
IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV Results 3/29 Austin Aries vs Matt Sydal Title vs Title Match, X-Division Fatal Four Way & More!

IMPACT Wrestling tonight at 8PM EST on POP TV!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV. Tonight we have a packed show as in our main event we have a title versus title match when Austin Aries puts his IMPACT Championship on the line against Matt Sydal's IMPACT Grand Championship, Lashley faces Brian Cage for the first time and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

X-Division Fatal Four Way

Everyone brawls to start the match before it's just Petey and and Taiji in the ring, then everyone gets in the ring and hits a move. Taiji hits a 619 to Suicide before Petey puts Taiji in a Boston crab that Suicide breaks up, then Raju hits a tope to the outside and takes out Suicide and Petey. Taiji hits a triangle moonsault to the outside and takes everyone out before Taiji and Petey get back in the ring and exchange strikes. Raju hits a series of neckbreakers for a near fall that Taiji breaks up before Taiji hits a 450 splash for a near fall. Pete then hits the Canadian destroyer to Suicide for the pin and the win.

Winner: Petey Williams via pinfall with a Canadian destroyer to Suicide.

-Su Yung has a squash match against local talent before Taya and Rosemary brawl backstage. We then cut to highlights of Fallah Bahh and KM having a match in an indie promotion as we go to commercial.

Lashley vs Brian Cage

Brian is in control to start the match, showing off his strength and overpowering Lashley and sending him out of the ring before he gets back in the ring and hits a side slam for a quick two count. Lashley catches Brian up top and hits a side slam for a quick two count before hitting a spear for a near fall. Lashley sends Brian out of the ring before he gets back in the ring and Lashley spears him in the corner for a near fall. Lashley then counters the Drill Claw before hitting a discus lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Cage defeats Lashley via pinfall with a discus lariat.

-We have Eddie Edwards confronting oVe in an indie promotion where he beats on Sami until the Crist brothers pull him off and the three beat Eddie down. 

IMPACT Championship vs IMPACT Grand Championship Match

Austin Aries (c) vs Matt Sydal (c)

They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks and flips, then standing switches until Aries gets a quick two count after taking Matt down. Matt rolls out of the ring to catch his breath before getting back in the ring and playing to the crowd. They counter each other until Austin hits a dropkick for a quick two count as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial to Austin in control, having Matt in a unique submission before turning it into a pinning predicament for a near fall. Austin hits a snapmare into an elbow drop to the back of his neck before Matt starts focusing on the injured left leg of Austin. Austin catches Matt going for a springboard move before they get out of the ring and Austin beats on him at ringside. They get back in the ring and counter each other until Matt drops Austin with a series of kicks. Matt hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall before  Josh distracts Austin and drops him with a discus lariat for a near fall. 

Austin gets distracted by Josh once again, then hits a discus forearm into a dropkick in the corner before hitting a brainbuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Austin Aries becomes the new IMPACT Grand Championship and defends his IMPACT Championship by defeating Matt Sydal via pinfall with a brainbuster.

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