
IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV Results 10/12 Johnny Impact vs Garza JR, Rosemary in Action & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV. Tonight a new number one contender will be decided as in our main event Johnny Impact will face Garza JR to determine who will face Eli Drake at Bound for Glory and much more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

-We open with a video package for GFW stars in Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan.

-LAX come out to the ring and Konnan challenges oVe to what is essentially a handicap street fight at Bound for Glory and they agree. LAX easily outnumber oVe once they start brawling and left in a heap in the ring and at ringside after tossing Jake over the top rope and through a table before leaving as we go to commercial.

-We get more footage of several GFW talent at the last Pro Wrestling NOAH show. We then get a video package where we see how Lashley has quit wrestling and will now focus entirely on MMA.

Rosemary vs Hannah Harper

Rosemary immediately hits the Red Wedding for the pin and the win within thirty seconds.

Winner: Rosemary via pinfall

-Rosemary calls out Taya Valkyrie after the match and she obliges and comes down to the ring. They square off before Taya mists Rosemary before she can mist her, then hits the Road to Valhalla before leaving as we go to commercial.

-Taryn Terrell comes out to the ring and talks about Gail Kim before she comes out to the ring and slaps her before sending her out of the ring. We then get a video package about the return of Alberto El Patron at Bound for Glory.

Six-Person Mixed Tag Match

Sienna attacks Allie as soon as Storm lets her start the match, then Texano tags in before Storm tags himself in. Texano tags Caleb in before he and Storm lock up for a clean break, then Storm drops him with a series of chops. Texano drops Storm with a clothesline when the referee is distracted by Trevor Lee at ringside, then takes Storm down with a drop toe hold. Texano hits an elbow drop to the small of the back of Storm for a quick two count, then puts him in a rear chin lock. Sienna tags herself in, hitting a splash in the corner to Storm and stomping on him before Texano tags himself back in.

Texano drops Storm repeatedly with a wrist lock clothesline, then Storm tags Xavier in who hits a series of rapid fire moves to Caleb when he's tagged in. Allie comes in and takes out Sienna who tries to interfere, then hits a code breaker to Texano before Storm hits a backstabber to him. Storm then hits the Last Call superkick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Allie, Dezmond Xavier & James Storm via pinfall

-We get a video package for Eli Drake defending his GFW World Championship in Pro Wrestling NOAH, then a long video package for Eddie Edwards talking about his career in Japan and how great Naomichi Marufuji is before winning the Pro Wrestling NOAH World Championship from him. 

GFW Championship Number One Contender Match

Johnny Impact vs Garza JR

Eli Drake watches on a tablet from a locker room before they exchange arm drags and huricanrranas. Garza sends Johnny out of the ring before hitting a tope to the outside, then Impact hits a cart wheel back elbow as we go to commercial.

Garza hits a forearm in the corner before playing to the crowd, then hits a superkick for a quick two count. Garza hits a series of uppercuts around the ring for another quick two count before Garza puts a front headlock on that Impact is quick to fight out of. Impact hits a Spanish fly for a near fall before they take each other out with a double clothesline. Impact takes Garza down before hitting a spinning leg drop for a quick two count, then hits a flipping neckbreaker for a near fall. Impact hits a sliding German suplex before missing Starship Pain and Garza hits a backbreaker for a near fall. Garza hits a standing moonsault for another near fall before Impact catches him on the top turnbuckle only for Garza to hit a missile dropkick for yet another near fall. They then counter each other until Impact rolls Garza up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Johnny Impact defeats Garza JR via pinfall to become the new number one contender for the GFW World Championship.

-They shake hands after the match before raising each other's arms and Garza leaves as Jim Cornette confirms that he will face Eli Drake at Bound For Glory, then Chris Adonis comes in and lays Impact out with a piece of wood. We then end the show with Moose and Stephan Bonnar invading American Top Team and stealing all of their belts and various paraphernalia as we go off the air after they vandalize the place.

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