
IMPACT Wrestling Results (6/23): Josh Alexander Faces Deaner, Mia Yim In-Action, More

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for IMPACT Wrestling (6/23/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.


  • Josh Alexander vs. Deaner
  • Mia Yim vs. Chelsea Green
  • Bhupinder Gujjar & Shark Boy vs. Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice

Live Coverage

The show begins and we see a video recap of this past weekend’s Slammiversary pay-per-view.

 We then head to the ringside area and our commentary team of Tom Phillips and Matt Rehwoldt welcome us to tonight’s show.

 Honor No More make their way down to the ring. Eddie Edwards says even though Slammiversary was this past Sunday, the celebration will continue, tonight. Edwards says the company left Nashville, Tennessee because they wanted to reach new heights. Edwards says Honor No More didn’t lose at Slammiversary, PCO did. Vincent says he brought PCO back for Honor No More and they should be talking more about Traci Brooks attacking Maria Kanellis last Sunday and D’Lo Brown helping out the IMPACT Originals and how Earl Hebner called the 1-2-3 even though he wasn’t the referee for the match. Matt Taven says Honor No More saves the ratings for IMPACT on a weekly basis and ROH would’ve closed up shop in 2019 if it weren’t for him. James Storm and Chris Harris’ music hits and out come America’s Most Wanted. Storm says he and Harris grew up at a time where they had to earn respect from their peers as well as the fans. Storm calls Honor No More ‘bums’ and if they weren’t ‘bums’, they would’ve taken the loss this weekend and used it to improve. Kenny King calls Storm washed up and Harris tells King that if he keeps talking, he’s going to make him cry worse than he did on ‘The Bachelorette’. Harris says he and Storm came in together and they’ll go out together and while mingling backstage at Slammiversary, they met some ‘friends’. Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson of the Good Brothers’ music hits and out they come. Everyone brawls, The Briscoes rush the ring and the join in and we head to a commercial break.

— Back from the break and Honor No More is shown backstage. IMPACT EVP Scott D’Amore shows up and Honor No More say they D’Amore needs to do something about the attack, earlier tonight. D’Amore says that at Against All Odds, they’ll face The Good Brothers, The Briscoes and James Storm. D’Amore adds that tonight’s main event will be Eddie Edwards, Mike Bennett and Matt Taven against James Storm and The Briscoes. Honor No More look frustrated and exit.

Mia Yim vs. Chelsea Green (with Deonna Purrazzo)

Yim with an arm drag to start. Yim rolls up Green but Green kicks out then shoves Yim to the corner and plants her with a slam then goes for a cover of her own but Yim lifts the shoulders after a two-count. Yim trips Green to the mat then scoops and slams her to the mat and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Green’s working over Yim in the middle of the ring. Green cracks Yom with a pump kick and the fight spills to the outside. Green bounces Yim’s head off the commentary table then sends her back into the ring. Green drills Yim with an elbow drop then goes for the cover but Yim kicks out. Yim trips Green to the mat, goes up top and nails Green with a missile drop kick.

Yim plants Green with a German suplex then goes for the pin but Green kicks out. Yim goes back up top, Purrazzo trips her off the top turnbuckle, Mickie James rushes down to the ring and takes out Purrazzo. Yim cracks Green with Eat Defeat for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Mia Yim

 Gia Miller’s shown backstage with Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood of The Influence. Rayne says she has a fractured nose and if Tenille didn’t kick her in the face, she wouldn’t have the injury. Gisele Shaw comes in and asks The Influence if they want to team up with her. Tenille says no but Rayne convinces her to change her mind and we head to a commercial break.

Bhupinder Gujjar & Shark Boy vs. Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice

Swinger and Shark start this one off. Both quickly tag out to Dice and Gujjar, respectively and Gujjar slams Dice to the mat and makes the tag back to Shark. Everyone’s in the ring and brawls, Dice plants Shark with some forearms then a slam by Shark escapes to make the tag to Gujjar, who cracks Dice with a Samoan Drop and goes for the cover but Swinger makes the save. Gujjar tosses Swinger out of the ring, goes to the middle rope and nails Dice with a diving spear for the three-count!

Winners – Bhupinder Gujjar & Shark Boy

 After the match, Joe Doering and Deaner rush the ring and take everyone out. Deaner grabs a microphone and shouts out Josh Alexander and says he and Doering aren’t going anywhere until Alexander makes his way to the ring and we head to a commercial break.

Josh Alexander vs. Deaner (with Joe Doering)

Alexander plants Deaner with a scoop and slam then goes for the cover but Deaner kicks out. Alexander clocks Deaner with a forearm then a back breaker then another pin but Deaner lifts the shoulders. Deaner rakes Alexander’s eyes then dumps him out of the ring and launches him into the ring post before tossing the champion back into the ring. Alexander drills Deaner with a pump kick then a Northern Lights Suplex then goes for the cover but Deaner kicks out. Alexander nails Deaner with four German suplexes then applied an ankle lock and Deaner taps.

Winner – Josh Alexander

 Gia Miller’s backstage with Frankie Kazarian. Gia asks Frankie about hit it felt to win at Slammiversary. Frankie says that 20-years ago, he was just an up-and-comer and he was just happy to meet Christopher Daniels and Chris Sabin. Kazarian challenges Sabin to a match, next week.

Sami Callihan vs. Jack Price

Callihan sends Price to the corner then wallops him with a clothesline followed by the Cactus Driver for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Sami Callihan

 After the match, Moose rushes the ring and he and Callihan brawl. Moose sends Callihan through the commentary table with a flatliner and we head to a commercial break.

 Back from the break and it’s time for our main event of the evening.

Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. James Storm & The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe)

Mark and Taven start this one off. Taven drills Mark with a drop kick then makes the quick tag to Bennett. Mark fires back with some chops to the chest. A brawl breaks out, Edwards and Jay end up as the legal competitors. Storm’s tagged in and he immediately sends both Taven and Bennett out of the ring. Jay takes out Honor No More in the outside with a dive through the ropes and Mark follows suit but with a moonsault to all members of Honor No More and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break Edwards and Storm are the legal participants. Edwards applies a headlock on Storm but Storm escapes and makes the tag to Jay but the referee didn’t see it and Storm has to stay in the ring. Edwards sends Storm to the corner but Storm fights out with some punches and nails Edwards with a backstabber before making the tag to Mark.

Edwards makes the tag to Bennett and a brawl breaks out on the outside with everyone else. Mark nails Bennett with the DVD and goes up too but Taven trips Mark and he and Bennett hit the Proton Pack for the three-count!

Winners – Honor No More

 After the match, Honor No More stands tall over The Briscoes and James Storm as the show goes off the air!

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