
GoFundMe Created To Help Mance Warner With His Medical Bills Following Ankle Injury

Here’s how you can help Ol’ Mancer.

Mance Warner suffered an ankle injury on Halloween night at an event held by NGW: Tennessee. Now, following his surgery, the wrestling community has come together to start a GoFundMe to help Mancer with his medical bills.

You can read the full description of the fund below:

“Southern Psycho” Mance Warner is a professional wrestler with a big heart and loves to entertain anyone and everyone around the world. From cheers with light beers to throwing lariats in the ring to fans jamming with him during his entrance of being a Simple Kind of Man, he puts is body, blood, sweat, and tears into every single match he does.

From Halloween of 2021, Mance suffered an accidental injury at NGW. Mance had to have overnight surgery on his leg via ankle, fibia, and tibia. Along with doctor appointments, check ups, hospital stays, surgery, x-rays, rehab, bills, his kitties Helen and Spaghetti to feed and take care of, and a big hospital bill, he will be out of action and out of work which means his income will be affected dramatically.

Holidays are coming up and the wrestling community is making a Go Fund Me for Mance Warner to help lift his struggles during this time as well as cheer him on to a road to recovery.

If you can donate, anything helps. Thank you so much for your support as well as any kind words to the road of recovery for Mance Warner. Also, if you would like to support in any other way, please send him well wishes, gifs, any words of encouragement and support, and be sure to follow him on Twitter for updates.

Twitter – @ManceWarner

“Thank you to all of the fans. Without you all, we ain’t shit and y’all always got our backs.” – Mance Warner

Danhausen was also injured on the same card. You can learn more about that at this link. Also, keep up with real-time updates of injuries across the world of wrestling by using our injury resource.

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