
IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV Live Results 2/22 IMPACT Global Championship Number One Contender Match, Cult of Lee vs LAX & More!

IMPACT Wrestling tonight at 8PM EST on POP TV!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV! Tonight we have a great show as in our main EC3 and Johnny Impact square off to determine who will face Austin Aries, Alberto El Patron faces Moose, the Cult of Lee face LAX and much more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

-We open the show with an extended video package showing everything that happened last week.

Cult of Lee vs LAX

They brawl at ringside before the match starts, then they get into the ring and Ortiz beats on Trevor in the corner before hitting a suplex and LAX double up on Lee until Caleb makes the save. Lee and Caleb start tagging in and out and double teaming Ortiz as Santana tries to get the crowd into the match. Santana repeatedly argues with the referee as Lee chokes Ortiz in the corner, Caleb stomping Ortiz repeatedly before Lee and Caleb mock Santana and play to the crowd as we go to commercial.

Ortiz comes back as we come back from commercial, taking out both Lee and Caleb with a missile dropkick before finally tagging Santana in, the two hitting a cutter/facebuster combo for a near fall. Lee and Caleb then pick up the win when Caleb sends Santana off of the top and Lee grabs the tights for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cult of Lee defeats LAX via pinfall with a leverage pin.

-Brian Cage has a quick squash match against Hunter Law, Brian defeating Hunter in under 90 seconds with the Drill Claw. We then have Eddie Edwards and Lashley talking about their past and their match against oVe later tonight.

-We get highlights of a match Matt Sydal and Petey Williams have in an indie promotion where Matt wins and cuts a promo after the match that you cannot hear because of the audio quality in the arena.

-Kongo Kong  and Jimmy Jacobs come out to the ring and Jimmy calls out Abyss,saying that he wants Kong to face him as a woman called Grandmother Jenny makes her way out to the ring. Jenny berates Jimmy and pokes him in the chest repeatedly before she slaps him when he calls her an old hag. Joseph comes down to the ring and tries to save his grandmother and tries to explain that Abyss will never come back. Jimmy then has Kong beat Joseph down in front of his own grandmother before leaving as we go to commercial.

-We come back from commercial to Matt talking on the phone backstage before they show a match on the GWN.

-We then have highlights of Alberto and Moose having a match in a different indie promotion, most of the match being spent outside before they skip to them brawling in the crowd and at the back of the arena. Alberto then sends Moose out of the arena door before hitting him with a trash can, then we cut to them back in the ring, Alberto laying Moose out with the trash can before playing to the crowd. They cut to Moose coming back with a series of forearms and a clothesline before Alberto comes back and plays to the crowd only to be dropping with a leg lariat. Alberto fights Moose off when he goes for a superplex, then hits a double foot stomp for the win.

-We have a match you can watch on Pluto TV before we get a video package for Rosemary and Hania, then EC3 is interviewed backstage before his number one contender's match against Johnny Impact in our main event.

oVe vs Eddie Edwards & Lashley

They brawl at ringside as soon as the match starts before rolling Dave into the ring, Lashley dropping him with a clothesline before hitting a delayed suplex. Jake stops Lashley from spearing his brother before being dumped out of the ring, then Eddie tags in before Jake tags in and drops Eddie with a boot when Sami distracts him. Jake and Dave start tagging in and out and choking Eddie in their corner whenever Lashley tries to get in the ring. Sami backdrops Eddie onto the apron after Jake sends Eddie out of the ring, then rolls him back into the ring where Dave shoulder tackles Eddie repeatedly into the corner while yelling at the camera. Lashley breaks up a near fall before being sent back out of the ring, Eddie fighting off both Crist brothers before finally tagging Lashley in.

Lashley hits a series of suplexes to Jake before hitting a powerslam for a near fall that Dave breaks up, then Eddie and Lashley send the Crist brothers out of the ring before Eddie hits a tope to the outside. They then get back in the ring and Eddie hits the Boston Knee Party to Dave after Lashley takes Sami out at ringside for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lashley & Eddie Edwards defeat oVe via pinfall when Eddie hits Dave Crist with the Boston Knee Party.

IMPACT Global Championship Number One Contender Match

EC3 vs Johnny Impact

Johnny immediately tries to roll EC3 up for a quick two count before he gets back into the ring and the two exchange standing switches. Johnny gets a quick two count off of a crucifix pin, then EC3 gets one of his own off of a snapmare before hitting a scoop slam, but he misses an elbow drop off of the top. Johnny rolls EC3 up again before hitting a spinning leg drop for a quick two count, then EC3 sends Johnny out of the ring and drops him with a running knee before playing to the crowd as we go to commercial.

EC3 is in control as we come back from commercial, beating on Johnny on the mat before dragging him out onto the apron and beating him down until he falls to the floor. EC3 rolls Johnny back into the ring before Johnny tries to come back only to be whipped across the ring and into the corner. EC3 hits a float over suplex before hitting a snap DDT, then Johnny comes back with a series of clotheslines into a sliding knee and a standing moonsault for a near fall. EC3 hits a sit-out powerbomb before Johnny hits a Spanish fly, then goes for a superplex, but EC3 counters into an avalanche cutter before getting a near fall off of a leverage pin. Johnny comes back and beats EC3 down with a series of strikes in the corner before hitting a sliding German suplex, then goes for Starship Pain, but Tyrus distracts him before EC3 hits the One Percenter for a very close near fall.

EC3 and Tyrus then argue before Tyrus shoves EC3 down and leaves, then EC3 gets back in the ring and Johnny hits a flipping neckbreaker before finishing with Starship Pain for the pin and the win.

Winner: Johnny Impact becomes the new number one contender to Austin Aries' IMPACT Global Championship by defeating EC3 via pinfall with Starship Pain.

-After the match Aries comes out to the ring and congratulates Johnny before the two shake hands and square off as we go off the air.

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