
Fightful Wrestling Weekly 9/8: AEW News, WWE- Twitch

WOW Update

Currently, there is no new update on the status of WOW Women of Wrestling. The show was booted off of AXS TV by the Anthem regime, but the company has been in touch with talent saying that they’re hoping they can make something work. Thunder Rosa mentioned to me that she’d like to serve as a trainer for the girls there, and believes David McClane can make things happen, because he always does. 

Thunder Rosa Combate

Thunder Rosa is not done with MMA. Even though she lost her first MMA fight last year, she tells Fightful that she’s actually under contract for three more fights. She also told me that since the pandemic, she’s primarily been focused on MMA training and hasn’t practiced a lot of wrestling.

Thunder Rosa told us that while she’s never been contacted by WWE or IMPACT Wrestling to wrestle, she was actually set for a WWE tryout last September as a referee. Hurricane Dorian caused a lot of things to get canceled and the tryout would have interfered with the training for her MMA fight, so she passed it up. She said that she doesn’t regret the decision and is open to working with them in the future, but likes for companies to contact her instead of the other way around. 

Thunder Rosa NWA

With Dave Lagana out of NWA, there’s a gaping hole in the company. Thunder Rosa isn’t just their champion, but has done some promoting of her own and worked on learning the production end of wrestling in WOW. She tells me that she would love an opportunity to help run that end of the National Wrestling Alliance. She admitted that she needs to learn the video editing side of things a lot more, and has been taking steps to get more adept at that of late.

NWA-AEW partnership.

Also, according to Thunder Rosa, the deal to bring her into All Elite Wrestling was made between NWA and AEW directly. Many assumed because she’s an ambitious performer and has been on TV everywhere, she may have made the initial contact, but Rosa indicated to me that the deal was put together by Billy Corgan and AEW. Rosa said she wants to be respectful to the National Wrestling Alliance while working for them. She said that she wasn’t expecting it to go down, but doesn’t consider anything a surprise anymore. 

AEW brought her into Jacksonville for everything that she has filmed for them thus far. She was happy with how the promo and the signing all went, and feels like she didn’t have anything to lose by taking the match. 

Raw Underground

As mentioned last week, several Raw Underground segments were scrapped before they ever made air. The matchups ended up airing on last week’s Raw, but with some changes.

Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir both had showcase matches on Raw Underground last week that were received really well by those in attendance. However, neither ended up on the broadcast as the focus was shifted to Bobby Lashley. This week, the matches were re-filmed and adjusted for time, as WWE wanted to incorporate the split of the IIconics and the attack on Billie Kay into the story.

Titus O’Neil vs. Riddick Moss was another match that was slated for two weeks ago and aired last week.

There is a lost match, so to speak. Dolph Ziggler vs. Ivar was filmed for two weeks ago, to the point WWE actually mentioned it on the air. However, the match was never broadcast, and featured Angel Garza showing up at the end leading to a breakdown in the match.

Eric Young Contract

Eric Young confirmed to me that he’s signed a two-year exclusive contract with IMPACT Wrestling, and that will be his focus during that period. He said that he was set up for life already and didn’t need to continue wrestling, but wanted to. Scott D’Amore made the call to bring him in and his familiarity with Scott helped ease his mind a little bit about coming in to the company. 

Eric Young said that he doesn’t think Vince McMahon had anything against him, and he was always polite. However, he said that Vince McMahon failed himself, the fans and his shareholders by not doing anything with him and called it one of Vince’s biggest mistakes. He still talks to Triple H, and considers the two years he was in NXT as some of the best of his entire career. 

Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar’s merchandise has disappeared from WWE Shop, as he is now a free agent. However, those close to Brock, as well as WWE don’t seem that concerned about it. According to a WWE source, they said that “This happens every year.  This year, a little longer than usual. But nothing new.” 

In regards to a potential UFC return, Lesnar still owed a hefty fine, would have to get back in the USADA pool and be tested a minimum of six months.


NXT aired on Tuesday night last week, and will do the same this week, leaving about four out of five weeks that feature AEW and NXT running unopposed of one another. Thus far, NXT’s numbers have greatly benefited from this, leading many to speculate about a potential night move for them. This has actually been a pitch floated for long before.

As of a couple of months ago, USA Network had thrown out the idea of NXT moving to Tuesday nights. The network has a lot of faith and a good relationship in WWE, but those we’ve spoken to have said they aren’t as committed to the “competition” aspect of NXT on Wednesday night considering it costs them viewers. WWE was said to have been receptive to the idea of moving nights.

We haven’t been told anything firm as of now, and wrestlers and officials have not been informed of a change as of yet. Fightful has been told by those close to USA Network that these two weeks were a bit of a test run on Tuesdays out of circumstance since the show had to switch nights for the playoffs anyway.

Ricky Starks

A lot of people thought that Ricky Starks was signed immediately after his match with Cody by AEW, but he tells me that’s not the case. It actually wasn’t until the match aired the following Wednesday on tape delay that AEW founder Tony Khan called him and offered him a contract. Arn Anderson extended to Ricky how lucky he was.

The Darby Allin impersonation was actually Ricky’s idea, and he pitched it to Khan directly. He didn’t think the pitch got that favorable of a response, and then a few weeks later, they were doing it. 


In regards to the WrestlingINC story ran about WWE asking their talent to cease third party agreements, Fightful can confirm that’s true.

Many main roster members hadn’t even heard of the news and had only glanced over a letter, while others were livid about the request. One top name wasn’t upset, saying that Cameo definitely cuts into the virtual meet and greet market. Another longtime star said that WWE is setting themselves up for a rough situation, as this is a foggy area with their classification as independent contractors. 

Originally, word was that WWE were upset about sensitive information leaking during streams.

As mentioned last night, while there were some outraged names in WWE, it wasn’t unanimous. Some told us they understood that Cameo cut in to WWE’s virtual meet and greets. However, in the initial language, WWE was very foggy about whether or not they were trying to prevent streaming, Cameo and the like outright, or just with their intellectual property. Fightful directly asked if this included real names, and didn’t get an answer. Thus far, based on the wrestlers that we’ve spoken to, none plan on ceasing their Cameo or streaming setups. Two specifically noted that if WWE wants them to, they’ll need their contracts renegotiated to compensate the limitations and changes.

Fightful has obtained the letter sent to WWE talent from Vince McMahon regarding third party activities. 

It reads:

“Furthering my comments last Sunday regarding the reinvention of our product, it is imperative that we promote and protect our brand in every conceivable way. Some of you are engaged with outside 3rd parties using your name and likeness in ways that are detrimental to our company. It is imperative that these activities be terminated within the next 30 days (by Friday October 2). Continued violations will result in fines, suspension or termination at WWE’s discretion. These actions are necessary in order to rebuild our brand as we enter the next phase of growth at WWE. 

I thank you for your cooperation in this matter and for all of your efforts towards the rejuvenation of WWE. 


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