
IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV Results 9/28 Victory Road 2017!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV. Tonight we have a great show as it's Victory Road 2017 live and free on TV! In our main event Eli Drake defends his IMPACT World Championship against Johnny Impact, OVE challenge LAX for the GFW World Tag Team Championship and more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

Petey Williams vs Trevor Lee

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before Petey hits a huricanrrana in the corner and dropkicks the back of the neck before sending him out of the ring. Lee gets back in the ring and hits a PK when Petey is distracted by Caleb at ringside. They get back in the ring and Lee stomps Petey and beats on him in the corner before hitting a lariat for a near fall. Petey fights back and hits a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall before hitting a flat liner for another near fall. Petey hits a tope to the outside and takes out Caleb before hitting a sling shot DDT and the Canadian Destroyer for a near fall that Caleb breaks up. They then counter each other before Lee hits a jumping double foot stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Trevor Lee via pinfall

Six-Woman Tag Team Match

Rosemary and Taya start the match with Rosemary locking in a tarantula before Gail tags in and hits a series of arm drags. Gail hits a huricanrrana before sending Sienna out of the ring and Allie sending Taryn out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Gail beats on Sienna in the corner before Sienna tosses her into the ring post, Taya hitting running knees in the corner before tagging Taryn in, Taryn hitting a spinning facebuster before Gail misses a running cross body. Allie tags in and hits a sliding lariat before her and Rosemary double team Sienna. Everyone hits a move in the ring, then at ringside before Sienna pins Rosemary for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sienna via pinfall

-We get a video package with Joseph Park and Grado, then Johnny Impact is interviewed about his match later tonight before James Storm comes out and cuts a promo before Texano comes out to the ring. They exchange words before he gets in the ring and they brawl until Fantasma comes out and helps Texano, only for James to take them both out. They team up on James and beat him with a rope before playing to the crowd and humiliating Storm before EC3 comes out and saves him.

LAX vs OVE GFW World Tag Team Championship Match

Dave and Santana start the match off in the ring before Santana hits a side Russian leg sweep off of the top rope off of the distraction by Ortiz as we go to commercial.

Ortiz is in control of Dave as we come back from commercial, tossing him out of the ring as the rest of LAX beats on him. LAX double team Dave until Dave manages to tag Jake in. Jake takes out Ortiz momentarily before LAX hit their finisher, but only get a near fall before OVE hit their finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: OVE via pinfall

Eli Drake vs Johnny Impact GFW World Championship Match

Johnny is all over Eli to start the match before Eli drops him with a back elbow. Johnny sends Eli out of the ring with a dropkick before they get back in the ring and Johnny hits a draping spinning neckbreaker for a near fall. Johnny hits a leg lariat before Chris trips him and the referee bars him from ringside as we go to commercial.

Johnny is in control as we come back from commercial, suplexing Eli onto the ramp before rolling him back into the ring for a near fall. Eli retakes control of the match, playing to the crowd and beating on Johnny with elbows before hitting a sling shot into the middle rope for a near fall. Eli hits a neckbreaker for a near fall when Johnny misses a splash in the corner, then puts a rear chin lock on him that Johnny is quick to power out of. Johnny hits a spinning leg drop for a near fall then hits a standing moonsault for yet another near fall before hitting a standing Spanish fly as we go to commercial.

They exchange strikes as we come back from commercial before Eli clotheslines Johnny for a near fall. Eli turns the referee inside out before Johnny hits a superkick, then Eli drops him with the belt for a near fall when another referee comes out to the ring. Eli kills that referee before Chris comes back and beats on Johnny with Eli. Eli accidentally kills Chris with the belt before Johnny hits a spinning neckbreaker for a very close near fall. Eli uses the referee as a shield before low blowing Johnny and hitting his finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eli Drake via pinfall

-After the match Eli mocks and degrades Impact before they beat on him some more until Garza JR comes out and saves him. LAX show up and kill them out of nowhere before Jim Cornette comes out and makes them stop after Konnan attacks a fan and personnel as we go off the air.

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