
IMPACT Wrestling Presents Brace For IMPACT Results!

IMPACT Wrestling has their first ever live event on Twitch tonight at 8PM EST with the debut of Brace for IMPACT!

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This is the Fightful.com live coverage for the debut episode of IMPACT Wrestling's first ever live streaming event on their official Twitch channel! No matches have been announced, but they are working in association with Wrestle Pro out of New Jersey so we're likely to see plenty of new names and much more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

Reality Check vs Delroy, Habib & CAQ

CAQ and KM start the match off, the two trying to knock each other over before CAQ hits a series of arm drags into a dropkick. Chris and Delroy tag in and Delroy takes control before Habib tags in and hits a spinning wheel kick into a tilt-a-whirl head scissor. Habib hits a 619 to KM, then Chris hits a superkick before tagging KM in, KM chopping Habib in the corner before tossing him across the ring. KM drags Habib over to his corner and Chris tags in before Reality Check hit a series of double team moves. Habib finally tags Delroy in and he hits a series of spinebusters to all three members of Reality Check before tagging CAQ back in. Everyone then hits a move before CAQ hits what is referred to as the Q Line for the pin and the win.

Winner: Habib, Delroy & CAQ defeat Reality Check via pinfall when CAQ pins Chris with the Q Line

-After the match Colby Covington comes out to have a match with someone he claims to be UFC Welterweight Champion Tyron Woodley.

Colby Covington vs Tyquil Woodley

Colby immediately knocks the guy out with a kick.

Winner: Colby Covington defeats Tyquil Woodley via referee stoppage with a kick to the head.

Matt Sydal vs Chris Payne

-The Heavenly Bodies attack Matt before the match starts, then Chris and Matt team up to face The Heavenly Bodies.

Matt Sydal & Chris Payne vs The Heavenly Bodies

HB double team Chris to start the match before Matt comes in and he and Chris clear the ring before Chris hits a diving cross body over the top rope and to the floor. HB send Matt off of the top and to the floor before double teaming Chris for a near fall. HB tag in and out and keep Chris isolated in their corner before he hits a suplex and finally tags Matt in and Matt hits a shooting star press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Chris Payne & Matt Sydal defeat Heavenly Bodies via pinfall with a shooting star press.

Moose vs Shawn Donovan

Donovan attacks Moose before the match starts and drops him with a shoulder block before playing. Moose comes back with a dropkick that sends Donovan out of the ring and hits a European uppercut and a series of chops at ringside. Moose drops Donovan with a boot before Donovan sends Moose into the steps and rolls him back into the ring. Donovan hits a snapmare into a neckbreaker before playing to the crowd, then drops Moose with a back elbow that sends him out of the ring. Donovan then  beats on Moose at ringside before Moose comes back with a flurry of offense, finishing up with a buckle bomb into a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose defeats Shawn Donovan via pinfall with a buckle bomb into a spear.

Braxton Sutter & Allie vs Nikos Rikos & Nikki Rikos

Nikos and Braxton go back and forth to start the match before Braxton hits a powerslam and Nikos tags Nikki in. Nikki hits Allie with a series of forearms before Allie comes back with a sliding lariat for a quick two count, then Braxton tags back in and Nikki slaps him before tagging Nikos back in. Nikos hits a jumping double foot stomp for a quick two count before hitting him with a series of right hands in the corner. Nikos tags Nikki in and she chokes Braxton in the corner before Nikos tags back in and gets a quick two count before hitting a gutbuster when he catches Braxton in midair for another quick two count. Allie and Nikki tag in and Allie sends Nikki into the corner before dropkicking her, then Nikki rolls out of the ring and Allie hits Nikos with a series of forearms. Allie tags Braxton back in and Nikos tries to get a three count with his feet on the ropes for leverage, but the referee notices before Allie and Nikki brawl at ringside. Nikos then hits a backstabber in all of the chaos for the pin and the win.

Winner: Nikos Rikos & Nikki Rikos defeat Braxton Sutter & Allie via pinfall when Nikos hits Braxton with a backstabber.

-Eddie Edwards comes out and says something, but the audio quality in the arena is too bad before Bobby Wayward comes out to the ring and the two square off. Loud booing drowns out anything Bobby says before they chant that Bobby sucks and Bobby says that Eddie and everyone is afraid of him and that Eddie won't wrestle him. Eddie has Teddy Hart come out and face Bobby instead.

Bobby Wayward vs Teddy Hart

Bobby attacks Teddy before the match starts and beats on him in the corner until the referee makes him back off. Bobby smashes Teddy's face into the top turnbuckle repeatedly before they get out of the ring and Bobby sends Teddy into the railing and the apron repeatedly. They get back in the ring and Bobby plays to the crowd before hitting a series of shoulder tackles in the corner, then Teddy gets a near fall off of a roll up only to be turned inside out with a lariat. Teddy gets out of a series of submissions before Bobby whips him into the corner and hits an exploder suplex. Teddy locks in a kneebar out of nowhere, but Bobby is quick to the ropes for the break, then Teddy gets a near fall off of a sunset flip.

Teddy hits a lumbar check and a series of kicks before hitting an electric chair lumbar check and an avalanche code red for a very close near fall. Bobby then uses the ropes for leverage to pin Teddy for the win.

Winner: Bobby Wayward defeats Teddy Hart via pinfall when he uses the ropes for leverage for the pin.

Anthony Bowens vs Macintosh vs Eli Drake

Macintosh attacks Anthony before the match starts and Eli takes out both Anthony and Macintosh before Anthony counters a Gravy Train and hits Eli with a series of right hands in the corner. Anthony hits a spinning sit-out facebuster for a quick two count before Macintosh hits a DVD into the corner and a superkick for a quick two count. Eli and Macintosh beat Anthony down and start working together momentarily before Eli hits a neckbreaker for a quick two count. Macintosh and Eli continue to work together until they start arguing over who will cover Anthony. Eli and Macintosh exchange strikes before Anthony superkicks Macintosh and hits an ushigaroshi to Eli for a near fall.

Macintosh hits a Michinoku driver for a near fall before Eli hits a uranage and a suplex, then Eli goes for the Gravy Train, but Macintosh superkicks him and sends him out of the ring. Anthony then pins Macintosh after Eli is sent out of the ring and to the floor for the win.

Winner: Anthony Bowens defeats Eli Drake & Macintosh via pinfall when he pins Macintosh.

Fallah Bahh vs Alberto El Patron

Alberto attacks Bahh, but Bahh tosses Alberto into the corner and hits him with a series of right hands only for Alberto to come back with a series of right hands of his own. They get out of the ring and brawl around ringside before Bahh spits water in the face of Alberto and tosses Alberto back into the ring. Alberto comes back with an enzuigiri before putting Alberto in a headlock that he fights out of, then Alberto locks in an armbar in the ropes until the count of four. Alberto hits a double axe handle off of the top for a quick two count before Bahh hits a splash and collapses to the mat. Bahh hits a running splash into a Samoan drop for a near fall before Alberto hits an armbreaker into a backstabber for a near fall. Bahh hits a huge splash for a near fall, Alberto grabbing the bottom rope at the last second before rolling out of the ring.

Alberto then gets back in the ring and puts Bahh in a variation of the tree of woe before hitting a diving double foot stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alberto El Patron defeats Fallah Bahh via pinfall with a diving double foot stomp

Dan Maff vs Johnny Impact

They lock up to start the match before Dan pushes Johnny away and plays to the crowd before Dan turns Johnny inside out with a lariat and plays to the crowd some more as Johnny gets out of the ring to regroup. Johnny gets back in the ring and poses and plays to the crowd before they have a pose off and Johnny kicks Dan in the midsection. Johnny hits Dan with a series of European uppercuts before Dan comes back with chops that sends Johnny into a heap in the corner. Johnny hits a dropkick for a quick two count before Dan chops Johnny in the corner and hits a powerslam for a near fall. Johnny hits a springboard roundhouse kick before Dan hits a huge sit-out pop-up powerbomb for a very close near fall.

Johnny gets his knees up when Dan goes for a senton, then the two exchange strikes until Dan sends Johnny out of the ring and hits a tope to the outside. Dan rolls Johnny back into the ring and hits a lariat for a near fall before Johnny dropkicks him in midair and hits Starship Pain for a very close near fall. They then exchange strikes until Johnny counters a chokeslam and hits Starship Pain for the pin and the win.

Winner: Johnny Impact defeats Dan Maff via pinfall with the Starship Pain

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