
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 11/12/19 The North vs Marufuji & Edwards for the IMPACT Tag Titles

The former X-Division champion and the Diamond of Profesional Wrestling team up to take on The Draw and the Monster of OvE tonight at 10pm EST!

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Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for IMPACT Wrestling, so we hope you enjoy the show have a great night. I’ll see you back here tomorrow night for NXT and if you’re interested in exclusive content check out Fightful Select for exclusive podcasts, breaking news and more!

X-Division Championship Six Way Number One Contender Match

Trey vs Brent Banks vs Willie Mack vs Aiden Prince vs Petey Williams vs Rohit Raju

Trey and Brent go back and forth before Trey hits Petey with a huricanrrana and sends him out of the ring before hitting a tope that takes out everyone at ringside. Back in the ring Brent dropkicks Petey before Petey hits a huricanrrana into a drop toe hold and a running dropkick before hitting a slingshot huricanrrana to Trey at ringside. Willie hits both Brent and Aiden with a double side headlock takeover before hitting them with a double clothesline and a flipping senton over the top rope and onto everyone else at ringside. Brent and Aiden run at each other and clothesline each other before dropping each other with kicks before they hit stereo topes to the outside and Trey hits a meteora to Brent who DDTs Aiden. Rohit hits a northern lights suplex into a fisherman’s suplex for a two count before Petey hits a slingshot code breaker into a flat liner, Rohit countering the Canadian destroyer and rolling Petey up for a near fall.

Petey locks in a sharpshooter that Willie breaks up before Willie drops him with a flying back elbow and a Samoan drop into a standing moonsault for a two count. Brent hits Willie with a reverse huricanrrana before Aiden hits him with a brainbuster for a near fall and superkicks Trey before Aiden slams Brent on top of Trey. Everyone then hits a move before Petey hits Rohit with a Canadian destroyer and Trey rolls Rohit up for the pin and the win with a roll up.

Winner: Trey defeats Rohit Raju, Willie Mack, Petey Williams, Aiden Prince and Brent Banks via pinfall when he pins Rohit to become the new number one contender for Ace Austin’s X-Division Championship.

-We’re told about the five person elimination challenge next week where the winner will face Sami Callihan before Rich Swann is interviewed about the match as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Michael Elgin being interviewed about the number one contender elimination match next week.

Madison Rayne w/Kiera Hogan vs Alexia Nicole

Madison and Alexia exchange before Madison counters a back stabber into a diving blockbuster for a two count before locking in a headlock and kneeing Alexia in the face for another two count. Madison chokes Alexia in the ropes before she distracts the referee and Kiera slaps Alexia before Madison hits a running cross body for a two count. Madison applies a rear chin lock before Alexia counters a northern lights suplex and hits a neckbreaker before Alexia hits a back stabber and an electric chair drop for a near fall. Alexia goes up top before Madison rolls out of the ring and tries to leave before Alexia tosses her back into the ring. Alexia is then distracted by Kiera before Madison snaps her throat in the ropes and hits a twisting neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Madison Rayne defeats Alexia Nicole via pinfall with a twisting neckbreaker.

-We go backstage to Petey Williams and Tommy Dreamer talking to Johnny Swinger where we find out that Johnny thought he did a practical joke to Petey, but it turns out he defecated in the bag of Ken Shamrock as we go to commercial.

-We come back to RVD cutting a promo in a hot tub with his girlfriend hanging all over him and twerking for the camera as RVD says that they’re going to be on next week’s show.

Jake Crist vs Daga

They exchange strikes before Daga hits a huricanrrana and a dropkick before playing to the crowd and a twisting cross body to the outside. Daga rolls Jake back into the ring and Jake hits him with an enzuigiri before hitting a diving tornado DDT and a suplex onto the floor as we go to commercial.

Jake has Daga in a rear chin lock as we come back to the action before Daga dropkicks Jake and Jake drops Daga with a double ax handle. Jake locks in a submission before Daga gets free and Jake chokes Daga in the ropes before Daga comes back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and a tornado DDT for a near fall. Jake hits a DVD before Daga hits one of his own and a snap dragon suplex into a bridging German suplex for another near fall. Jake then drops Daga with a series of kicks for a near fall before Daga hits a springboard frankensteiner for a near fall and pins Jake with butterfly piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Daga defeats Jake Crist via pinfall with a butterfly piledriver.

-We return to The North being interviewed ahead of their match against Marufuji and Eddie Edwards in tonight’s main event.

OvE (Sami Callihan & Madman Fulton) vs Tessa Blanchard & Rich Swann

Rich and Tessa immediately clear the ring before Rich hits a twisting senton to the outside and Sami gets into the ring with Tessa before they exchange strikes and Sami hits a brainbuster. Rich comes in and hits a running clothesline into a frankensteiner before OvE hits a reverse suplex and Fulton comes in and man handles Rich before Sami hits a running elbow drop for a quick two count. Rich fights out of a front headlock before Sami drops him and Fulton hits a jumping splash for a two count before whipping Rich into the corner. Fulton locks in a bear hug before OvE double up on Rich and Sami hits a rebound splash for a two count before locking in a rear chin lock. Rich gets to his feet and gets the tag to Tessa who hits Sami with a flurry of strikes and a DVD before hitting Fulton with a DDT and Sami with a cutter.

Fulton and Sami hits an assisted powerslam for a near fall that Rich breaks up before Rich hits Sami with a flying knee and a standing moonsault for a near fall. Sami digs his thumbs into Rich’s eyes before he grabs his bat and Fulton hands Sami the title belt before Sami hits Rich with it for the pin and the win.

Winner: OvE defeat Rich Swann and Tessa Blanchard via pinfall when Sami pins Rich after hitting him with the title belt.

-After the match Sami hits both Rich and Tessa with the belt before they’re interrupted by Brian Cage who hits Fulton with an F5 as Sami escapes and they leave with Sami and Brian staring each other down as we go to commercial.

-We get a brief interview with Brian Cage before we get the IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring an Ultimate X match between Rich Swann, Trey, Ethan Page and Jake Crist before we go to Johnny Swinger talking to Jimmy Jacobs and two members of the staff before they leave.

-We go to Taya Valkyrie talking to John E. Bravo before she’s interrupted by Jordynne Grace who continues to demand a title shot and how that Taya is going have to face her eventually before first Jordynne, then Taya and John leave as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a promo by Moose before he plays a one sided tennis game and how he’s the best overall athlete in the world.

Havok vs Local Talent

Havok grabs her opponent and tosses her into the corner before shaking and choking her and tossing her across the ring. Havok hits a release German suplex and a running boot in the corner before her opponent falls out of the ring and Havok drives her into the apron before tossing her back into the ring. Havok beats on her opponent in mount before missing a leg drop and a spear in the corner before she catches her coming off of the top turnbuckle and choke slams her. Havok then hits a tombstone piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Havok defeats a local performer via pinfall with a tombstone piledriver.

-After the match Havok runs into Susie who has flashbacks of her time as Su Yung as we go to commercial.

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match

The North (c) vs Marufuji & Eddie Edwards

Josh and Eddie kick things off for their respective teams by exchanging wrist locks and head locks before Eddie drags Josh to the corner and tags in Marufuji. Josh immediately pulls Marufuji to the corner and lets Ethan get in a shot before Josh locks in a head lock before Marufuji hits an arm drag and Eddie hits an overhead belly to belly suplex. Eddie and Marufuji take turns chopping Ethan before Ethan drops Maru with a forearm and Josh drives him into the corner with shoulder thrusts before playing to the crowd. Ethan then knocks Eddie off of the apron before he helps Marufuji clear the ring and hits a suicide dive onto Josh at ringside as we go to commercial.

We return to Eddie chopping Ethan in the corner before he gets the tag to Josh and The North take out Eddie before Maru slowly gets back onto the apron only to immediately be sent back off by Josh. The North hit Eddie with a pair of backbreakers for a two count before Eddie blocks a suplex attempt by Josh and suplexes him before finally tagging in Marufuji. Marufuji knocks Josh from the apron and dropkicks Ethan before chopping him in the corner and rocking him with a flurry of rapid strikes for a near fall that Josh breaks up. Eddie hits a frankensteiner before Eddie hits a meteora for a near fall before Marufuji counters the finisher of The North and Eddie hits a blue thunder bomb for a near fall. Everyone then drops each other with a move before Marufuji hits Josh with several kicks and Eddie hits a Tiger Driver for a near fall before The North hit their assisted Styles clash for a near fall and an assisted powerslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: The North defeat Eddie Edwards and Marufuji via pinfall with an assisted powerslam to Eddie to retain their IMPACT World Tag Team Championships.

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