
Emma Talks Social Media Gimmick

To say that Emma has struggled on the WWE main roster is a bit of an understatement.

Originally saddled with an unfortunate gimmick that didn't pan out, the Australian born-Superstar has dealt with demotions and gimmick changes as she's trying to find her footing in the company. Just when it looked like she'd gained her footing, an injury derailed her in 2016.

Now, Emma's character on WWE TV is obsessed with her own social media. She spoke about it with Newshub in a recent interview. 

"There are so many talented females on our roster, so yes, it can be hard to stand out, but in saying that I have one of the biggest social media following on the entire WWE roster. It has really worked for me recently because of my fans, the comments I had been getting from them made me react to it and you can see it's really paid off in the last few weeks. It's about time too, the whole '#GiveEmmaAChance' thing is real. I mean when do I get my chance at the championship, I have never had that and it just goes to show how social media can help."

 Emma picked up a victory over Mickie James last week on Monday Night Raw in the first ever "social media match." 

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