
Exclusive: Vince Russo: “Eva Marie, I’m Here If You Need Me”

I think we all know by now that Vince Russo, I love talking in the third person, isn't in this game to win any popularity contests. People can judge me any way they like, and those that LOVE me—I do appreciate you, and those who HATE me . . . well . . . just keep talking about me.

That opening paragraph was written with purpose — to more or less ease into the declaration I'm about to make next.

Here it comes.


There, I said it, and I'm not one bit ashamed. Trust me, after 25 years in the crazy business of professional wrestling—I know a star when I see one—and Eva Marie—she REEKS star. Truth be told–she is the only thing I looked forward to on Smackdown every week. Now, I'm not going to sit here and say that I got butterflies in my stomach every time she graced my television screen, but, I do think that it's fair to say . . . I got flustered like a grade school boy learning about the wonders of a grade school girl for the very first time. You know when you know a girl is RED HOT? When you're not admiring her front-top side, or her rear-back side, but you are actually mesmerized by her KILLER ABS! I never realized abs on a female before prior to closely examining Eva Marie. GEEZ, LOUISE, this woman is carved with the precision of GEPETTO!!!

But now . . . our GODESS is gone. At least for 30 days any way. The latest victim of failing the WWE Wellness Policy. Why she failed we have no idea. The WWE likes to keep that reason private . . . while making it public that she did indeed actually fail the test. Is that weird to anybody? We're going to publically declare that she FAILED, but we don't want to invade her privacy by telling you WHY she failed. Strange indeed, but hence WWE policy.

Either way, the WWE is going to suffer a severe blow on Tuesday nights. To take nothing away from the other ladies on the Smackdown roster, they are all good workers, but none have the star potential of Eva Maria.

So Eva . . . I'm here if you need me. To talk, a shoulder to cry on, whatever, it doesn't matter. Just know, that whatever you did, I forgive you, but I will NEVER forgive the WWE from taking you from my TV screen!!!

Damn them!

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