
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 3/24/20 The Undead Realm Returns, The Sinister Minister Meets His End

The Undead Realm returns tonight at 8PM EST on AXS TV and Twitch TV!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling!

X-Division Championship Number One Contender Eight Man Battle Match

Everyone pairs off to get things started before Bey and Trey clear the ring and run the ropes until they lay on the mat and pose at each other before mirroring each other and Chris dropkicks Trey out of the ring. Chris hits Rohit before Jake comes in and hits Rohit with a sit-out power bomb before Jake drops Jake with kicks and sends him back out of the ring before Willie comes in and hits a scoop slam into a standing moonsault. Jake rolls out of the ring before Willie hits a flipping senton to the outside on Jake and Chris before Daga and Trey go back and forth until Chris comes in and Daga hits a gut wrench sit-out power bomb for two before Daga and Rohit exchange strikes until Daga hits a jumping stomp into a superkick. Daga tries to lift Acey and gets slammed for his troubles before Acey climbs up top and Jake hits him with a forearm before everyone except Rohit and Daga hit a tower of doom before Daga hits a diving splash for a near fall that Rohit breaks up. Jake Crist hits Cousin Jake with a DVD before Trey hits a northern lights suplex while putting Daga in a submission before Cousin Jake hits a drill claw and Willie a sit-out power bomb before Daga suplexes Willie and Trey sends Daga out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive.

Back in the ring Rohit and Chris hit dueling topes to the outside before Jake hits one of his own and Crist stops Acey from hitting a suicide dive before Acey nearly knocks him out of the ring before Cousin Jake hits a spinning uranage. Willie then hits a frog splash to Cousin Jake for the pin and the win.

Winner: Willie Mack defeats Cousin Jake, Daga, Acey Romero, Chris Bey, Jake Crist and Rohit Raju via pinfall to become the new number one contender for Ace Austin’s X-Division championship.

– We come back to a video of OvE arguing where Jake tells Dave that Sami is testing them before Dave asks him what he’s testing them for, Dave saying that Sami hasn’t spoken to them in months before Jake says that Sami is his best friend and OvE saying that they’re taking over IMPACT, Jake saying that they must wait for Sami.

– We then get a graphic for Tessa and Eddie Edwards against Michael Elgin and Taya Valkyrie before we go to the ring for a match between Chase Stevens and Moose.

Chase Stevens vs Moose

Moose immediately goes after Chase and stomps him once he enters the ring before Chase comes back with right hands and Moose whips him into the corner before Chase sends Moose into the corner and hits a german suplex. Chase hits a famouser for two. Moose then drops Chase throat first across the top rope before spearing him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose defeats Chase Stevens via pinfall.

– After the match Moose attacks Chase before grabbing a chair and bringing it into the ring before driving it into his midsection and Scott D’Amore comes out and interrupts Moose before Suicide hits a missile dropkick and a diving cross body when he turns around. We then go to Rosemary talking to a friend of Taya’s at the bar before she’s mocked by Raven who says that the pain never ends and the hatred for Tommy Dreamer never ends before Rosemary disappears disgusted as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Willie Mack talking to Ace Austin now that Willie has earned a shot at his X-Division championship, Ace and Reno Scum congratulating him before Johnny Swinger shows up and tells Willie that he should go after the title.

Reno Scum vs The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz)

RS attack The Rascalz when they’re getting into the ring before Adam hits a DVD for two and RS double up on Dez in the corner before playing to the crowd after dispatching Wentz until Dez gets the tag to Wentz who takes out both Adam and Luster before dropping Luster for two. The Rascalz double up on Luster, dropping him with a flurry of kicks and Wentz hits a jumping meteora for two before Adam knocks Wentz off of the top turnbuckle and Adam gets the blind tag before Luster turns Wentz inside out. Adam then nearly knocks Dez out cold for the pin and the win.

Winner: Reno Scum defeat The Rascalz via pinfall.

– After the match we see Su Yung backstage before she wanders off as we go to commercial.

– We come back to this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a match between Team 3D and LAX in which LAX won the World Tag Team titles before we get a video package for the new stable created by Joey Ryan, RVD and Katie Forbes called #CancelCulture before we go to the farm with The Deaners where they talk about all of the shows that have been cancelled as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a promo by Sami Callihan who explains where he’s been and why he did what he did last week.

OvE (Madman Fulton & Dave Crist) vs Rhino & Sabu

Sabu and Dave start things off by exchanging before Sabu clotheslines Dave who rolls away and tags in Fulton as Rhino gets the tag and Fulton punches Rhino in the corner before Rhino clotheslines Fulton over the top rope. Fulton catches Dave when Sabu sends him over the top rope before Sabu hits a baseball slide and everyone brawls at ringside until Rhino tosses Fulton back into the ring and Fulton rocks him with a right hand before Dave comes in and chops Rhino in the corner. Rhino comes back with a running clothesline in the corner before Sabu hits Dave with right hands and Fulton stops Sabu in his tracks before Fulton slams Sabu and Dave hits an assisted diving splash for two. Dave argues with the referee as Sabu gets the tag to Rhino who knocks Fulton off of the apron and clotheslines Dave before hitting a spear in the corner and a spinebuster for two for a near fall that Fulton breaks up. Sabu then hits Fulton with a chair before hitting a flipping senton and taking out Fulton at ringside before the referee takes the chair away from Dave and Dave goes to hit the referee, but he ducks before Rhino Gores him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rhino and Sabu defeat OvE via pinfall.

– After the match we go backstage to Su Yung who gets into a casket and closes it to go to the Undead Realm as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Su in the Undead Realm as she walks up to James and Havok they grab a crowbar an da machete respectively before a message comes on the screen and says to go to their YouTube channel to watch them fight before we see Su and Havok held by James’ minions as a masked man holds the machete Su had before Su and Havok disappear and appear in the middle of nowhere in a desert as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a graphic for Su and Havok which will continue later tonight as well as a graphic for the inter-gender tag match up next.

Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards vs Taya Valkyrie & Michael Elgin

Eddie and Michael rush each other and Eddie dodges Michael before Eddie tags in Tessa when the crowd is asking for her before Taya reluctantly comes in and Tessa takes Taya down before Taya hits an arm drag and Tessa huricanrrana. Taya spears Tessa and tags Michael back in before Tessa hits Michael with forearms and kicks him before Tessa counters a fireman’s carry and gets the tag to Eddie who hits Michael with an atomic drop and Michael blocks a suplex. Elgin drops Eddie with a back elbow and Eddie hits a huricanrrana before Taya hits him in the back when he runs the ropes before Taya gets off of the apron and boots Tessa before sending her into the steps and walking off when Tessa comes around to go after Taya. Michael then capitalizes on the distraction by Taya and drops Eddie as we go to commercial.

We return to Michael in control of Eddie until Taya comes in and stomps him in the corner before Michael comes back in and exchanges forearms with Eddie until Eddie counters a power bomb into a blue thunder bomb. Eddie and Michael tag in Tessa and Taya, Tessa hitting a cutter for two before Elgin and Taya double up on Tessa before Tessa hits a frankensteiner to Elgin when Taya gives her to Elgin to hit a diving sit-out power bomb. Eddie gets the tag and chops Elgin in the corner before Eddie hits an overhead belly to belly suplex before Taya tries to distract Eddie and Tessa knocks her off of the apron before she and Eddie take out John on the apron. Tessa and Eddie hit dueling suicide dives and play to the crowd before Eddie tosses Elgin back into the ring and Tessa sends Taya into the railing, Eddie catching Elgin on top before Elgin fights off both Tessa and Eddie. Eddie hits an enzuigiri before Tessa hits a Magnum in the corner and Eddie a Tiger driver for a near fall that Taya breaks up before Eddie boots Taya off of the apron and Elgin sends Eddie into Tessa on the top turnbuckle.

Elgin drops Eddie with a forearm before catching Tessa coming off of the top and power bombing her onto Eddie’s back before Tessa counters a buckle bomb into a poison huricanrrana into a tornado DDT. Taya comes back in and Tessa superkicks her before Elgin clotheslines Tessa when he goes for Eddie and Taya grabs Eddie’s ankle before Elgin clotheslines him in the corner and Eddie counters a power bomb into a huricanrrana. Elgin then hits a buckle bomb as Taya takes out Tessa at ringside and Elgin hits an Elgin Bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Michael Elgin and Taya Valkyrie defeat Eddie Edwards and Tessa Blanchard via pinfall.

– After the match we go to Su Yung and Havok in the middle of nowhere in the Undead Realm before they’re joined by Rosemary who appears out of nowhere and mocks Havok and Su before telling them that she told them so before taking them back to James and allowing them to get their revenge before Su goes to stab James and Havok stops him before Havok stabs him instead. We then see James in what appears to be an afterlife where there’s a cat floating on a cloud and a clip of Abyss in the middle of the screen as we go off the air.

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