
Eric Bischoff Praises Wrestling Fans

Eric Bischoff believes that wrestling fans are smarter than many people think.

The former boss of WCW discussed the topic on the latest episode of his Bischoff on Wrestling podcast.

"I think more of them are smarter than people realize," Bischoff said. "That’s one of the things that we are going to talk more about on Bischoff on Wrestling in the weeks to come. One of the things we want to do is try to make our listeners smarter wrestling fans. Not to suggest that they aren’t smart already because a lot of them are. I was on a plane coming back from London not too long ago with a guy who is the head of cancer research from a major hospital in Boston. He oversees cancer research teams in Tokyo, Paris and the United States. He’s about 38 years old and he’s a brilliant doctor and cancer researcher who also happened to be a wrestling fan. I think wrestling fans are probably more politically savvy and aware than some people may think.”

Bischoff, who, after his time in WCW ended, went on to be an on-air authority figure in WWE for several years before going to TNA. He has not appeared on camera for a televised wrestling promotion since TNA's Lockdown 2012 pay-per-view. However, he recently has made some appearances for What Culture Pro Wrestling, which runs events in England.

The latest episode of the Bischoff podcast features part one of an interview with Russ Francis, who was part of the battle royal featuring football stars and wrestlers at WrestleMania II. Francis' father, Ed, was a wrestling promoter.

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