
Exclusive: Homicide & Ortiz Say Mercedes Martinez Would Be A Good Fit In The LAX vs. OGz Feud

The LAX vs. OGz feud could reach its climax this weekend, but conspicuous by her absence has been Diamante.

While the lone female presence in the feud hasn’t actually been present, members of the two stables say that some others are capable of getting involved. Fightful.com spoke to Homicide on a conference call recently, who spoke highly of Diamante and another female in particular. 

“Diamante would be my number one. She’s the craziest of anybody. She’s the type of girl who will punch somebody out. I don’t even know what side she’s on. Hopefully the OGz side if she’s smart. When it comes to girls, a legend in the streets is Mercedes Martinez. She’s a legend and she’d be down with the click,” said Homicide.

Homicide wasn’t the only one to share this sentiment, as Ortiz of the rival LAX team says that both women would work out well, even if he’s partial to Diamante.

“Diamante all the way man. Respect to Mercedes, too. She’s a true veteran in the game,” Ortiz of LAX added.

Josh Mathews, who was also on the call, spoke up and shared a personal experience his wife, Madison Rayne, had with Mercedes Martinez recently. 

“My wife just had a match with her, and I thought Mercedes broke her neck. Very dangerous in the ring, but very technically sound. I’d love to see that in Impact,” Mathews said. 

LAX and OGz will do battle at Bound For Glory this Sunday at the Melrose Ballroom in Astoria, New York. Fightful.com will have full, live coverage, including a live post-show podcast. 

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