
IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory 2020 X-Division Championship Six-Way Scramble Match Result

X-Division Championship Six-Way Scramble Match

Rohit tries to leave, but is brought back to the ring before it’s just TJP and Chris in the ring. The two shove each other before Trey hits a dive and takes the both of them out. Trey hits a 916 into a superkick before Willie comes in and runs the ropes with Trey until he sends Trey out of the ring with a flying shoulder block. Jordynne comes in and drops Willie for two before Willie hits a scoop slam and TJP locks in a double triple submission. Rohit comes in and slams Jordynne into the mat before clearing the ring and hitting a snap suplex for two. Willie hits a Samoan drop into a standing moonsault for two before everyone takes turns hitting topes. Back in the ring TJP gets a near fall off of a crucifix that Jordynne breaks up before Trey counters a muscle buster. They hit a tower of doom before Rohit hits a diving stomp onto Jordynne for a near fall that Willie breaks up. Everyone hits a move before Jordynne hits Trey with the Grace Driver for a near fall that Rohit breaks up. Jordynne then hits a tope before TJP hits a diving splash and Rohit takes him out before covering Trey for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju retains his X-Division Championship by defeating Trey Miguel, Willie Mack, TJP and Jordynne Grace via pinfall.

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