
Exclusive: Richard Holliday Discusses Coffee, Yachts, And Potential Dynasty Produced MLW Episode

Richard Holliday on the finer things in life. 

When Richard Holliday isn’t in a wrestling ring, he’s probably somewhere with his coffee. Holliday’s love of coffee is no secret for fans who watch MLW, but have you ever wondered what’s in his cup? Fightful had a chance to speak Holliday prior to MLW Saturday SuperFight and, to the surprise of no one, Holliday was enjoying his coffee during our conversation.

“Starbucks,” Holliday replied when asked what kind of coffee. “Specifically, the Pike Place roast. It tends to be my favorite year-round. It especially goes well on a nice, crisp fall day.” 

Wondering if he had an affinity for the enigmatic pumpkin spiced lattes, Holliday replied, “That is an Achilles heel of mine. My pumpkin spiced lattes, almond milk, of course. That’s a regular for me between September 1st and November 30th. [Starbucks] is frequented quite often. Sometimes, it’s Starbucks twice a day. I do have a Keurig at home where I do make my own coffee. I’m an in-and-out kind of guy. I like to get my coffee quickly so I do the K-cups. And I also like to get my cortados at local coffee shops, which is a bit more of a specialty thing. I don’t get a cortado every day, but I do get them at least once a week. 

Along with a nice cup of coffee, Holiday also enjoys spending time on his yacht in order to get his mind right. Whenever The Dynasty is stressing about an upcoming bout, a stay on the yacht does help them refocus. 

“It’s very big,” Holliday said about the size of his yacht. “It’s so big that I never bothered to measure it because I didn’t want to get out of breath. Of course, it’s a full-service yacht. I have a Starbucks barista on the yacht. My father/lawyer has done an excellent job with this yacht. We rented it out to an American water company, who I refuse to name, who supplied the Dynasty with water while we were in Tijuana. Other than that, here and there, we’ll host events. But for the most part, we like to keep it hush-hush.”

Holliday is not only a successful wrestler, he is a marketing genius as well. Dubbed “Most Marketable,” Holliday knows how to promote himself and his best friends, MJF and Alex Hammerstone. Can everyone be as successful at Holliday and his Dynasty buddies? Yes, but on one condition.

“Find who you are. If who you are sucks, then quit. That would be my advice. I’m not one for controversy or tie my name into negative connotation. But there are plenty of people out there who suck and should quit. But, I’ll leave that for the imagination to perceive whoever they think I might be talking about. I tend to only associate myself with winners, which is why I am with Alexander Hammerstone and Maxwell Jacob Friedman,” he said.

In the past, fans have seen MLW CEO Court Bauer hand the reigns over to the likes of Salina de la Renta and Jimmy Havoc to produce special episodes of MLW Fusion. Though the Dynasty are the most marketable and the stars of the show, Holliday, MJF, and Hammerstone have yet to be named producers of MLW Fusion. But not for a lack of interest.

“The Dynasty produced episodes are by far the most requested episodes,” said Holliday. “I think Court and the team are a little apprehensive to hand the reigns over to us. I don’t know what they think we’re going to do. We’re three highly intelligent individuals who understand the wrestling business quite possibly better than anybody else. If we were to ever produce an episode of Fusion, you can only imagine that the ratings would be through the roof, especially with my pedigree as a marketer and degree in marketing. I know exactly the demographics to go after and how to market to them. I think it would be a hell of an episode. Salina does some good things when she produces the show. When you take a look at the show, we kind of already [produce it]. Most of the segments are Dynasty related and that’s for good reason. One straight hour of the Dynasty? That sounds pretty good to me.”

Should the Dynasty produce an episode of MLW Fusion, expect to see “a negative amount of Teddy Hart’s cats.”

The Dynasty could take a step in getting their own MLW Fusion episode by defeating The Von Erichs at MLW SuperFight. 

Fightful will have coverage of MLW Saturday SuperFight beginning at 8 p.m. ET on Nov. 2. 

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