
IMPACT Wrestling On POP! 6/29 Results The Last Stop On The Road To Slammiversary!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP! We are just two days away from IMPACT Wrestling's biggest show of the year where Lashley will defend his IMPACT World Championship against Alberto El Patron and tonight we have the contract signing for the biggest matches on the show and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

-We open the show with a the contract signing for Rosemary and Sienna before we have Davey and Eddie sign theirs, then EC3 and James Storm are separated by security as they sign their contract. Lastly we have EC3 Lashley and Alberto El Patron signing their contract for the world title match before Bruce announces there will be an eight man tag match as we go to commercial.

Low-Ki & Trevor Lee vs Sonjay Dutt & Matt Sydal

Lee and Dutt start it off with Sonjay hitting a huricanrrana into a dropkick for a quick two count before tagging in Matt. Matt starts focusing on the left arm of Lee while he and Dutt tag in and out before Low-Ki gets tagged in. Low-Ki takes control of the before all four men get in the ring and Dutt and Sydal clear the ring as we go to commercial.

-Low-Ki hits a double foot stomp as we come back from commercial for a near fall, then Lee and Low-Ki start tagging in and out and isolating Matt in their corner. Dutt gets tagged in and hits a tornado DDT for a near fall, then Lee drops Dutt with a forearm before tagging in Low-Ki. Matt hits a springboard meteora to Low-Ki once he's tagged in, then hits a standing moonsault to Lee for a near fall. Sydal then hits a shooting star press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sonjay Dutt & Matt Sydal via pinfall

-We get a video package for DeAngelo Williams training for his match with Moose at Slammiversary.

Eli Drake & Chris Adonis vs The Mumbai Cats

Eli starts off with Felix, chopping him repeatedly before tagging in Chris who chops him more before beating him down with clubbing blows. Felix comes back with a series of kicks before tagging in Sylvester who gets clotheslined, then tags Chris back in who gets a quick two count. They start tagging in and out before Chris turns Felix inside out and Eli hits Sylvester with an Eli Drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eli Drake & Chris Adonis via pinfall

Swoggle vs Rockstar Spudd Mumbai Street Fight

They brawl to start the match before Swoggle tosses powder in the face of Spudd before Spudd hits him with a trash can. Spudd gets out a table, then hits an enzuigiri into a running knee before grabbing a mic and playing to the crowd. Swoggle slaps Spudd before Spudd stomps on him, then Spudd takes out the referee, only for the referee to knock him down. Spudd then gets speared by the referee after taking the referee's pants off, then the referee takes Spudd's before Swoggle hits a death valley driver through the table for the pin and the win.

Winner: Swoggle via pinfall

KM, Sienna & Laurel Van Ness vs Braxton Sutter, Allie & Rosemary

Allie and Laurel start it off before Laurel quickly tags in KM and they go at it until everyone gets in the ring and chaos ensues. KM and Braxton fall out of the ring before Rosemary mists Laurel, then hits the Red Wedding for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rosemary, Allie and Braxton via pinfall

Alberto El Patron, James Storm, Mahabali Shera & Eddie Edwards vs Lashley, EC3, Davey Richards & Kongo Kong

The heel team takes out Shera before the match even starts, then the faces come down to the ring, but they get out and EC3 grabs a chair as we go to commercial.

Eddie and Eddie are in as we come back from commercial, then EC3 gets tagged in, Storm tagging in before EC3 is quick to tag in Lashley. Storm then tags in Alberto who hits Lashley with a series of right hands before he tags Eddie who does the same. Eddie tags in Storm and they double team him before they start tagging in and out until Lashley hits a side suplex before tagging in EC3. They beat on EC3 after isolating him in their corner before Storm clotheslines him for a quick two count. Alberto tags in and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a quick two count, then tags Eddie in before EC3 pokes his eyes.

Kong tags in and drops Eddie with a right hand before tagging Davey in who stomps Eddie until the referee pulls him off. Storm comes in and hits a back drop to Davey for a quick two count, then Davey tags in EC3 who beats Storm down with right hands and hits a belly to back suplex. EC3 then misses an elbow drop, allowing Storm to tag in Eddie before EC3 drops him with a clothesline as we go to commercial.

Lashley tosses Eddie out of the ring as we come back from commercial, then Davey tags in and puts on a body scissor before he gets out of it and gets stomped when the referee doesn't see the tag. Kong tags in and misses a splash, but EC3 and Davey take out Alberto and Storm on the apron before they start teaming up on Eddie. Shera comes back down to the ring and tags in before he takes everyone out with a clothesline before hitting Lashley with a death valley driver and suplexes Kong. Alberto then tags in and hits a double foot stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alberto El Patron, Eddie Edwards, James Storm & Mahabali Shera via pinfall

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