
IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV Results 10/5 EC3 & James Storm vs El Hijo de Phantasma & Texano

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV. Tonight EC3 teams up with James Storm to take on El Hijo de Phantasma and Texano, OVE are in action and much more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

-Eli Drake and Chris Adonis come out to the ring and Eli talks about his title defense last week before Garza JR comes out to the ring; Eli then leaving as Chris gets ready for his match.

Chris Adonis vs Garza JR

They lock up to start the match before Garza takes Chris down, but he’s quickly back up and Chris slams him down to the mat using only his wrist. Chris keeps a grip on Garza’s wrist and keeps his shoulders down to the mat as often as he can until Garza comes back with a series of kicks and a huricanrrana that sends Chris over the top rope and to the floor. Garza hits a tope to the outside before getting back in the ring and Chris sees him coming, slamming him into the floor as we go to commercial.

Chris is in control as we come back from commercial, dropping Garza with a clothesline for a quick two count, before hitting a leg drop and a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Garza counters an Adonis Lock and hits a flurry of offense before missing a springboard moonsault. Johnny Impact then comes down and attacks Chris for the disqualification.

Winner: Chris Adonis via disqualification

-Garza and Impact brawl in the ring until officials come out and break them up.

-We then get video packages for Lashley, Moose, oVe and LAX.

oVe vs Enhancement Talent

Jake is in control to start the match before they exchange standing switches until Jake hits a diving cross body off of the top rope. Jake hits a neckbreaker before hitting a tope to the outside, then Dave hits an Asai moonsault onto the other team. oVe then hit a double team move for the pin and the win.

Winner: oVe via pinfall

-Sienna comes out to the ring with KM and talks about her title and how she doesn’t have a challenger yet. She goes on to say that she’s already beaten the entire roster and is fine with wrestling men. Sienna says she’ll go into the 2017 hall of fame and she should retire as champion before insulting Gail Kim. Gail then comes out to the ring and demands a title shot before Taryn comes out and says that Gail has never beaten her. Allie then comes out to the ring and says that she deserves a title shot of her own. Karen then comes out and makes a match between them all.

Six-Man Tag Match

Caleb and Sonjay start the match off by exchanging standing switches and headlocks before Sonjay hits a huricanrrana. Everyone gets in the ring and brawls until Lee, Caleb and Andrew team up on Sonjay. Sonjay, Petey and Matt then clear the ring before hitting synchronized topes to the outside as we go to commercial.

Matt hits a standing moonsault for a quick two count as we come back from commercial, then Andrew tags in and dropkicks Sonjay for a quick two count. Caleb tags in and starts focusing on the back of Sonjay for a quick two count before Sonjay comes back and takes out all three of them and hits a tornado DDT. Matt then hits a shooting star press off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Sydal, Petey Williams & Sonjay Dutt via pinfall

-We have a video package where Moose goes to American Top Team and gets beaten by the entire team before being thrown out of the building.

Team AAA vs EC3 & James Storm

Texano attacks Storm as soon as the match starts, then beats on him around the ring until Storm comes back and drops him repeatedly. EC3 tags himself in, much to the chagrin of Storm before Texano tags Hijo in. EC3 drops him repeatedly with clotheslines while keeping a hold of his wrist before hitting a float over suplex. Storm tags himself in only to be superkicked and double teamed by the two men from Mexico. EC3 tags in and drops Texano repeatedly before hitting a jawbreaker and a clothesline in the corner.

EC3 hits a flap jack before dropkicking Hijo out of the ring when he tries to interfere. Texano drops EC3 with a clothesline before tagging Hijo in who hits a dropkick for a quick two count, then EC3 comes back with a series of chops in the corner. EC3 turns Hijo inside out with a lariat as Pagano comes down to the ring and distracts Storm, Texano taking the advantage as we go to commercial.

Storm tags in as we come back from commercial, dropping Hijo repeatedly before hitting a neckbreaker DDT combo for a near fall. They then hit a tower of doom before Hijo gets the pin and the win with the assistance of Pagano who holds his legs down.

Winner: Team AAA via pinfall

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