
IMPACT Wrestling Live Results for 10/25/18 IMPACT World Championship Match, Su Yung vs Keira Hogan

Johnny Impact has his first title defense and Keira Hogan gets her hands on Su Yung after escaping the undead realm on tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV! We hope you enjoy the show, and while you’re here you can make your voice heard by commenting below, and if you want more content we have Fightful Select for all of your exclusive content needs!

-We open the show with the Smoke Show with Scarlett introducing Trevor Lee before his match with Sami Callihan.

Trevor Lee vs Sami Callihan

Sami attacks Lee before the bell rings, OvE distracting him Lee repeatedly at ringside by tripping him and jumping up on the apron. The two exchange forearms until Lee kicks the back of the neck of Sami, but Sami catches him coming off of the ropes and hits a DVD for a quick two count. Sami traps Lee in the ropes before hitting a draping sister Abigail and Lee comes back with a roll up for a near fall when Dave tries to hand Sami a bat. Lee hits a Spanish fly for a near fall before taking out Dave at ringside and dropping Sami with a jumping stomp. Jake then sends Lee off of the top and into the top rope while Sami distracts the referee before Sami hits Lee with a piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sami Callihan defeats Trevor Lee via pinfall with a piledriver.

-After the match Brian Cage comes out and clears the ring of the Crists before he hits Sami with an F5, the Crists dragging him out right before the Drill Claw as we go to commercial.

LAX vs The Heavenly Bodies

Dustin and Santana start the match off before Ortiz comes in and LAX double up on Dustin, Dustin coming back and overwhelming Ortiz . HB isolate Ortiz in their corner until Justin misses a splash in the corner, Santana getting the tag and sending Dustin out of the ring before LAX hit a leg drop/standing moonsault for a near fall. Santana goes for a springboard cross body, but Justin catches him and slams him down to the mat for a near fall. HB then put Santana up top before Ortiz saves him and LAX hit the Street Sweeper for the pin and the win.

Winner: LAX defeat The Heavenly Bodies via pinfall with the Street Sweeper.

Gamma Singh vs Rohit Raju

They lock up to start the match before Gamma rakes the eyes of Raju and slaps him. Raju is then attacked from behind by an unknown assailant for the disqualification.

Winner: Rohit Raju defeats Gamma Singh via disqualification.

-After the match The three of them leave, Raju seemingly knowing the person who attacked him, but it’s not revealed, Josh questioning if Raju passed the test Gamma gave him.

Fallah Bahh & KM vs Killer Kross & Moose

Moose slaps KM before KM drops him with a shoulder block and a dropkick, Moose raking his eyes before Kross comes in. KM takes Kross down and they grapple until KM backs him into his corner and tags Bahh in. Bahh and KM roll over Kross repeatedly before KM hitting a flipping senton onto Kross and Moose at ringside. Bahh dives off of the apron before they get back in the ring and Kross drops Bahh with a lariat before tagging Moose in. Moose beats Bahh down in the corner and yells at him before Bahh comes back with rapid fire strikes.

Bahh hits a running cross body and Moose backs Bahh into his corner, Kross coming in and stomping Bahh down in the corner. Kross puts Bahh in an armbar, but he gets to the ropes for the break before Moose comes back in and chops and punches him repeatedly. Bahh hits a belly to belly suplex, Moose tagging in Kross who knocks KM off of the apron. Eddie then drags Moose to the back before Bahh hits a running splash in the corner and Kross sends Bahh out of the ring before he chokes KM out for the win.

Winner: Killer Kross & Moose defeat KM and Fallah Bahh via submission when Kross chokes KM out.

-We go to Moose and Eddie fighting on the roof until Moose runs away and locks Eddie on the roof before we have a GWN moment with the Main Event Mafia and WWE’s AJ Styles and Samoa Joe.

Keira Hogan vs Su Yung

Keira attacks Su on the ramp before the match starts and hits a frankensteiner for a quick two count before Su puts Keira in the tree of woe and kicks her repeatedly. Su hits a neckbreaker for a quick two count before Keira comes back with a kick and a powerbomb for a near fall. Allie then saves Keira when Su goes to F5 her on the ramp and runs away before Keira knocks Su back into the ring and hits a draping pedigree into the panic switch for the pin and the win.

Winner: Su Yung defeats Keira Hogan via pinfall with the panic switch.

IMPACT World Championship Match

Johnny Impact (c) vs Fenix

Johnny and Fenix start the match off by showing off their athleticism, countering each other and doing flips until Fenix hits an enzuigiri into a corkscrew cross body for a quick two count. Johnny hits a side Russian let sweep before Johnny turns him inside out with a springboard roundhouse kick as we go to commercial.

Johnny is in control as we return to the action, keeping the high flying luchadore grounded until Fenix hits a stunner and a springboard frankensteiner for a near fall. Johnny rolls out of the ring before he catches Fenix running the ropes and hits a Spanish fly for a near fall. Fenix rolls Johnny up for a near fall and hits a bridging German suplex for another near fall before Johnny drops Fenix with a leg lariat. Johnny hits a PK into a spinning neckbreaker for a near fall, Fenix rocking him with an enzuigiri and a flying headbutt. Fenix hits a springboard cross body and counters a tornado DDT before hitting a running step up enzuigiri in the corner. Johnny then hits Starship Pain for the pin and the win.

Winner: Johnny Impact retains his IMPACT World Championship by defeating Fenix via pinfall with Starship Pain.

-After the match The OGz attack Fenix and leave him laying as we cut to Killer Kross who says that he’s the champion before walking away and we see Johnny Impact on the ground as we go off the air.

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