
IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV Results 12/14 Knockouts Championship Match, The Cult of Lee vs Dezmond Xavier & Taiji Ishimori & More!

IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV at 8PM EST!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV. Tonight we have a great show as Sienna defends her Knockouts championship against Rosemary, the Cult of Lee takes on Dezmond Xavier and Taiji Ishimori and much more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

-We open the show with Rosemary cutting a promo about how she'll become the new Knockouts champion. 

Sienna vs. KC Spinelli vs. Allie vs. Madison Rayne

Everyone goes after Allie to start the match before KC and Madison start focusing on Sienna. KC dropkicks Sienna out onto the apron before Madison sends her onto the floor. KC attacks Madison from behind and gets a quick two count before Madison goes for a cross body, but gets caught in midair and KC hits a Nothern lights suplex for a quick two count. Allie gets back in the ring and takes out both Sienna and KC out and sends them to the outside. Madison beats on Allie before Sienna gets back in and hits a boot to Madison for a near fall, then Madison and SIenna exchange strikes before Madison goes for another cross body and Sienna catches her and hits a fall away slam for another near fall that Allie breaks up.

Sienna picks Madison up and tosses her onto KC and Allie before everyone gangs up on Sienna. Everyone hits a move, then Allie stacks everyone in the corner and hits a running back elbow before getting a near fall off of a code breaker. Allie then hits a DVD before countering the AK-47 and rolls Sienna up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Allie via pinfall

The Cult of Lee (Trevor Lee & Caleb Konley) vs Taiji Ishimori & Dezmond Xavier

Taiji and Lee start the match off before Dezmond tags in and they hit a double dropkick for a quick two count. Lee and Caleb then send Dezmond to the outside and to the floor as we go to commercial.

Lee is in control as we come back from commercial, Lee and Caleb tagging in and out and keeping Dezmond isolated before Dezmond finally tags Taiji in. Taiji comes in and takes both of them out before he goes for a 450 splash, but Caleb stops him before he and Lee tie Dezmond to the tree of woe. Caleb goes up top, but Dezmond sends him off of the top before Taiji rolls Lee up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Taiji Ishimori & Dezmond Xavier via pinfall

-Dan Lambert talks about American Top Team before we get a recap of Lashley and Dan versus Moose and James last week.

-We get an old Knockouts match that you can watch on the GFW Network.

Six-Man Tag Match

Petey and Johnny start the match off by double teaming Chris before Eli tags in. Petey takes control of Eli before Kongo Kong tags in and stares Petey down and clotheslines him before hitting a senton. Kong drags Petey to his corner  before tagging Chris in, the three of them tagging in and out frequently. Petey gets a quick two count off of a roll up before Eli tags in and hits a powerslam into an elbow drop for a quick two count. Johnny tags in and takes out Eli for a quick two count that Chris breaks up.

Alberto comes in and he and Johnny clear the ring before the two square off and Alberto attacks Johnny and sends him out of the ring. Johnny comes back in and he and Petey clear the ring before Kong catches Petey when he goes for a tope and powerbombs him into the crowd. Johnny then hits Starship Pain before Alberto drags him out of the ring and DDTs him on the ramp before getting back in the ring and hitting a splash off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alberto El Patron via pinfall

-ATT, Moose and James Storm come out to the ring and set up a match between Dan and James where the loser leaves the company.

Knockouts Championship Match

Rosemary vs Laurel Van Ness

They lock up to start the match before Rosemary pushes Laurel away before sending her out of the ring as we go to commercial. 

Rosemary hits a tope to the outside once we return from commercial before Laurel sends her into the ring post. Laurel rolls Rosemary back into the ring for a quick two count before hitting a bulldog for a near fall. Rosemary puts a tarantula on Laurel before hitting a suplex onto the floor. They get back in the ring and Laurel hits a draping Unprettier off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Laurel Van Ness defeats Rosemary via pinfall with the Unprettier to become the new Knockouts champion.

-LAX and oVe meet up and try to hash out their differences before Sami has a fireball blow up in Konnan's face as we go off the air.

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