
Elias: I’m Not Even Anywhere Close To Accomplishing Everything I Set Out To Do In WWE

Elias has been a constant presence on WWE television for the past couple of years, but he believes that he hasn’t done everything he has set out to do in WWE just yet.

In an interview with CBS, Elias mentioned that there are still goals he wishes to complete while in WWE, mainly main eventing WrestleMania and being the No. 1 in WWE. 

“If that means winning the Universal Championship, if that means winning the WWE Championship, that’s a part of it. But really staking my claim as the number-one guy in the WWE, in the business as a whole, that everybody can say, WWE is cool and Elias is the guy making it cool,” Elias said.

Although WrestleMania is still several months away, Elias did have a presence in the King of the Ring tournament, advancing to the quarterfinals. Elias mentioned he had been a fan of King of the Ring for a long time and even remembered watching the 1995 tournament that saw Mabel win. When asked about being excited for being in the tournament, Elias said he really hasn’t geeked out when it comes to being in the tournament.

“You know what? No. I don’t have many geek-out moments, so to speak. Once I had made the decision to be a WWE superstar, I set my goals very high, and I’m not even anywhere close to accomplishing them. These are little steps I got to take along the way. Being in the King of the Ring and being at WrestleMania, things like that,” Elias said. 

The full interview between Elias and CBS can be read at this link.

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