
GCW The Acid Cup 2 Night Two Results: A Second Acid Cup Winner Is Crowned & A Clusterf*ck Match

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for GCW The Acid Cup 2 Night Two. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

The Acid Cup 2 Quarterfinal Round Match
KTB vs. Shane Mercer

The match begins with Mercer catching a diving KTB, KTB gets free and a striking exchange breaks out on the arena floor. KTB drags Mercer onto the stage as they continue battling, Mercer takes off his jacket and he chokes KTB with it. Mercer grabs a steel chair and he attacks KTB with it, Mercer looks for a suplex off the stage and KTB fights back before attempting one of his own. KTB gets Mercer to the ring apron before landing a leaping clothesline, Mercer falls to the arena floor and KTB gets him back in the ring. Mercer looks for a press slam and KTB gets free to land multiple head kicks, Mercer falls out of the ring and KTB goes for a suicide dive. Mercer catches KTB and he slams him onto the bar, Mercer follows up by nailing KTB with some strikes. KTB catches a leaping Mercer before back suplexing him onto the ring apron, KTB gets Mercer on the bar and he follows him up there. KTB and Mercer brawl before KTB misses a chair shot, Mercer drops KTB with a clothesline to the back of the head.

KTB fights back and he slams Mercer back into the ring, KTB then hits Mercer with a top rope headbutt for a near fall. KTB corners Mercer before landing a series of strikes, Mercer avoids a rolling KTB to land an exploder suplex into the corner. Mercer then hits KTB with a Van Terminator, Mercer follows up by landing a split legged moonsault on KTB for a near fall. KTB fights back and he goes to the top rope, Mercer returns and he kicks KTB in the head. Mercer goes to the top rope and KTB fights back before getting free, KTB then hits Mercer with a Go To Beast. KTB catches Mercer in the single leg crab and Mercer gets free, KTB reapplies the single leg crab and Mercer gets free before rolling him up for a three count.

Winner: Shane Mercer

The Acid Cup 2 Quarterfinal Round Match
Matthew Justice vs. Blake Christian

The match begins with Justice backing Christian into the corner before letting him go free, Justice gets Christian in a headlock and Christian gets free before eating a shoulder tackle. Justice takes Christian down after applying another headlock, Christian gets free and he eats another shoulder tackle. Christian recovers and he nails Justice with a hurricarana, Justice fights back and he nails Christian with a leaping shoulder tackle. Christian returns and he nails Justice with a springboard shoulder tackle followed by a 619, Justice leaves the ring and he plants Christian in the ring apron after catching him during a dive attempt. Justice attacks Christian with a few strikes before smashing a cup full of ice into his head. Christian fights back and Justice sends him into the bar, Justice then throws Christian into the men’s bathroom. Justice smashes Christian face first into a stall wall, they leave the bathroom and Christian nails Justice with a moonsault from the ring apron.

Christian gets Justice back into the ring before landing a double stomp and top rope high cross body, Christian then hits Justice with a leaping European uppercut. Christian drops Justice before landing a basement drop kick for a near fall, Christian goes for another moonsault and Justice gets his knees up. Justice hangs Christian upside down in the corner before missing a Van Terminator attempt, Christian goes for a 450 splash and Justice gets out of the way before landing a spear for a near fall. Christian and Justice have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Justice ends the exchange by nailing Christian with an avalanche and death valley driver into the corner for a near fall. Justice leaves the ring and he throws a bunch of chairs into the ring, Christian grabs a chair and he sends Justice throat first into one. Christian leaps off a chair and he nails Justice with a drop kick, Christian then hits Justice with a knee strike into some chairs for a near fall.

Christian misses a chair shot and Justice nails him with a spear for a near fall, Justice goes to the top rope and he lands a splash for another near fall. Justice goes back to the top rope and Christian nails him with a chair shot, Christian nails Justice with a super DDT onto a chair for a near fall. Christian sets up some chairs before going to the top rope, Justice meets him up there and he lands a super Attitude Adjustment. Christian recovers to hit Justice with a 619 and a handspring DDT onto a chair for a three count.

Winner: Blake Christian

The Acid Cup 2 Quarterfinal Round Match
Allie Kat vs. Chris Dickinson

The match begins with Dickinson scoring a takedown on Kat, Dickinson looks for a rear naked choke and Kat gets to the ropes. Dickinson backs Kat into the ropes before eventually letting her go free, Kat backs Dickinson into the corner before landing a chop. Dickinson gets angry and he nails Kat with a shoulder tackle, Dickinson misses a running chop and Kat lands more chops of her own. Kat escapes a suplex attempt to nail Dickinson with a pump kick to the face, Dickinson drops a charging Kat with a chop followed by a brain buster for a near fall. Dickinson drags Kat into the corner while working over her arm, Dickinson focuses his attack on the arm of Kat. Dickinson grounds Kat before wrenching away on her arm, Kat gets free and Dickinson drops her with a chop. Dickinson then hits Kat with a slam for a near fall, Kat fights back again and Dickinson drops her with a forearm strike.

Dickinson looks for a pile driver and Kat blocks it from happening, Dickinson and Kat get into a striking exchange. Kat ends the exchange by nailing Dickinson with a jaw breaker and seated senton, Kat then hits Dickinson with a running butt smash and cannonball for a near fall. Kat looks for a pile driver and Dickinson gets free, Dickinson gets Kat to the top rope and he follows her up there. Kat gets free and she nails Dickinson with a power bomb for a near fall, Kat looks for a pile driver again and Dickinson counters with a back body drop. Dickinson goes for a power bomb and Kat rolls him up for a near fall, Dickinson recovers and he hits Kat with a knee strike for a near fall. Kat blocks a lariat from Dickinson before eating a head kick, Kat recovers and she hits Dickinson with a death valley driver. Kat tries attacking Dickinson with a lariat and Dickinson responds with one of his own, Dickinson and Kat exchange more lariats until Dickinson lands a head kick.

Kat gets mad and she nails Dickinson with a lariat for a near fall, Kat then hits Dickinson with a pile driver for a near fall. Kat sets up for another pile driver and Dickinson counters with a shot into the top turnbuckle, Dickinson then levels Kat with a lariat for a three count.

Winner: Chris Dickinson

The Acid Cup 2 Quarterfinal Round Match
Nick Gage vs. Jordan Oliver

The match begins with Gage attacking Oliver right as the bell sounds, Gage drops Oliver before stomping away on him. Gage then hits Oliver with an atomic drop and neck breaker, Gage drags Oliver out of the ring and he puts him on top of a table. Gage uses a Vader Bomb to put Oliver through the table, Gage grabs more table tops and he attacks Oliver with them before getting him in the ring. Gage goes to the stage and he sets up a barbed wire table, Oliver leaps off the top rope and he knocks Gage into the barbed wire. Oliver goes for a tornado DDT and Gage blocks it before suplexing him onto the barbed wire, Gage grabs a chair and he uses it to smash the barbed wire into Oliver’s back. Gage throws Oliver off the stage and into the ring ropes, Gage gets Oliver into the ring before Oliver kicks a chair into his face. Oliver then drops Gage with a roaring elbow strike, Gage fights back and he throws a chair at a charging Oliver.

Gage picks up Oliver and he quickly drops him with a right, Gage follows up by nailing Oliver with a brain buster. Gage goes to the top rope and Ellis Taylor comes out to grab his leg, Oliver nails Gage with a top rope hurricarana for a near fall. Oliver misses a lariat and Gage nails him with a pile driver followed by a power bomb for a near fall as Taylor pulls the ref out of the ring, Gage then hits Taylor with a choke breaker. Atticus Cogar distracts Gage and Oliver kicks a chair into his face for a three count.

Winner: Jordan Oliver

Social Distancing Match
Joey Janela vs. Jimmy Lloyd

The match begins with Janela grabbing the microphone to say that he has know idea what’s going to happen right now since they have to stay six feet apart during the match, Lloyd gets Janela in a headlock. Janela gets free and Lloyd attacks him with shoulder tackles, Lloyd and Janela exchange foot sweeps and pin attempts while never making contact with each other. Janela nails Lloyd with a few strikes before sending him out of the ring, Lloyd stops a Janela suicide dive by landing a head kick. Lloyd then hits Janela with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Lloyd and Janela have a striking exchange in the ring. Janela and Lloyd make contact with each other and the referee breaks them up before making them go six feet apart, Lloyd and Janela drop each other with a double clothesline. Lloyd gets up and he nails Janela with a super kick, Janela responds by landing one of his own.

Lloyd and Janela exchange more super kicks until Janela nails Lloyd with a poison hurricarana for a near fall, Janela grabs a steel chair and the referee sanitizes it before Janela can use it. Janela then throws the chair at Lloyd, the ref sanitizes the chair again before throwing it at Janela. Janela throws the chair at Lloyd without sanitizing it first, Lloyd recovers and he nails Janela with a destroyer for a near fall. Lloyd leaves the ring and he brings a door back into it, Lloyd then sanitizes the door before attacking Janela. Janela sends Lloyd through the door for a three count.

Winner: Joey Janela

The Acid Cup 2 Semi-Final Round Match
Chris Dickinson vs. Shane Mercer

The match begins with Dickinson nailing Mercer with a shotgun drop kick followed by some chops, Dickinson misses a spin kick before nailing Mercer with a follow up lariat. Mercer gets up and Dickinson nails him with some kicks, Mercer recovers and he nails Dickinson with a pop up power slam for a near fall. Mercer gets Dickinson into the ropes before choking him on the middle rope, Mercer starts attacking the back of Dickinson. Mercer drops Dickinson before holding him down with a chin lock, Dickinson gets free and he nails Mercer with a back suplex. Mercer recovers and he nails Dickinson with a European uppercut and exploder suplex, Dickinson leaves the ring and Mercer follows him out there. Mercer attacks Dickinson with some strikes before getting him back in the ring, Mercer and Dickinson have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Dickinson looks for a pile driver and Mercer counters with a back body drop, Mercer follows up by nailing Dickinson with a fall away slam for a near fall.

Dickinson fights back and he nails Mercer with a tornado DDT, Dickinson then hits a cornered Mercer with multiple clotheslines. Mercer fights back before eating a shining wizard from Dickinson for a near fall, Dickinson follows up by nailing Mercer with a pile driver. Mercer gets up and Dickinson nails him with an enziguri for a near fall, Dickinson goes for a knee strike and Mercer counters by landing an exploder suplex. Mercer follows up by nailing Dickinson with a discus lariat for a near fall, Mercer then gets Dickinson onto the top rope and he follows him up there. Mercer then hits Dickinson with Assault & Battery, but Dickinson rolls through and he catches Mercer in a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Chris Dickinson

The Acid Cup 2 Semi-Final Round Match
Blake Christian vs. Jordan Oliver

The match begins with Christian jumping off the staircase onto Oliver, Christian then sends Oliver out of the ring before attempting a dive. Christian gets Oliver back into the ring and Oliver nails him with a drop kick a short time later, Oliver and Christian have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Oliver ends the exchange by nailing Christian with an enziguri, Christian fights back and he nails Oliver with a few kicks to the head. Oliver and Christian have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Christian and Oliver also exchange some short arm clothesline attempts. Christian eventually drops Oliver with a Rainmaker before landing an inverted Rainmaker, Oliver fights back and Christian nails him with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Oliver then hits Christian with a yakuza kick and sit out power bomb for a near fall, Oliver goes for an Os Cutter and Christian flips him into the corner before landing a double knee strike for a near fall.

Oliver gets up and he nails Christian with a head kick, Oliver then hits Christian with a slingshot stunner and yakuza kick for a near fall. Oliver misses an Os Cutter and Christian nails him with a 619, Christian then hits Oliver with a springboard spinning splash for a three count.

Winner: Blake Christian

Clusterf*ck Match

The first two entrants are Benjamin Carter and Cole Radrick, the match starts with both competitors working over each other’s arms. Radrick then takes Carter down with a head scissors takedown, Carter recovers and he nails Radrick with a drop kick. Carter then hits Radrick with a spinning drop kick for a near fall, Carter falls off the top rope and Radrick kicks him in the head before landing a kryptonite krunch for a near fall. #3 is Ellis Taylor and he immediately attacks both competitors, #4 is Sanchez and he immediately climbs to the top rope while rocking out to his theme song. Sanchez leaps off the top rope and Taylor avoids him, Sanchez then nails Taylor with a clothesline a short time later. Carter then nails Sanchez with a head kick , Carter goes for a springboard move and Sanchez drops him. Radrick returns and he nails Sanchez with a head kick, Sanchez recovers and he nails Radrick with a German suplex. Sanchez corners all of his opponents while landing chops on them, #5 is the Pitbull cardboard cutout.

Pitbull does a dive off the second story and he takes out all of the competitors, #6 is Jimmy Lloyd and he attacks everybody in the match. Carter drops Lloyd before landing a standing shooting star press for a near fall, Lloyd recovers to hit a leaping Carter with a super kick and pile driver for a three count (Eliminated: Benjamin Carter). #7 is Stauffer and Lloyd immediately nails him with a suplex, Lloyd throws Stauffer out of the ring for an elimination (Eliminated: Stauffer). #8 is a John Cena cardboard cutout, Cena immediately hits a bunch of competitors with FU’s. Cena drops Sanchez before landing a Five Knuckle Shuffle for a three count (Eliminated: Sanchez), #9 is Atticus Cogar and he attacks the remaining participants. Cogar dumps Cena out of the ring for an elimination (Eliminated: Cardboard Cutout John Cena), #10 is Nick Gage and he immediately goes after Cogar. Gage clotheslines Cogar out of the ring for an elimination (Eliminated: Atticus Cogar), Gage leaves the ring and he battles Cogar to the second floor.

Radrick then hits Taylor with a head kick and Michinoku Driver for a three count (Eliminated: Ellis Taylor), #11 is Manders and he goes right after Lloyd. Manders drops Lloyd with a shoulder tackle before battling Radrick, Manders then nails Radrick with a delayed vertical suplex. #12 is Gifboy Dalton and he fails at attacking Manders with chops, Manders drops Dalton with a chop before putting him through a table on the arena floor for an elimination (Eliminated: Gifboy Dalton). #13 is Lucky 13 and he nails Manders with a head kick followed by a lung blower, 13 then hits Manders with a knee strike before diving out of the ring onto some random people. Manders then hits 13 with a power slam and lariat for a three count (Eliminated: Lucky 13), Radrick and Lloyd return to attack Manders with a double choke slam and knee strikes for a three count (Eliminated: Manders). Radrick and Lloyd exchange some super kicks until both go down for a double pin (Eliminated: Cole Radrick and Jimmy Lloyd), Gage then throws the Pitbull Cardboard Cutout out of the ring for the final elimination (Eliminated: Pitbull Cardboard Cutout).

Winner: Nick Gage

The Acid Cup 2 Finals
Chris Dickinson vs. Blake Christian

The match begins with Dickinson scoring a takedown on Christian and he tries working over his leg until Christian gets to the ropes, Christian catches Dickinson in roll up for a one count. Dickinson drops Christian and he works over his arm, Dickinson transitions to the leg of Christian while holding him down. Dickinson catches Christian in a modified Indian death lock, Christian gets up and he corners Dickinson before landing a few strikes. Christian also nails Dickinson with multiple shoulder thrusts to the midsection, Dickinson fights back and he nails Christian with some chops. Christian fights back and Dickinson goes back to work on his legs, Dickinson applies the trailer hitch to Christian. Christian gets to the ropes and Dickinson stomps away on him, Dickinson stomps away on the injured leg of Christian.

Dickinson follows up on that by getting Christian in a single leg crab, Christian gets to the ropes to break to submission attempt. Christian fights back and he attacks Dickinson with a few strikes, Dickinson recovers to hit Christian with a dragon screw leg whip. Dickinson then applies a figure four leg lock to Christian, Christian reverses the hold and Dickinson gets to the ropes. Christian keeps Dickinson down while landing multiple double stomps, Christian knocks Dickinson out of the ring before landing a suicide dive. Dickinson fights back and he gets Christian back in the ring while landing a few strikes, Dickinson holds Christian down while landing multiple strikes to his back. Christian fights back and a striking exchange breaks out, Dickinson ends the exchange by getting Christian in a sleeper hold. Christian gets free and another striking exchange breaks out with Dickinson, Dickinson drops Christian with an enziguri to end the exchange.

Dickinson goes for a German suplex and Christian lands on his feet before landing some clotheslines, Christian then hits Dickinson with a German suplex for a near fall. Dickinson recovers and he gets Christian in a sleeper hold, Christian gets free by landing a Saito Suplex and knee strike for a near fall. Christian goes for a handspring cutter and Dickinson counters by landing multiple clotheslines, Dickinson then hits Christian with a death valley driver for a near fall. Dickinson goes for a power bomb and he lands a pile driver instead for a near fall, Dickinson looks for a Pazuzu Bomb and Christian gets free. Christian then hits Dickinson with a top rope double stomp, Christian then hits Dickinson with a 450 splash for a near fall. Christian goes back to the top rope and Dickinson meets him up there, Dickinson then hits Christian with a super death valley driver and a dead lift German suplex. Dickinson then hits Christian with a lariat for a near fall, Dickinson and Christian get into another striking exchange.

Christian then hits Dickinson with an enziguri, Dickinson recovers to hit Christian with a death valley driver and Pazuzu Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Chris Dickinson

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