
Eric Bischoff Hopes Sexy Star Isn’t Still Getting A Paycheck From AAA

At AAA Triplemania, Reina de Reinas Champion Sexy Star kept applying an armbar submission after the bell, intentionally injuring her opponent, former GFW Knockouts Champion Rosemary. It ignited a firestorm, where Sexy Star was effectively blackballed by her peers, removed from future bookings, and stripped of the Reina de Reinas title. She then issued two apologies–one on Mexican television and one in a letter she Tweeted out–that only served to further ostracize her from the wrestling community.

Count former WCW head Eric Bischoff among those who want nothing to do with Sexy Star. But as he said on a new episode of his “Bischoff on Wrestling” podcast, Bischoff says that AAA is hardly blameless, and unless the company has stopped paying Sexy Star, stripping her of the title amounts to little more than a publicity stunt.

“She’s vapor to me. She doesn’t exist. Does she still work there? Vacating the title is kind of like when they stripped Alberto El Patron of his title but he still got a paycheck. Come on. Stripping someone of the title, if it doesn’t affect their income it’s just a piss-ant public relations move designed to do something hoping that the smoke clears out and then you can go right back to business. It’s meaningless to me. Stripping someone of a title in professional wrestling without any financial implications… it’s for the internet.”

On a slightly related note, we need a declaration proclaiming “it’s for the internet” as the official updated version of “it’s for the birds.”

You can listen to the entire podcast below, or download it on iTunes at this link.

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