
Floyd County Health Department Believes A Pro Wrestling Trainwreck Show Prompted HIV Health Alert

A whirlwind of a story coming out of New Albany.

The ‘Pro Wrestling Trainwreck’ promotion was one of the focus points of a recent New Albany, Indiana Council Members meeting coming off the heels of their show on June 23rd that the Council feels prompted an HIV health alert. There was panes of glass, thumbtacks and a “fans bring the weapons” match.

Dakota Bostock, 20 years old who competed on the aforementioned Pro Wrestling Trainwreck show, dove through a shopping cart full of light bulbs and within the same match, he was put through a sheet of glass. Dakota’s father, Shawn Bostic, expressed to WAVE 3 News that his son did not receive the proper care to treat the injuries he suffered during the match but clarified that Dakota decided to partake in that match under his own will.

“My son was injured. He entered that (match) of his own decision. I wish I could have changed his mind, unfortunately I couldn’t,” Shawn Bostock, Dakota’s father, said. “But I can tell you he laid back there for 45 minutes waiting for — somebody called his mom, and she drove, picked him up and took him to the hospital. He received little to no care past a towel.”

The claims from the Floyd County Health Department about the show causing an HIV health concern has led to Pro Wrestling Trainwreck cancelling their forthcoming events for the month of July and putting their shows in August and September on hold.

 Due to the unverified information the Floyd County Health Department received, the false health warning they issued and their negligence in how this recent situation was handled, issues involving our jobs, our children and family have come up.

Unfortunately, Pro Wrestling Trainwreck will be canceling July events to deal with these issues. We will keep everyone posted on our August and September dates. Southern Sickness will go on as planned.

Thank you for your continued support.

Dakota Bostic needed 40 staples and five internal stitches once it all was said and done. WAVE 3 added to the story that city leaders were not happy with the show either. It is noted that the city planning commission was not made aware of the show and the event was against zoning regulations. 

Dr. Tom Harris, who is a representative of the Floyd County Health Department made the case about why there was a HIV health risk via the June 23rd show. He provided data about the amount of people that are HIV positive but are not aware that they are HIV positive.

“About one out of seven people that are HIV positive don’t know they’re HIV positive,” Dr. Tom Harris, with the Floyd County Health Department, said. “And you can look at any of the videos or tapes or stills from this event and see that there was a large quantity of blood spilled and there’s a risk.”

Pro Wrestling Trainwreck has also posted the following quotes to their Twitter page from Charlotte Bass, who is the administrator of the health department.


As more information about this story comes to the forefront, we’ll update this article or publish a new article.

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