
IMPACT Wrestling 1/19 Race For The Case!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling! Tonight we have what promises to be an action packed show as tonight we begin. Race to the Case! The best and brightest of IMPACT begin their quest for a shot at the IMPACT World Championship and Drew Galloway returns to reclaim the title that he believes is rightfully his when he challenges Moose for the IMPACT Grand Championship! Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of tonight's action!

Race For The Case Match

The Hardys, Jessie, Miracle, Decay, The Helms Dynasty and Shera all fight around the ring and outside of it as they look to grab one of five cases around the ring. Tyrus and Mike get the first briefcase, the red one then are made to leave the match immediately afterwards. Trevor Lee then gets the blue briefcase and he and Andrew Everett are forced to leave as we go to commercial.

DCC get the gold briefcase then leave and quickly afterwards The Hardys get the green one to end the match.

-We then get a video package for the debuts of Drew Galloway and Moose then Drew talks about the changes the company has gone through and his claim at the Grand Championship, saying it was designed with him in mind. 

-Lashley comes out as we come back and says there's nothing going to stop him from the world title and demands Eddie comes out to the ring. Eddie comes out and agrees to a 30 minute Iron Man match. Lashley then attacks Eddie after he says he will always "be his bitch". Davey Richards comes out with a chair and saves Eddie and Lashley leaves. 

-Maria and Brooke talk backstage as we go to commercial.

Deonna vs Brooke

Deonna is in control early, dropping Brooke repeatedly then Brooke mounts a comeback, sending Deonna out of the ring to recover. Brooke goes out after her and throws her into the railing before rolling her back into the ring. Brooke hits a flapjack then a sitout facebuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brooke via pinfall

-Sienna attacks Brooke after the match, but she sees her and tries to fight her off, but Sienna hits her with The Silencer.

-It is revealed that DCC have the #2 briefcase, Eli Drake got #4, The Helms Dynasty #3 and the Hardys got #1.

-We then get another Drew Galloway video where he cashed in on Big Money Matt and won the title.

Aron Rex & Rockstar Spud vs Robbie E & Swoggle

Spud beats on Swoggle, stomping on him in the corner then tags in Rex. Swoggles hits the GTS on Spud after Rex tags him back in then Swoggle bites Rex after he comes back in. Swoggles tags in Robbie and he drops Rex with a cross body then a high knee. Robbie flapjacks Spud onto Rex then sends Swoggle into both Rex and Spud in separate corners. Spud distracts the referee and Rex hits Swoggle with his hand with rings on it for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rockstar Spud & Aron Rex via pinfall

-We then get another video for Drew Galloway.

Drew Galloway vs Moose IMPACT Grand Championship Match

They start the match off with a clean break then exchange chops before Moose gets the upper hand until Drew hits a piledriver for a quick 2 count to end round 1.

Round 1 goes to Galloway.

Round 2

They brawl around outside of the ring then Drew puts Moose in The Iron Maiden, but Moose won't tap as the round ends.

Round 2 goes to Moose.

Round 3

Moose hits Drew repeatedly then Moose dropkicks Drew in mid-air. Drew gets a point deduction for Drew for a low blow then Drew hits The Claymore for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drew Galloway via pinfall

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