Hiromu Takahashi Wrestles A Dinosaur
The headline says it all.
Hiromu Takahashi wrestled a dinosaur.
The “match” was part of a “DINO SAFARI GIGANT.” Fans can learn more about DINA SAFARI GIGANT by clicking here.
Though Hiromu was knocked down in the fight, he managed to survive with a little help from his safari friends.
高橋ヒロムvs ギガノトサウルス#ディノサファリ — #njpw https://t.co/5wVQq0NY2j pic.twitter.com/tI2Xy8JGy0
— 新日本プロレスリング株式会社 (@njpw1972) August 2, 2023
Even if Hiromu had lost, the Giganotosaurus did not qualify for the junior heavyweight limit, which means Hiromu would have remains IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion.
Unless he was eaten.