
IMPACT Wrestling Results (1/27/22): The IInspiration Face Madison Rayne And Kaleb With A K + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage for the 1/27/22 edition IMPACT Wrestling!

The show begins with a video package showing highlights from last week’s show and we head to the arena where play-by-play man Tom Hannifan announces that Matt Rehwoldt will be the new color commentator during D’Lo Brown’s absence following the attack from ‘Honor No More’, two weeks ago.

Chris Bey vs. Jake Something

Bey comes right out with a drop-kick to Jake, then a boot to the face and a flip over the top rope but Jake catches him and tosses him down directly on his back. Bey slides out of the ring to recover, lures Jake out and Bey nails him with a sliding kick through the bottom rope, Bey then goes for a flip off the apron, Jake catches him and plants him on the apron with a power-bomb. Back in the ring, Bey tosses Jake out of the ring and nails him with a flip over the top rope. Bey gets Jake back into the ring, unloads strikes to a downed Jake, goes for the cover but Jake kicks out before one. Bey gets Jake down with a neck-breaker counter off of a slam attempt from Jake, Bey goes for another cover but Jake kicks out at two. Bey unloads some more strikes, goes for another cover but Jake, again lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Jake powers to his feet, Bey locks onto his back with a rear-naked choke, Jake tries to break the hold by backing up into a corner, but to no avail, Jake slams himself back against the mat but Bey remains locked-in under Jake’s neck. Jake finally escapes the hold, both men struggle to their feet but finally do, Jake unloads a few heavy shots, goes for the jackknife power-bomb, Bey slides out into a cover, Jake kicks out at two, Bey slides back onto Jake’s back but Jake tosses Bey’s hurricanes a attempt aside and plants him with a power-bomb, goes for the cover but Bey kicks out at two-and-a-half. Bey goes for the Art of Finesse, Jake flips him out of the way, clubs Bey with a forearm, then a spear in the corner, goes for Into The Void but Bey counters with a reverse hurricanrana, goes for the cover but Jake stays alive after lifting the shoulder at two-and-a-half. Bey looks for a kick, Jake catches his leg, Bey drills him with a kick with the other leg, Jake kips right up and lays out Bey with a running clothesline. Bey reverses a slam, goes up top, dives down on Jake, who catches him and plants him with a power-bomb and he gets the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winner – Jake Something

After the match, Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa of G.O.D. come down to the ring and attack Jake on Bey’s behalf but ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey comes down to even the odds but Jay White attacks Bailey from behind and the Bullet Club stands strong. Commentary runs down the rest of tonight’s card and we see Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, PCO, Vincent and Maria Kanellis of ‘Honor No More’ enter the IMPACT Zone as we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Josh Alexander, Eddie Edwards, Rich Swann, Rhino and Chris Sabin are in the ring arguing with Honor No More from afar and IMPACT Wrestling EVP Scott D’Amore comes down to the ring and Maria Kanellis proposes a tag team match between the IMPACT wrestlers in the ring and their group from ROH. D’Amore says they don’t deserve a shot but if they wanna do business, that’s no problem and No Surrender they’ll get their match. ROH’s best against IMPACT’s best and if team ROH wins, they can stay but if they lose, they’re not allowed in the building ever again. D’Amore says tonight’s main event will be Chris Sabin against PCO.

Backstage, we see Madison Rayne and Kaleb with a K. Kaleb says it’s a good thing tonight’s match between them and The IInspiration isn’t for the Knockouts Tag Titles because it would be odd if a man was a Knockouts Champion. Madison says it’s not about that, tonight is about sending a message to Jessie and Cassie that she [Madison] and Tenille are coming for their tag titles. Madison tells Kaleb not to screw it up and walks out as we head to another commercial break.

The IInspiration (Jessie McKay & Cassie Lee) vs. The Influence (Madison Rayne & Kaleb with a K)

Cassie and Madison start this one off. Cassie gets the better of a quick exchange and Madison tags-in Kaleb. Cassie hits Kaleb with a hurricanrana then she tags-in Jessie, who goes for a sunset flip but Kaleb powers out, Jessie bounces off the ropes, Cassie comes in and they nail Kaleb with a double-kick. Madison comes in, knocks Cassie out of the ring and Kaleb plants a super-kick right on Jessie’s temple and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Cassie’s in the ring being worked over by Madison, who keeps the advantage for a moment before tagging in Kaleb, who gets hit in his ‘man parts’ and is forced to tag back in Madison. Jessie works over Madison for a bit, Madison makes a blind tag to Kaleb, Jessie doesn’t see it and gets blindsided by Kaleb, who then takes a selfie with Jessie but Jessie kicks Kaleb in the face, tags-in Cassie, Kaleb goes for the roll-up, Cassie spins out and rolls Kaleb up but Kaleb kicks out at two. Cassie drills Kaleb with a sunset flip, goes for the cover and gets the three-count and the win!

Winners – The IInspiration

Backstage Jake Something is with ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey and Jake thanks Mike for saving him from the beat down against the Bullet Club. Ace Austin and Madman Fulton come in and Ace says he would’ve helped but he thought they had it themselves. Jake says Ace is too busy trying to sleep with Eddie Edwards’ wife, Mike says they could use Ace and Fulton’s help against the Bullet Club, Ace says he would love to but says they can’t speak matches into existence without management approval. Gail Kim walks in and says she loves that idea and books Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Mike Bailey and Jake Something against Jay White, Chris Bey, Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa for next week and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we see another vignette for ‘The Quintessential Diva’ Gisele Shaw, who’s ‘coming soon’ to IMPACT Wrestling. We then see VBD and the Good Brothers backstage and Karl Anderson says G.O.D. is coming for their IMPACT Tag Team Championship and their business arraignment is to get rid of all of the challengers for their [Karl and Doc’s] titles and they need ‘an injection of violence’ to get rid of the Bullet Club. Eric Young says business will continue and agrees to help Karl and Doc.

Back to the ring and Gail Kim introduced IMPACT Knockouts World Champion Mickie James for the state of the knockouts division address. Every member of the knockouts division is surrounding the ring and Mickie begins her address. Mickie calls Gail the best champion in knockouts history and says she wouldn’t be where she was if it weren’t for Gail and every woman that’s standing around the ring. Mickie shouts out Knockouts Tag Team Champions The IInspiration and Digital Media Champion Jordynne Grace then congratulated all of the women who took part in the first-ever knockouts ultimate x match at Hard To Kill. Mickie congratulates Deonna on being a great opponent then calls her one of the worst humans on the planet and the worst person she’s ever met. Deonna interrupts and calls the address a waste of everybody’s time. Deonna says she’s the greatest knockout in history and she doesn’t need to hear about how everyone is great because ‘they both know’ that’s a lie. Deonna leaves, Mickie says she’s just proving her point and begins a na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye chant. Mickie says speaking of herstory, she’ll be making it this weekend when she competes in the WWE women’s Royal Rumble match and says she’ll be bringing the IMPACT Knockouts Women’s Championship to WrestleMania and she’ll put her title on the line in a title vs. title bout in the main event. Chelsea Green comes in the ring and says Mickie shouldn’t be saying ‘if’ she wins the rumble because she’s ‘Mickie freaking James’. Chelsea runs down Mickie’s accolades and says it’s not if, it’s when she wins the rumble and then asks for the first shot at the title after the rumble. Tasha Steelz, alongside Savannah Evans comes in the ring and says nobody cares about what Chelsea wants. Tasha says she’s beaten Chelsea twice and as far as she’s concerned, Chelsea’s officially a non-factor to her. Tasha says she was apart of the first Knockours Tag Team Titles winners once the titles returned and says she won the first-ever women’s ultimate x match. Tasha takes out Mickie, Chelsea drills Tasha and Savannah blasts Chelsea. Mickie attacks Tasha, Chelsea takes out Savannah and Mickie dumps Tasha out of the ring and Mickie’s music hits.

Backstage, Gia Miller’s with Steve Maclin and Gia asks Maclin’s thoughts about his loss to ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham last week. Maclin says that was under Pure Rules and this isn’t Ring of Honor, this is IMPACT Wrestling and that should count. Gia notes that it does count in the official record book, Maclin yells at her to leave and starts throwing production equipment around as IMPACT officials try to calm him down but Jonathan Gresham comes in and says next week, Maclin can have his rematch but it won’t be for the ROH World Title and it won’t be a Pure Rules match. Maclin says Gresham already knows his answer and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Digital Media Champion Jordynne Grace says Matt Cardona was a pioneer but back when MySpace was still relevant. Grace says MySpace isn’t relevant neither is Matt Cardona. Grace accepts Matt’s challenge from last week and says when he loses, she just asks that he doesn’t complain about it online.

W. Morrissey vs. Learning Tree (Zicky Dice, VSK and 7 unnamed partners) — 9-on-1 Handicap Match

Morrissey takes out Dice and two of the unnamed men. Morrissey takes out VSK then two of the other unnamed men out. Morrissey tosses VSK out of the ring. Morrissey nails one of the unnamed men onto the back of Zicky Dice and the big man pins both men for the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winner – W. Morrissey

After the match, Brian Myers, who joined Hannifan and Rehwoldt on commentary, sucker punches Morrissey, who tosses Myers aside and IMPACT World Champion Moose attacks him front behind. The other members of the Learning Tree join the attack, Morrissey tosses them all aside and Moose comes up from behind and nails him with a spear. Moose hoists the title above his head and stands over Morrissey’s motionless body as we head to a break.

JONAH vs. Johnny Swinger

JONAH headbutts Swinger, who takes JONAH’s eyes in response as the camera pans to Dan Lambert who’s seated in the crowd. JONAH slams Swinger and nails him with a senton then goes up top and drills Swinger with a top rope splash and gets the three count on the ensuing pin attempt for the win!

Winner – JONAH

After the match JONAH tosses Swinger out of the ring and Decay makes the save. JONAH and Black Taurus stare each other down as JONAH exits the ring-side area. Commentary then announces that Matt Cardona will challenge Jordynne Grace for the IMPACT Digital Media Championship and Jonathan Gresham will face Steve Maclin on next week’s show and we head to a break before our main event of the evening.

PCO (with Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, Vincent & Maria Kanellis) vs. Chris Sabin (with Eddie Edwards, Rich Swann, Josh Alexander & Rhino)

PCO and Sabin lock-up to start. PCO gets the better of the exchange and works over Sabin’s arm. PCO continues the attack and Eddie Edwards gets himself and the rest of Sabin’s backup ejected from the ringside area after he trips up PCO and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and PCO is in control for a bit before Sabin counters with a drop-kick and some high-paced offense then goes up top and Mike Bennett trips him off the top turnbuckle as Maria Kanellis distracts the referee which allows PCO to capitalize with a full-nelson slam for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – PCO

After the match, Honor No More rushes the ring to attack Sabin but team IMPACT come back down to make the save and the teams stare each other down from afar as the show goes off-the-air.

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