
Evolve 81 Results: Darby Allin/Ethan Page Go To War & Catch Pint Members Collide

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for Evolve 81. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

You can see the full results below.

Non-Title Match: Zack Sabre Jr. (Evolve Champion) def. Michael Elgin

Anything Goes Match: Darby Allin def. Ethan Page

Fred Yehi def. Matt Riddle

Keith Lee def. Donovan Dijak

Chris Dickinson, Jaka & Tracy Williams def. Sammy Guevara, Jason Kincaid & Austin Theory

Drew Galloway def. Lio Rush

ACH def. Timothy Thatcher

Match By Match Recap

Zack Sabre Jr. is in the ring to start the show and he wants his match with Michael Elgin to start the show, Elgin comes out and obliges him.

Non-Title Match: Zack Sabre Jr. (Evolve Champion) vs. Michael Elgin

The match begins with Elgin powering Sabre Jr. into the corner before nailing him with a shoulder tackle, Sabre Jr. responds by nailing Elgin with a drop kick. Elgin quickly drops Sabre Jr. again with another shoulder tackle, Elgin misses a charging to the corner and Sabre Jr. kicks away at him. Sabre Jr. knocks Elgin out of the ring with an European uppercut, Sabre Jr. looks for the penalty kick and Elgin power bombs him on the ringside edge. Elgin follows that up by nailing Sabre Jr. with a back suplex on the ringside edge, Elgin then lifts Sabre Jr. up and drives him into the ring post before putting him back in the ring. Elgin takes his time to just nail Sabre Jr. with a back breaker, Elgin goes for a slingshot splash and Sabre Jr. gets out of the way. Elgin then runs right into the boot of Sabre Jr., Elgin recovers by trapping Sabre Jr. in the ropes before nailing him with a few German suplexes.

Elgin then crushes Sabre Jr. with a dragon suplex for a near fall, Elgin traps Sabre Jr. in the corner to assault him with forearm strikes. Elgin places Sabre Jr. on the top rope and he follows him up there, Sabre Jr. knocks Elgin off the ropes before nailing him with a few strikes. Elgin recovers and he crushes Sabre Jr. with a series of clotheslines, Sabre Jr. jumps on Elgin and he goes for a kimura. Elgin powers his way to break free and Sabre Jr. wrenches away on his arm anyway, Sabre Jr. then crushes Elgin with a running European uppercut and a tornado DDT. Sabre Jr. waits for Elgin to get up before kicking at his hurt shoulder, Sabre Jr. again nails Elgin with a series of running European uppercuts. Sabre Jr. drops Elgin and nails him with a penalty kick for the near fall, Sabre Jr. gets up and he attacks Elgin with some more kicks.

Elgin grabs a charging Sabre Jr. to nail him with a back breaker and a falcon arrow for a near fall, Sabre Jr. is busted open and Elgin works over that cut. Elgin brings Sabre Jr. to the middle of the ring before applying the Boston crab, Sabre Jr. eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Elgin looks for a power bomb and Sabre Jr. fights his way to freedom, Sabre Jr. and Elgin have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Elgin eventually drops a swinging Sabre Jr. with a lariat, Sabre Jr. recovers and he nails Elgin with a running European uppercut. Elgin catches a charging Sabre Jr. to nail him with a Splash Mountain for a two count, Elgin grabs Sabre Jr. and he brings him to the top rope. Sabre Jr. somehow applies a triangle choke while on the top rope, Elgin recovers and he hits Sabre Jr. with a top rope Elgin Bomb for a near fall.

Sabre Jr. locks Elgin in another triangle choke from out of nowhere, Sabre Jr. transitions to an kimura and then another submission on Elgin. Elgin eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission hold, Elgin and Sabre Jr. battle to the ring apron and Elgin nails Sabre Jr. with a few super kicks. Elgin then levels Sabre Jr. with a death valley driver on the ringside edge, Elgin goes back into the ring and he suplexes Sabre Jr. into the ring for another near fall. Elgin nails Sabre Jr. with an elbow strike and a spinning back fist, Elgin follows that up by nailing Sabre Jr. with a buckle bomb. Sabre Jr. cradles Elgin out of nowhere to get the win.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr.

After the match, Lio Rush challenges Zack Sabre Jr. for a future title shot and Sabre Jr. accepts, which brings out Drew Galloway and he educates both wrestlers on the importance of title shots. Galloway says Rush should be worrying about him and not a title shot, Galloway says he feels disrespected and he wants his match with him now. Sabre Jr. says no one will care about what Galloway has done once he is done with him.

Drew Galloway vs. Lio Rush

The match begins with Rush avoiding a charging Galloway a few times, Rush then knocks Galloway out of the ring with a series of kicks. Rush avoids a sliding Rush and he attacks him with a ton of chops, Rush gets to the ring apron and he nails Galloway with a few kicks. Rush then takes out Galloway with a pair of suicide dives, Rush brings Galloway into the ring and then he goes to the top rope. Galloway catches a diving Rush before nailing him with a back breaker, Galloway follows that up by nailing Rush with an overhead release suplex. Galloway chops Rush before just tossing him across the ring, Rush tries fighting back and he nails Galloway with a bunch of strikes. Galloway responds by throwing Rush through the ropes and out of the ring, Galloway picks up Rush and throws him right into the ring post.

Galloway then tosses an injured Rush back into the ring, Rush tries fighting back again and he drops Galloway with a spinning front kick to the head. Galloway puts Rush into the corner and Rush looks for the reverse hurricarana, Galloway counters by nailing Rush with a wheel barrow slam for a near fall. Galloway grabs Rush and he places him in the top rope, Galloway goes to the top rope and Rush knocks him to the mat with a kick to the face. Rush goes for a frog splash and Galloway gets out of the way before kicking him in the face, Galloway then hits Rush with a pile driver for a near fall. Rush recovers and he drops Galloway with a tornado DDY, Rush then plants Galloway with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall.

Galloway is on his knees and Rush nails him with some forearm strikes, Galloway gets up and he nails Rush with a headbutt. Galloway then hits Rush with a Future Shock DDT and a pile driver to get a three count.

Winner: Drew Galloway

Donovan Dijak vs. Keith Lee

The match begins with Lee nailing Dijak with a series of forearm strikes and chops, Dijak recovers and he nails Lee with a bunch of forearm strikes of his own. Dijak goes for a monkey flip and Lee lands on his feet, Lee then knocks Dijak out of the ring with a drop kick. Lee looks for a suicide dive and he eventually catches Dijak with one, Lee grabs Dijak and he brings him to the ring apron. Lee looks for a power bomb and Dijak counters by nailing him with a super kick, Dijak then choke slams Lee on the ring apron. Lee recovers and looks for another power bomb, Dijak escapes and he takes Lee out with a twisting suicide dive. Dijak throws Lee into the ring before nailing him with a springboard elbow drop for the near fall, Dijak follows that up with a middle rope splash.

Lee quickly gets up while holding Dijak and Dijak winds up nailing him with a few strikes, Lee recovers and nails a charging Dijak with The Pounce. Lee misses a middle rope moonsault and Dijak crushes him with a flip pile driver for a near fall, Dijak goes for something and Lee escapes to hit Dijak with a spine buster. Lee goes back to the middle rope and Dijak nails him with a super kick, Dijak crushes Lee with a Feast Your Eyes for the near fall. Lee rolls to the arena floor and Dijak goes for a suicide dive, but Lee catches Dijak and power bombs him back into the ring. Lee goes back to the top rope and he crushes Dijak with a moonsault for a near fall, Lee looks for a choke slam and he winds up hitting Dijak with a Spirit Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Keith Lee

More action on Page Two…

Stokely Hathaway hits the ring and he talks about being in Evolve for over a year, then saying how he told everybody TJ Perkins was going to be a star. Stokely says he is going to call somebody out to give them an opportunity, Stokely calls out Kyle O’Reilly and says he wants him in the dream team. Stokely brings out Timothy Thatcher and does a personal ring introduction for him.

ACH vs. Timothy Thatcher w/Stokely Hathaway

The match begins with ACH wrenching on the arm of Thatcher, Thatcher uses a fireman’s carry slam on ACH to get him down. ACH responds by locking ACH in a head scissors, Thatcher quickly escapes and he locks ACH in the Bow & Arrow hold. ACH eventually escapes and he works on the arm of Thatcher, ACH stomps on the arm of Thatcher before wrenching on it some more. Thatcher scores a takedown on ACH before attacking him with knee strikes, Thatcher then locks ACH in the chin lock. Thatcher then cracks ACH with another knee strike followed by a gut wrench suplex, Thatcher reapplies the chin lock to ACH. ACH fights back and Thatcher drops him with a European uppercut for a near fall, Thatcher then hits ACH with another knee strike.

ACH recovers and he drops Thatcher with a swinging neck breaker, ACH picks Thatcher up and drops him with another neck breaker for a near fall. ACH attacks Thatcher with a bunch of kicks and a few fist drops as well, Thatcher gets angry and he nails ACH with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Thatcher apples the chin lock again to ACH, ACH tries fighting back and Thatcher gets him in the sleeper hold. ACH breaks free and Thatcher reapplies the sleeper hold on him, ACH picks up Thatcher and puts him on the ring apron. Thatcher briefly reapplies the sleeper hold until ACH drops him with a series of kicks, ACH tosses Thatcher back into the ring before going to the top rope.

ACH misses a double stomp and he winds up hitting Thatcher with a modified back breaker for a near fall, Thatcher escapes a hold from ACH before nailing him with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Thatcher reapplies the sleeper hold to ACH and ACH escapes, ACH then hits Thatcher with a brain buster from out of nowhere to get the three count.

Winner: ACH

After the match, Stokely Hathaway says the loss will not stop them and Timothy Thatcher grabs the microphone from him, Thatcher says that if Stokely doesn't get him into the WWN Title Match tomorrow, he will leave Hathaway's Dream Team.

Catch Point (Chris Dickinson, Jaka & Tracy Williams) w/Fred Yehi vs. Sammy Guevara, Jason Kincaid & Austin Theory

The match begins with Dickinson dragon Guevara to the ground before working over his arm, Guevara fights back by dropping Dickinson with an arm drag followed by a drop kick. Dickinson recovers and he clobbers Guevara with a clothesline for a near fall, Jaka tags in and he crushes Guevara with an elbow drop. Jaka then attacks Guevara with a chop before eating a roaring elbow strike, Theory tags in and he nails Jaka with an enzaguri. Jaka recovers and he nails Theory with a spinning heel kick, Theory gets back up and he drops Jaka with a drop kick. Kincaid tags in and he gets choke slammed alongside Theory by Jaka, Williams tags in and he crushes Kincaid with a back breaker.

Kincaid fights back against all three members of Catch Point by nailing them with a triple bulldog, Theory tags back in and he nails Williams with a suplex for a near fall. Guevara tags back in and he catches Williams with a slingshot swanton bomb, Kincaid tags back in and he locks Williams in a head scissors. Williams backs Kincaid into the corner before nailing him with some elbow strikes, Williams knocks Kincaid out of the ring with a drop kick. A brawl breaks out between everybody in the match, Dickinson nails Kincaid with a power bomb onto the ringside edge. Williams and Jaka nail Guevara and Theory with stereo German suplexes, Williams works over Kincaid as he returns to the ring.

Jaka tags in and he assaults Kincaid with strikes in the corner, Jaka nails Kincaid with an exploder suplex for a near fall. Jaka then cracks Kincaid with a headbutt before tagging Dickinson in, Dickinson crushes Kincaid with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Dickinson starts choking Kincaid in the corner, Dickinson nails Kincaid with a second Flacon Arrow for another near fall. Williams tags back in and he attacks Kincaid with elbow strikes, Kincaid tries fighting back and Williams hits him with a Doctor Bomb for a near fall. Dickinson tags back in and he nails Kincaid with a German suplex for a near fall, Dickinson drags Kincaid to the top rope while looking for a power bomb. Kincaid counters by nailing Dickinson with a super hurricarana, Jaka gets the tag alongside Guevara .

Guevara and Theory nail their opponents with a series of double team moves for a near fall, Guevara drops a charging Jaka with a low drop kick. Guevara grabs Williams and he brings him to the top rope, Williams knocks Guevara off the ropes and then Theory goes up there. Williams nails Theory with a DDT on the top turnbuckle, Williams then locks Theory in a cross face that gets broken up by Kincaid. All members of Catch Point are knocked to the arena floor and Guevara takes them out with a shooting star press, Theory then takes everybody out with a moonsault. Kincaid does an ace crusher with Dickinson onto everybody on the arena floor, Catch Point are trapped in the corner on the inside of the ring. All three of Catch Points opponents take them out with stereo missile drop kicks, everybody in the match takes turns taking each other out.

Theory hits Dickinson with a standing moonsault for a near fall, Williams then hits Kincaid with a clothesline and a brain buster for a near fall. Williams gets Kincaid and he places him on the top rope, Kicaid knocks Williams off the top rope as Guevara takes out Dickinson. Kincaid nails Williams with a double stomp and Guevara nails him with a shooting star press, Jaka and Dickinson take out Guevara with a Doomsday Device for the three count.

Winners: Catch Point (Chris Dickinson, Jaka & Tracy Williams) w/Fred Yehi

After the match, Jaka grabs the microphone and Jason Kincaid lays in a meditative state. Dickinson and Jaka wants to know when they will be getting a tag team title shot, Fred Yeho says that they will get them soon. Larry Dallas hits the ring and he says Catch Point will be defending the tag team gold against Jaka and Chris Dickinson in three weeks. 

Final bouts are on Page Three…

Matt Riddle vs. Fred Yehi

The match begins with Riddle scoring a takedown on Yehi, Riddle quickly catches Yehi in a rear naked choke and Yehi escapes. Yehi goes for a takedown of his own and Riddle escapes, Yehi drags Riddle to the ground before controlling him with a front face lock. Riddle escapes a pin attempt from Yeho and he locks him in a modified STF, Riddle transitions that into an arm bar on Yehi. Yehi escapes an arm bar attempt to lock Riddle in an ankle lock, Riddle escapes and he sends Yehi crashing into the ropes. Yehi starts going to work on the arm of Riddle, Yehi starts bending Riddle in some seriously unnatural ways. Yehi gets up and he drops Riddle with a shoulder tackle, Yehi also starts wrenching on the legs of Riddle as well.

Yehi stomps on the bent leg of Riddle before locking him in a front face lock, Yehi then starts twisting the head of Riddle. Yehi goes for a headlock and Riddle catches him with a suplex before assaulting him with kicks, Yehi gets up and he stomps on the foot of Riddle before catching him with a drop kick. Yehi starts stomping on a downed and dazed Riddle, Yehi follows up by nailing Riddle with suplex for a near fall. Yehi traps Riddle in the corner before clobbering him with some chops, Yehi then hits Riddle with a back breaker for a near fall. Yehi locks Riddle in the stomp puller submission hold, Yehi releases the hold to just put pressure on the knees of Riddle before landing a drop kick.

Riddle tries fighting back and Yehi nails him with a German suplex, Riddle eventually drops Yehi with a knee strike and a fisherman buster suplex for a near fall. Riddle then catches Yehi with a flying forearm followed by a suplex and senton bomb for a two count, Riddle kicks at a downed Yehi after that. Riddle and Yehi have a striking exchange that Riddle wins after landing a gut wrench suplex, Riddle attacks Yehi with knee strikes and more gut wrench suplexes. Riddle then nails Yehi with a power bomb followed by a senton bomb for a near fall, Riddle and Yehi have a forearm striking exchange in the center of the ring. Yehi eventually drops Riddle with a dragon screw leg whip before stomping on his knee, Yehi then stomps on the hand of Riddle.

Riddle catches Yehi with a Bro To Sleep and a German suplex for a near fall, Riddle and Yehi exchange a series of kicks. Yehi backs up Riddle before nailing him with a few forearm strikes, Yehi catches Riddle with a power bomb for a near fall. Yehi mounts Riddle before assaulting him with a series of strikes, Riddle tries fighting back and Yehi just stomps on him. The wrestlers go through a series of reversals that ends with Yehi crushes Riddle with a few German suplexes, Yehi looks for a tombstone pile driver and Riddle reverses him to nail one instead for a near fall. Riddle catches Yehi with another tombstone pile driver for another near fall, Yehi escapes the Bromission and he locks Riddle in the Koji Clutch and Riddle goes out cold to end the match.

Winner: Fred Yehi


Anything Goes Match: Darby Allin vs. Ethan Page w/The Gatekeepers

The match begins with Page trying to hit Allin with a chair he brought in the ring, Allin nails Page with a back elbow strike before taking The Gatekeepers out. Page then crushes Allin with a series of chair shots, Page grabs Allin and he throws him into a pile of chairs that the crowd was sitting on. Page follows Allin into the crowd and he kicks him right in the face, Page then grabs a table and he slams it onto a downed Allin. Page picks up Allin and he throws him right into a brick wall, Page grabs a ladder and he smashes it into the face of Allin. Page keeps the ladder and he throws it into the ring while a busted open Allin remains on the arena floor, Page wraps a chair around the head of Allin before throwing him into the ring post multiple times.

Page finds a second ladder and he throws that into the ring as well, Page throws Allin back into the ring before nailing him with the ladder again. Page picks up Allin and Allin escapes to nail him with some drop kicks. Allin then hits a downed Page with a springboard high cross body, Allin finds the ladder and he cracks Page with it a few times. Allin goes to the top rope and Page throws him off onto a ladder for a near fall, Page grabs a chair and he nails Allin with it. Allin recovers and he nails Page with a hurricarana onto a steel chair, Allin then cracks Page with a steel chair and a tornado DDT. The Gatekeepers distract Allin and that allows page to hit him with a chair, Page finds a table and he brings that into the ring as well.

Page sets up the table in the corner while Allin lays on the mat, Page traps Allin in the ropes while nailing him with a series of strikes. Page accidentally hits himself with a chair as Allin moves from the ropes, Page recovers and he kicks Allin right in the face. Allin then throws a leaping Page into a steel chair before putting him through the table for a near fall, Allin grabs a ladder and he sets it up in the corner. The Gatekeepers interfere again and Allin knocks them to the arena floor, Page nails Allin with a low blow before going to the top rope. Page throws Allin from the ladder through some tables that were set up at ringside, Page grabs Allin and he throws him back into the ring.

Page then sets up a few chairs in the middle of the ring, Page nails Allin with a package pile driver through the chairs for a near fall. Page then sets up a table while The Gatekeepers hit the ring, Priscilla Kelly hits the ring to distract Page and The Gatekeepers. Austin Theory hits the ring and he takes out The Gatekeepers, Theory nails a Gatekeeper and Page with a suicide dive. The Gatekeepers fight Theory all the way to the crowd, Allin dives off the balcony and onto The Gatekeepers with a garbage can. Allin gets back into the ring with the trash can and he hits Page with it many times, Page falls onto the table as Allin climbs the ladder. Allin does a splash on Page that puts both through the table and Allin gets the three count.

Winner: Dabry Allin

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