
IMPACT Wrestling No Surrender 2021 Results Rich Swann vs Tommy Dreamer

The Innovator of Violence tries to make history on his 50th birthday and win the IMPACT World title!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for IMPACT Wrestling No Surrender!

– We open tonight’s show with a video package for the life and career of Tommy Dreamer ahead of his challenging for the IMPACT World Championship in our main event on his 50th birthday. We then see Tommy coming to the arena earlier today before we go to the ring for our opening match between Tenille Dashwood and Rosemary.

Decay vs Tenille Dashwood & XXXL (w/ Kaleb)

Rosemary and Tenille start the match off by exchanging strikes before Rosemary drops Tenille with a boot and drags her to the corner before Tenille rolls away and tags in Larry. Steve rocks Larry with strikes before taking Larry down onto the mat before Taurus and Acey come in and exchange strikes until Taurus sends Acey out of the ring. Kaleb helps Acey before Larry beats on Steve in the corner before Tenille comes in and stomps Steve in the corner before before Larry and Taurus come in. Taurus takes out both members of XXXL before Taurus chases Kaleb around the ring when Kaleb shows a red cape to Taurus before Larry hits a suicide dive and takes out Taurus. Taurus comes back with a corkscrew cross body before Steve takes out both Larry and Taurus before Acey powerbombs Tenille over the top rope onto everyone at ringside.

Taurus then pins Larry with his finisher after Rosemary mists Acey for the win.

Winner: Decay defeat Tenille Dashwood and XXXL via pinfall.

Brian Myers & Hernandez vs Eddie Edwards & Matt Cardona

Eddie and Brian start the match off by exchanging wrist locks before Matt comes in and Brian immediately tags out to Hernandez who drops Matt repeatedly. Matt dropkicks Hernandez and he and Eddie get clotheslined by Hernandez before Eddie hits an overhead belly to belly suplex for two before Brian rolls out of the ring. Hernandez and Brian isolate Eddie until he gets the hot tag to Matt who hits Brian with a face buster and knocks Hernandez off of the apron before getting a near fall. Brian then hits a Driver for a near fall of his own before finishing Matt with a lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Myers and Hernandez defeat Matt Cardona and Eddie Edwards via pinfall.

– Backstage Private Party and Matt Hardy discuss their challenging for the IMPACT World Tag Team titles later tonight.

Deaner (w/ Violent By Design) vs Jake Something

Deaner rips and tears at Jake’s face before Jake comes back and sends Deaner out of the ring where he regroups with Eric Young and stomps and punches Jake in the corner. Deaner dumps Jake out of the ring and EY hits a neckbreaker onto the floor before tossing him back inside where Deaner chokes Jake in the ropes and hits him with clubbing blows. Jake comes back with a high angle sidewalk slam before dropping Deaner with strikes and hitting a falcon arrow into a spear in the corner for a near fall. Deaner hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before EY gets on the apron before he’s knocked off and Jake bird a suicide dive before finishing Deaner with a Black Hole Slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jake Something defeats Deaner via pinfall.

– VBD attack Jake right after the match before put Jake through a table.

– Backstage Eddie and Alisha give Tommy a birthday present and wish him luck ahead of his title challenge later tonight.

X-Division Championship Number One Contender Triple Threat Revolver Match

Trey, Suicide, and Blake start the match off before Trey submits Suicide and Chris Bey is next to enter the match before Chris pins Blake with a Vertabreaker and Daivari enters the match. Once Daivari is eliminated Josh comes out and hitting a suplex to Chris with Trey on his back before Josh eliminates Willie with Trey on top of Josh so Willie couldn’t move. Ace comes in next and gets beaten down by Josh and Trey before Trey hits Josh with a poison rana and a rebound cutter for a near fall that Ace breaks up. Trey and Ace then hit topes before Josh hits a double DVD and takes out Fulton at ringside before pinning Ace with a package piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Josh Alexander defeats Ace Austin, Trey Miguel, Willie Mack, Daivari, and Blake Christian via pinfall to gain an opportunity to face TJP for the X-Division Championship.

Texas Tornado No Disqualification Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match

Fire N’ Flava (c) vs Havok & Nevaeh

Kiera takes control of Havok early before Nevaeh comes in and attacks Kiera before Tasha attacks her from behind and F&F double up on Havok and Nevaeh. Havok comes back with a double clothesline before Havok takes a chair from Tasha and wedges it in the corner before she and Nevaeh take turns splashing Tasha in the corner. Kiera hits Havok with a kendo stick before everyone hits a move and Havok hits a double suplex before going head first into the chair in the corner. Tasha then hits a cutter on a handicap sign to Nevaeh for the pin and the win.

Winner: Fire N’ Flava retain their Knockouts Tag Team titles by defeating Nevaeh and Havok via pinfall.

– After the match Nevaeh leaves Havok alone in the ring and leaves to the back by herself before Havok goes after her.

– IMPACT World champion Rich Swann is interviewed backstage ahead of his title defense against Tommy Dreamer in tonight’s main event.

X-Division Championship Match

TJP (c) vs Rohit Raju (w/ Shera)

Rohit goes right after TJP when he’s coming out to the ring and attacks him before TJP comes back with a dropkick and takes out Shera at ringside before Rohit sends TJP into the post. Rohit sends TJP into the railing before suplexing him onto the stage before tossing TJP back inside and the match officially starts with TJP turning Rohit inside out. TJP beats on Rohit in the corner before Rohit rocks him with a strike and chokes him in the ropes before hitting a series of suplexes for two. Rohit dumps TJP out of the ring before Shera chokes TJP at ringside before Rohit focuses on the arm of TJP before TJP locks in a half crab in the corner. TJP misses the Mamba Splash before the two exchange near falls and strikes until TJP hits a superplex into the Detonation Kick for a near fall before they exchange submissions.

Rohit then hits a running knee for a near fall before accidentally taking out Shera and TJP hits a springboard DDT into the Mamba Splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: TJP retains his X-Division Championship by defeating Rohit Raju via pinfall.

Six-Woman Tag Team Match

Lee and ODB start the match before Jordynne and Susan come in only for Jazz and Deonna to come in seconds later before Jordynne gets isolated in the corner. Deonna knocks Jazz and ODB off of the apron before Lee locks in a body scissors and the heels take turns beating on Jordynne and tagging in and out. Jordynne finally fights out of the corner and gets the hot tag to ODB who runs over Susan and hits a running splash in the corner before smashing her face into the top turnbuckle. ODB then hits a diving Thesz Press for a near fall before all six women hit a move until Jazz accidentally hits Jordynne and submits Susan with an STF for the win.

Winner: Jazz, ODB, and Jordynne Grace defeat Susan, Deonna Purrazzo, and Kimber Lee via submission.

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match

The Good Brothers (c) vs Private Party (w/ Matt Hardy) vs James Storm & Chris Sabin

James and Marq start the match off by exchanging wrist and headlocks before James runs over Kassidy before they regroup with Matt at ringside and PP double up on Chris. Karl comes in and is immediately double teamed before PP get two and Karl drives Marq into the corner where he tags in Doc who beats on Marq as Matt looks on from ringside. TGB take turns beating on Marq before he gets the hot tag to James before he and Chris send Doc out of the ring and get a near fall on Karl before PP double team Chris who rolls out of the ring. PP double team am James for a near fall before everyone runs in and hit a move until James hits Marq with The Eye of the Storm for a near fall before Doc goes to being a chair into the ring. Matt then comes in and hits a Twist of Fate to James off of the distraction before Marq hits a shooting star right after Doc tags himself in and Doc pins James for the win.

Winner: The Good Brothers retain their titles by defeating Private Party, and James Storm and Chris Sabin via pinfall.

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match

Rich Swann (c) vs Tommy Dreamer

They shake hands before the match before locking up and Tommy backs Rich into the corner for a clean break before they grapple on the mat and exchange wrist locks. Rich takes Tommy down and hits an elbow drop before missing a moonsault and Tommy drops him with a shoulder block before hitting a fall away slam. Tommy sends Rich out of the ring before Rich hits a cannonball off of the apron and Tommy a Samoan drop onto the floor before the ringside doctor checks on Tommy who’s hurt his wrist. Tommy hits a draping neckbreaker before Rich focuses on the injured hand of Tommy with joint manipulation before Tommy goes after the leg of Rich and locks in a sharpshooter. They spill out of the ring before Rich hits a Lethal Injection at ringside before Tommy catches Rich with a cutter in midair for a near fall before they exchange pin attempts for a series of near falls. Rich goes back to the injured wrist of Tommy before Tommy gets to the ropes before Rich nearly knocks Tommy out with a kick and misses a diving splash.

Tommy then hits a DVD for a near fall before Rich hits a Phoenix Splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann retains his IMPACT World Championship by defeating Tommy Dreamer via pinfall.

– After the match Tommy hugs Rich and they shake hands before Tommy hands Rich the title and Moose attacks both of them as we go off the air with Moose going after the knee of Rich.

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