Goldberg Says He Doesn’t Wrestle 15 Minute Matches: “They Pay Other Guys” To Do That
Goldberg recently appeared on the Ross Report podcast and talked about his WrestleMania match with Brock Lesnar and the warm reception he's gotten for his current run in WWE. Mostly though, the conversation kept coming back around to him being Mike Tyson.
But we'll get to that.
First, he said he's been overwhelmed by the support he's gotten from WWE fans … for the most part.
"I feel like that every time I go out. I’m pleasantly surprised if one person cheers for me, let alone… doesn’t hit me with something, so I’m humbled each and every time I go out there. And, granted, there [are] different markets. You’re going to get a different reception in a heel market and whatever it may be, but, for the most part, I’m completely awed and greatly appreciative of the reception. It’s just being able to deliver. They’re excited and you’ve got to deliver. I don’t want to be a mark and worry about what people think. It’s tough to go out and do a couple of moves and be taken seriously. Although, at the end of the day, I was the Mike Tyson of wrestling. People didn’t pay to see me wrestle 15, 20 minutes.”
But just as he admits that he didn't wrestle longer matches, he also says he hates that people keep saying "he can't wrestle longer matches."
“I’m sick and tired of hearing, ‘Goldberg can’t go 15 minutes. He can’t do this. He can’t…’ You know what? They pay people to do that, okay? They also pay other guys to smash people. And when Mike Tyson was fighting, people didn’t not pay $60 to know he was going to knock someone’s block off within 60 seconds. And don’t tell me when he delivered, that people were not on their feet, going nuts. So you can’t please everybody, but I wasn’t one of those guys. If I was asked to be one of those guys, maybe I could’ve been. But I’m not one of those guys. But, hey, I’m very, very lucky not to be one.”
Now, whether his match lasts the proverbial 15 minutes or just 15 seconds, Goldberg says he doesn't care where his match is on the card. Although he says it's definitely going to be longer than their Survivor Series tilt.
“I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. You know what? I can’t control that. It really doesn’t matter. I mean, people are going to conjecture, people are going to say that it doesn’t deserve to because of this, because of that. That doesn’t matter to me. Whenever it is, it’s going to be a blood fest. Whether I win or lose, the fact is Brock’s going to know he was in one hell of a fight and it isn’t going to be 15 seconds. It ain’t going to be a minute and 20 seconds because we both know we’re coming with it and I don’t think we’re going to surprise each other by any means. I think we’re in it for the long haul, so it’s going to be interesting. There’s no question about it. And I’ve already got my date in the hospital. I hope he has got his.”
Listen to the entire podcast here.