
IMPACT Results for 8/18/20 Emergence Night One New X-Division champion Crowned, MCMG Retain

Witness the first night of the special IMPACT Wrestling event EMERGENCE tonight at 8pm EST on AXSTV!

Hey there Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

X-Division Championship Triple Threat Match

Chris Bey (c) vs TJP vs Rohit Raju

TJP hits a tope over the top rope before the match starts before it starts once he tossed Rohit in the ring. TJP hits Chris with a head scissors before Rohit and Chris double up on TJP momentarily before TJP locks in a double submission to the pair. TJP snaps the arm of Chris before Rohit drops him with a back elbow and stomps him before putting Chris in a Gory stretch while having Rohit in a pendulum. TJP locks in a sharpshooter on Chris before Rohit stomps him to make him break the submission. Chris accidentally takes out Rohit and sends him out of the ring before TJP hits Chris with a tombstone.

Rohit knocks TJP off of the top before TJP locks in a double submission before hitting Rohit with an exploder suplex. Rohit misses a cannonball in the corner before Chris gets a near fall off of a sunset flip. Chris hits a move for a near fall before TJP hits a bloody cross and Chris knocks Rohit off of the apron before TJP puts Chris in a submission that Rohit stops him from tapping from. TJP then hits a wrecking ball dropkick before Rohit hits Chris with a diving stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju defeats Chris Bey and TJP via pinfall to become the new X-Division champion.

– We go to a segment of Wrestle House where Acey is furious with Larry about his new attitude towards the opposite sex as we go to commercial.

-We get a promo by The Good Brothers who cut a promo on Ace Austin and Madman Fulton before we go to Josh and Madison who breakdown the rest of the card for night one of Emergence.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match

Moose (c) vs Trey

They exchange chops in the corner until Moose drops Trey who clutches his chest as we go to commercial.

We come back to Moose in control before Trey comes back with strikes only to be dropkicked for two. Moose rips at the nose and face of Trey before Trey comes back with a super kick into a spin kick before dropkicking Moose. Trey hits a DDT that sends Moose out of the ring before he goes for a flipping senton and Moose catches him. Moose slings Trey into the railing and powerbombs him onto the edge of the apron before Trey gets back into the ring right before being counted out at the count of nine. Trey then hops over a spear before Moose counters a sunset flip and Spears Trey on the second attempt for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose retains his TNA World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Trey via pinfall.

– EC3 lays Moose out with a TK3 after the match before taking Moose’s belt with him.

– Backstage Hernandez pays Reno Scum for doing a job for him when they attacked Rhino last week as we go back to commercial.

– We come back to a video package promo by Eric Young before we go to this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a match with Eric and Kurt Angle in which Eric wins.

– Willie Mack is interviewed by Jimmy Jacobs backstage about what happened to Rich Swann before Brian Myers shows up and takes Jimmy off for his own interview. Willie then attacks Brian and the camera hits the ground as we go to commercial.

Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs The Good Brothers

Karl and Ace kick things off with Karl beating on Ace in the corner before Ace comes back and stomps Karl before Karl drops him with a back elbow. Karl punches Ace in mount before getting the tag to Luke before TGB double up on Ace. Ace gets the tag to Fulton who stares down Luke while he and Ace isolate Karl. Karl drives Ace into the corner and Luke and Fulton come in and exchange strikes until Fulton smashes Luke’s head into the top turnbuckle. Ace comes back in and is launched halfway across the ring before Karl gets distracted by Fulton and Ace dropkicks him from behind.

Ace and Fulton take control of Karl, Fulton suplexing Karl onto the knees of Ace for two. Karl comes back with a spine buster to Ace and gets the tag to Luke who sends Fulton out of the ring and hits a running splash into a running back elbow. Fulton sends Luke into the post at ringside before Fulton clotheslines Karl for a near fall. Ace and Karl exchange strikes until they drop each other and Fulton pulls Luke off of the apron and into the railing when he gets back up on the apron. Luke then takes out Fulton and sends him over the railing before The Good Brothers hit The Magic Killer for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Good Brothers defeat Ace Austin and Madman Fulton via pinfall.

– Back to the Wrestle House where a mystery is a foot as The Deaners try to figure out who took their beer. Susie reminds everyone of the truce they all agreed to before Larry tries to get Rosemary to go out on a date with him, but she’s busy before saying that maybe they can next week. Susie then says hi to Cody before leaving the room as we go to commercial.

– We go back to Wrestle House with a match between Taya Valkyrie and Kylie Rae refereed by Rosemary in which Kylie wins. Rosemary then goes to ringside and tells Larry that she’s going to see him next week as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the announcement of Willie Mack and Brian Myers for night two of Emergence.

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match

The Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs The North

Josh and Chris start things off for their respective teams with Chris using his superior speed to be one step ahead of Josh early. Chris pulls Ethan off of the apron and comes off of the top, but Josh catches him and drives him into the corner. The North take out both members of MCMG before Ethan stomps Alex and The North chain together offense and tags. Josh accidentally rocks Ethan with a forearm before Alex lays into Josh with strikes and dropkicks the knee of Josh. Ethan then comes in and gets hit with a dropkick by Alex into a DDT by Chris before MCMG double up on Josh and Alex hits a dragon screw as we go to commercial.

We come back to Alex in control of Josh on the mat, Alex focusing on the knee of Josh before he locks in a single leg Boston crab and Ethan breaks it up by running in and punching Alex in the face. Josh comes back and hits an assisted gut buster for two before Ethan comes back in and knees Alex repeatedly while yelling at Chris on the apron. The North take turns stomping Alex before Ethan elbows the back of the neck of Alex and goes for a delayed suplex that Alex fights out of. The North hit Alex with a pair of backbreakers for a near fall that Chris breaks up before Chris gets the hot tag and hits Ethan with forearms and a flurry of kicks and knees. Chris hits a neck breaker into a missile dropkick before hitting a running back elbow to Ethan and a suicide dive through the legs of Alex onto Josh at ringside.

MCMG hit Ethan with a move for two before Alex and Ethan exchange strikes and Ethan counters a shiranui. Everyone exchange strikes until The North counter the ASCS Rush for a near fall before Chris counters The North’s finisher. Alex gets a near fall off of a jack knife before The North counter another shiranui attempt and MCMG send Josh out of the ring. MCMG then hit Ethan with a neck breaker into a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Motor City Machine Guns retain their IMPACT World Tag Team titles by defeating The North via pinfall.

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