
Eric Bischoff Didn’t Think Jay Leno Would Do WCW Match

This week on the after show for his 83 Weeks podcast, After 83 Weeks with Christy Olson, Eric Bischoff discloses the huge paycheck he wrote to Dennis Rodman for the NBA star to appear in WCW. Eric also admits he encouraged Rodman and rival player Karl Malone to ignite their kayfabe feud on camera during the 1997 NBA finals. Plus the former Raw GM praises Torrie Wilson, following the announcement of her WWE Hall of Fame induction, and recounts Jay Leno’s surprising reaction when he pitched The Tonight Show segment with Hulk Hogan.

Recounts pitching The Tonight Show segment to Jay Leno:

I’m literally booking this whole thing on the fly. I said, well I don’t know maybe Hogan and I come down and we throw you off your set, take over your show. You tell a couple jokes about him which will piss him off and that’s why we’re going to come down and throw you off your own set. Jay went, yeah, I can see that, yeah. I went, holy s*** he’ll do it! I didn’t think he would do that. I thought it was going to be like, yeah I’ll work Hulk Hogan’s corner, or you know some peripheral celebrity kind of typical formula. Nope, he wanted to get in the ring. He wanted to have a match and he didn’t care if we threw him off of his own set to do it! So that was pretty cool.

On Torrie Wilson:

She’s such a sweet person and she works really, really hard. You know, as beautiful as she is and as shy and demure as she comes off being sometimes, deep down inside she’s a beast. She works really, really, really hard. She’s got a great work ethic. Most importantly she’s got an extremely positive attitude, and it kind of radiates.

For more with Eric watch the latest After 83 Weeks with Christy Olson here: https://youtu.be/gRyxFYVis5s or listen on Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/after-83-weeks-with-christy-olson-afterbuzz-tv/id1438060090?mt=2&i=1000425693158.

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