
IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV Results 7/27 Alberto El Patron vs LAX, Six-man Inter-promotional Tag Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV. Tonight we have an action packed show as Alberto El Patron takes on LAX in a handicap match, Sienna and Rosemary end their rivalry in a Last Knockout Standing Match. Moose, Eddie Edwards and Naomichi Marufuji take on Eli Drake, Chris Adonis and EC3 as well as Pro Wrestling NOAH’s Taiji Ishimori taking on Davey Richards in the first round of the Super X Cup! 

Six-Man Tag Team Match

Eddie and Eli start the match off with Eddie hitting a series of arm drags before tagging Maru in. Maru focuses on the left arm of Eli, stomping on it and twisting it before tagging Eddie back in. Eli comes back with a rake to the eyes before tagging in EC3, EC3 getting double teamed with chops by Maru and Eddie for his troubles. Moose comes in, but EC3 attacks him from behind when Eli and Chris distract him before Chris tags in. Moose dropkicks him before tagging Maru back in who hits a knife edge chop and a series of strikes before Chris hits a huge back drop for a quick two count. 

Eddie and Maru double team Chris again for a quick two count before they send Eli and Chris out of the ring. Eddie goes for a tope, but Chris runs back in and spears him as we go to commercial.

EC3 is in control of Eddie as we come back from commercial, keeping the high flyer grounded before he tags Chris back in. EC3 tags in, the heels keeping Eddie isolated in their half of the ring before Adonis puts Eddie in a camel clutch, but he gets out of it. Eddie counters a suplex before tagging Moose in just as EC3 tags in. Moose hits a running back elbow in the corner before Adonis and Eli double team him only for him to take them both out. Maru comes in and takes out EC3 with a kick before Adonis puts Maru in the Adonis Lock.

Eddie breaks him out of it before Moose hits a pop-up powerbomb, then EC3 hits him with a belt before hitting a variation of the pedigree for the pin and the win.

Winner: EC3 via pinfall

-Lashley comes out to the ring and demands a title shot before Bruce comes out. Bruce comes out to the ramp with Tyrus before Matt Sydal comes out and says that he won’t be ignored before Lashley goes to spear him, but Matt is ready for him before he sends Lashley out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Taiji Ishimori vs Eddie Edwards

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before exchanging wrist locks and flips. Taiji does a bunch of flips and arm drags before dropkicking Davey out of the ring. Davey gets out of the way when Taiji goes to hit a tope, but Taiji just hangs sideways in the ropes. They get back in the ring and exchange strikes before Davey hits a knee drop for a quick two count. Davey puts Taiji in a submission, but Taiji manages to get to the ropes for the break, then Taiji hits a springboard seated senton into a double running knee in the corner.

Taiji then hits a double foot stomp for a near fall before they exchange pin attempts until Davey puts him in an ankle lock. Taiji gets out of it before he goes for a hand spring roundhouse kick, but Davey catches his leg and puts him in another ankle lock. Taiji gets out of it again by getting to the ropes before hitting a 450 splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Taiji Ishimori via pinfall

Sienna vs Rosemary Knockouts Championship Last Knockout Standing Match

Rosemary attacks Sienna immediately, then smashes her tags into the turnbuckle before hitting a fall away suplex. Rosemary gets out of the ring and grabs a table before putting it in the ring and setting it up in the corner. Sienna then sets up a table of her own at ringside before tossing chairs in the ring. They duel with chairs before brawling at ringside and into the crowd as we go to commercial. 

Siena is in control as we come back from commercial until Rosemary hits the Red Wedding onto a chair. Rosemary gets a trash can out from under the ring before misting KM, but Sienna hits her with the trash can and sends her off of the top rope and into the table at ringside. Rosemary is then unable to answer the ten count and Sienna wins the match, getting to her feet at nine.

Winner: Sienna

-We have an announcement that Moose will defend his IMPACT Grand Championship against EC3 next week before Alberto El Patron is interviewed about his handicap match where he’ll take on three members of LAX as we go to commercial.

Trevor Lee vs Octagoncito

Octa shows off his athleticism to start the match, but Lee just kicks him away before tossing him into the corner with ease. Octa comes back with a huricanrrana into a spinning head scissor that sends Lee out of the ring. Lee then opts to get counted out rather than continue the match for the count out.

Winner: Octagoncito via count out

-Grado comes out to the ring and asks Laurel to marry him, but before she can answer Kongo Kong comes out to the ring. Grado and Joseph Park quickly get out of the ring and leave as we go to commercial.

Alberto El Patron vs LAX Gauntlet Match

Alberto takes out Homicide immediately, hitting a suplex and a splash off of the top rope for the pin. Ortiz comes in next and hits a death valley bomb for a quick two count as we go to commercial.

Alberto takes control of Ortiz as we come back from commercial, quickly ending it with a double foot stomp off of the top rope for the pin. Santana comes in and hits a tope to the outside after Konnan drags Alberto out of the ring. They get back in the ring and Alberto hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before Santana hits a German suplex for a near fall. Alberto then hits a tornado DDT into the cross armbreaker before Ortiz comes back in for the disqualification.

Winner: Alberto El Patron

-They then beat on Alberto after the match before his brother and father come out to the ring and help before VOW joins them. They all then brawl in the ring as we go off the air with Alberto beating on LAX with a chair before they leave.

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