
Eric Bischoff Says Hulk Hogan Biopic Is Still Development, Not Scheduled For Production

Eric Bischoff gives an update on the status of the Hulk Hogan biopic project.

Speaking “After 83 Weeks with Christy Olson,” Bischoff spoke about the project, which is reportedly going to have Chris Hemsworth playing the role of Hogan in the bio. Bischoff a lot of the info that is out there in the public regarding the film was not meant to be sent to the press because there is still a lot in development.

“The information about this movie was never supposed to make the press…although Chris has done some interviews and made some very broad references to the project…there’s no official statement. The project is still technically in development, meaning it’s not scheduled for production. There’s no casting going on. There’s no scheduling going on. It’s still in, I would say, the late stages of development. So it’s not a done deal by any stretch of the imagination. I wish it was, because I’d be out looking for a new truck. But it’s not,” Bischoff said.

Bischoff spoke about what is holding up the production of the film and attributed it mainly to COVID-19, saying a crowd is needed for a wrestling-based movie.

“The biggest holdup right now folks, is COVID. This is a big movie, by the way. It’s a wrestling based movie. So guess what you need to have in a wrestling based movie—a crowd! Where are you going to do that? You can’t even have ten people at your house for Thanksgiving right now. So until that part of it is figured out, it’s likely that this project is going to stay kind of right where it is, which is really far down the line. I don’t want to sound like it’s not going to happen. It’s going to happen,” Bischoff said.

The full video can be seen at the top of the page. Credit to After 83 Weeks with Christy Olson for the quotes.

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