
Hulk Hogan Supports The Bullet Club; Says “2 Sweet Tour” Has Vince McMahon’s Blessing

Hulk Hogan knows a thing or two about transformative wrestling groups.

Speaking to Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated, Hogan stated that he supports everything the Bullet Club are doing with All In.

“They have my support, I’m a huge fan of their work and I’m rooting for them. WWE is the mainstay, they’re here forever, but whenever there is competition in the marketplace, especially with a group of guys like Cody Rhodes, the Young Bucks, and Kenny Omega, it just raises the bar with the level of shows and content.”

Hogan even went as far as saying, “Cody has talked to me about maybe doing something with Bullet Club, but those guys are on fire on their own.”

If the Bullet Club were to go to war with Hogan; Hollywood already has his backup. Recently, Hogan reunited with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash for the “2 Sweet Tour.” The group donned the NWO colors once again, announcing a VIP meet and greet and Q&A session.

Even though Hogan and Nash own 50 percent of the NWO trademark — Vince McMahon and WWE own the other half — Hogan still went to Vince to get his permission before making the “paid for by the NWO” announcement.

“First off, this whole NWO thing has Vince McMahon’s blessing,” said Hogan. “I’ve heard people say otherwise, but I have a great rapport with Vince, we talked about this, and we’re acting under his blessing.”

Hogan was reinstated into the WWE Hall of Fame on Jul. 15 after being removed in 2015. 

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