team. Vincent came in to stop the attempt, revealing that he and PCO would face The Good Brothers later in the night. 

 Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the first match. 

Trey Miguel vs Laredo Kid vs Steve Maclin vs Chris Bey. 

Miguel and Bey tossed Laredo Kid and Maclin out of the ring before exchanging tijeras, arm-drags, and other moves before Miguel hit a low drop-kick on Bey. Laredo Kid slapped Miguel before he hit a mid-super kick, a slap, and a face buster for a near fall. Maclin tossed Miguel out of the ring before hitting a Uranage on Laredo Kid. Maclin hit a lariat on Laredo Kid. Maclin got Laredo Kid in a Scorpion choke before Miguel hit a top-rope dropkick on Miguel. Maclin hit a spear on Miguel in the corner for a near fall. Maclin hit a nasty tackle on Laredo Kid for a near fall. Maclin got hit with a super kick by Miguel, followed by a Hurrinacarana from Miguel on Maclin out of the ring. Laredo Kid hit a Tope Suicida on Maclin and Miguel before Bey hit a spring rope Moonsault on Miguel, Laredo Kid, and Maclin. Laredo Kid got a roll-up on Bey for a near fall. Bey hit a pop-up cutter on Laredo Kid for a near fall. Miguel hit a rope-assisted stunner on Bey before hitting a Meteora on Bey for the pin, becoming the #1 Contender for the X-Division Championship.

Winner: Trey Miguel.

– Raven cut a promo from his backyard, talking about the mechanics of the Clockwork Orange Match ahead of Moose vs. Sami Calihan. Raven says he hopes someone gets hurt because it will be fun. 

– Rich Swann vs Brian Myers for the IMPACT Digital Media Championship was announced for Against All Odds, happening on 7/1/2022. 

Gisele Shaw vs Rosemary (w/ Taya Valkyrie).

Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood joined the commentary team for the match. Rosemary rolled from Shaw’s offense before biting Shaw’s forehead. Shaw got Rosemary in a headlock, which Rosemary broke by biting Shaw’s hand. Rosemary slammed Shaw’s head onto the turnbuckle before rolling out of the ring. Back from the commercial break, Shaw hit a lariat on Rosemary for a near fall. Shaw chopped Rosemary in the chest twice before sending Rosemary into a different corner with an Irish Whip. Shaw tried to get Rayne to give a Too Sweet. Shaw hit two uppercuts in the ring corner before hitting a running uppercut on, laying Rosemary on the ground for a near fall. Shaw went for a running knee, but Rosemary evaded the move. Rosemary bit Shaw’s head before hitting a running splash and an Exploder Suplex for a near fall. Shaw hit a spring rope cutter on Rosemary for a near fall. Rosemary hit Shaw with a Scorpion DDT for a near fall. Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood attacked Taya Valkyrie, which led to Shaw hitting a running knee on Rosemary for the pinfall win.

Winner: Gisele Shaw.

– Shaw, Rayne & Dashwood attacked Rosemary after the match before announcing that Shaw was a new member of The Inspiration.

– Mickie James was interviewed by Gia Miller before Deonna Purrazzo and Chelsea Green interrupted. They told James that she only cares about her, pointing out that she did not mention Yim. James, Yim, Green and Purrazzo brawled backstage, with James and Yim standing tall. 

– Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie were backstage, where Rosemary found a ring necklace. The necklace invoked Father James Mitchell before Rosemary asked him where was Havok. Mitchell said he did not know. Rosemary told him to send Havok the message ‘All Hands On Deck”, which Mitchell said that he would deliver the message.

Savannah Evans (w/ Tasha Steelz) vs Jordynne Grace

Evans launched Grace in the corner before hitting multiple corner-spears and a forearm strike. Evans and Grace hit stereo shoulder tackles before Grace tripped Evans and hit a shoulder tackle, sending Evans out of the ring. Evans hit a chokeslam on Grace in the apron before slamming Grace into the ring-post. Evans got back in the ring and got a near fall. Evans carried Grace before slamming her in the ring corner. Evans went for a Doubleunder hook-suplex but Grace evaded with elbow strikes. Evans got Grace in a Full Nelson, but Grace reversed it with a Bulldog. Grace hit two slaps and a back fist on Evans before hitting the Muscle Buster on Evans for the pinfall win for the IMPACT Women’s Champion.

Winner: Jordynne Grace

– There was a video package highlighting Joe Doering’s career ahead of his match against Josh Alexander for the IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship on Against All Odds. 

– IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander was interviewed backstage by Gia Miller and said that it was an honor to retain his championship against Eric Young. Alexander said that Doering was going to be his toughest challenge yet. 

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match

Honor No More (Vincent & PCO) (w/ Mike Bennett, Eddie Edwards, Kenny King, Maria Kanellis & Matt Taven) vs The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) (c) (w/ James Storm).

Vincent and Anderson started the match, with Anderson slamming Vincent across two turn-buckles. Vincent punched Anderson before PCO tagged in. PCO hit a series of punches on Anderson. Vincent hit a guillotine on Vincent on the top rope before PCO punched Anderson. Vincent and PCO hit back elbows on Anderson for a near fall. Vincent hit a low flat liner on Anderson for a near fall. PCO hit a running splash and a DDT on Anderson. PCO went to the middle rope and hit a Leg Drop on Anderson. PCO placed Anderson in the apron before hitting him with the De-Animator on Anderson for a near fall. Vincent got a headlock on Anderson, but Anderson hit a spinebuster on Vincent. Anderson hit two lariats, a running splash, a superkick and a running elbow on Vincent. PCO cleaned house and took out Gallows. Vincent hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Anderson. Vincent went for Redrum (Senton), but Anderson evaded before getting Vincent in a roll-up for the pinfall win.  

Winners & Still IMPACT Tag Team Champions: The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) (w/ James Storm).

– Honor No More attacked The Good Brothers and James Storm and The Good Brothers before Chris Harris ran to the ring. Harris was about to face off before Heath made his IMPACT return. Heath and Harris successfully made the save for The Good Brothers and James Storm by hitting the members of Honor No More with steel pipes. 

– Heath & Chris Harris were announced as the replacements for The Briscoes, teaming with James Storm & The Good Brothers against Honor No More on Against All Odds.

Ace Austin (w/ Chris Bey) vs Alex Zayne.

Austin rolled out of the ring. Austin got back in the ring and stomped down Zayne. Zayne hit a Tijeras and a dropkick on Austin. Austin got to the top turnbuckle, but Zayn caught him with a cartwheel Frankensteiner, sending Austin out of the ring before the commercial break. Austin hit a gut-wrench suplex on Zayne for a near fall. Austin got Zayne in a half-arm bar on Zayne before hitting him with a chop. Austin got Zayne in a Guillotine, but Zayne escaped and hit a short-lariat on Austin. Zayne hit a flipping Leg Drop on Austin for a near fall. Zayne hit the Baha Blast on Austin, leaving both of them laying. Zayne went for the Cinnamon Twist, but Austin rolled out of the ring. Zayne got Austin in a waist lock, but Austin slammed him in the corner before hitting a corner lariat on Zayne. Austin got Zayne in the top rope and tried a tijeras, but Zayne evaded. Austin hit Zayne with a spring rope spinning kick on Zayne. Zayne hit a V-Trigger on Austin. Zayne went for a Tope Suicida, but Bey blocked Zayne, but that did not stop Zayne as he hit a spring rope Moonsault on Bey and Austin. Bey distracted Zayne, which led to Austin hitting Zayne with The Fold for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Ace Austin (w/ Chris Bey).

Frankie Kazarian vs Chris Sabin (w/ Alex Shelley).

This was Brian Hebner’s last match referee. Kazarian and Sabin locked up before Kazarian did an arm drag and a headlock toss, which Sabin broke with head scissors on Kazarian. Kazarian hit another headlock takedown, but Sabin stood up before they stared each other down. Sabin got Kazarian in a headlock before Kazarian broke the hold with head scissors before they stared each other again. Kazarian got Sabin in a headlock before transitioning into a takedown pinfall attempt for a near fall, which Sabin reversed the with a crucifix pin for a near fall. Sabin hit a low dropkick on Kazarian before driving Kazarian’s injured knees into the ring. Sabin got Kazarian with a Dragon Screw before locking in a Figure Four, but Kazarian got a rope break. Kazarian hit a leg drop on Sabin before hitting a senton casita for a near fall. Kazarian hit a lariat on Sabin. Kazarian hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Sabin for a near fall. Kazarian hit fisherman suplex on Sabin for a near fall. Kazarian got Sabin in a back-targeted pin for a near fall before he hit Sabin with a running double-forearm strike. Sabin hit a sunset flip on Kazarian for a near fall. Sabin tossed Kazarian over the top rope and tried to kick him, but Kazarian slammed Sabin on the apron. Kazarian hit Sabin in the ring post before the commercial break. Kazarian hit a back suplex on Sabin for a near fall before quickly transitioning into a guillotine choke. Sabin hit a knee strike, running forearm strikes, and a back body drop on Kazarian. Sabin hit Kazarian with a DDT for a near fall. Sabin hit a low dropkick on Kazarian before hitting a Tope Suicida on Kazarian on the outside of the ring. Sabin hit a cross body on Kazarian for a near fall. Sabin went for the cradle shock, but Kazarian reversed it into a sleeper hold before getting him in a small package for a near fall. Kazarian hit bodyslam and a springboard leg drop on Sabin for a near fall. Sabin went for another tope suicida, but Kazarian intercepted it with a forearm strike before hitting Sabin with a spring rope DDT on Sabin for a near fall. Kazarian placed Sabin on the top rope. Sabin and Kazarian brawled before Sain took him off the turnbuckle. Sabin got down from the top rope before attempting a Tornado DDT, but Kazarian reversed it with a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Kazarian went for a springboard cross body on Sabin out of the ring, but Sabin caught him with a super kick before hitting him with a Tornado DDT on the outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Kazarian tossed Sabin with a cutter for a near fall. Kazarian tried to lift Sabin, but Sabin caught him with the Cradle Shock for an extremely close near fall. Sabin went to the top rope, but Kazarian ran the ropes to take Sabin down. Kazarian hit a Superplex on Sabin, but Sabin reacted quickly and got a small package on Kazarian for a near fall. Kazarian and Sabin exchanged strikes before Sabin hit a superkick on Sabin. Kazarian hit Sabin with a Claymore Kick, which Sabin got up quickly and hit him with an enziguri kick. Sabin took off his elbow pad to go for a lariat, but Kazarian reversed it with a German Suplex. Sabin stood back up with fire before hitting Kazarian with the Clothesline From Hell, Michigan. Sabin hit another Cradle Shock for the pinfall win. Sabin, Alex Shelley, and Kazarian embraced in the middle of the ring, with the three IMPACT Originals standing tall to end the show.

Winner: Chris Sabin (w/ Alex Shelley).



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