
Eli Drake Talks GFW Live Events, Attendance Reports, More

Global Force Wrestling Champion Eli Drake was recently interviewed by Wrestling Epicenter. You can check out the full podcast at this link, and submitted highlights below:

GFW's northeastern live events:

"I think it was good. It was a lot of fun. I think it was a litmus test of sorts just to feel out how the people know the product outside of the Impact Zone. For instance, a lot of times at the Impact Zone, you get the same fans for the most part over and over again, sometimes there's new faces, but for the most part it is the same crowd. So, you start to wonder how people will react to the product outside of there. It was actually pretty good! Everybody was up with everything. They knew everything that was going on. They were familiar. I think it was a great experience. It was a great test for us being in this rebuilding process. And, I think it says a lot for us going forward."

Rumors of poor attendance:

"I think it was very well attended, actually. I mean, again, we're not packing stadiums. We're not filling stadiums. I think that for now, what we need to do is be humble within a certain degree while working within our means to where we're not trying to fill a giant stadium. But also, take chances to see what we can do and what we can fill. I think our street team, for example, is above and beyond what it had ever been in the past. One of the guys in particular, Raphael, he is renowned for being very strong as far as promoting and getting everything moving, getting eyes on the product, and people in the seats. I think that moving around the parts in that part of the company is going to help in a big way. And also, having an exciting product as we do with all the exciting characters. People are going to want to see that right in front of their face."

TV on the road for GFW:

"I think that would be amazing. The reason I say that is nothing against the Impact Zone fans. Any time people are given too much of something, it becomes almost stale to them or almost… In the sense of, familiarity breeds contempt. They actually almost feel like they're our friends in a certain way. Actually, right now, you're running a show. I'm sure if you asked your friends to listen to your show, you'd have trouble getting them to listen to the show every week with the same level of excitement as someone who has never seen it or who rarely gets to see it. If Bruce Springsteen is coming to town, people are going to get excited for it. Somebody's going to get excited for it and they're going to come out as opposed to "Here's my friend, he does a show. One of these times, I'm gonna catch it!" I think that is sometimes what it feels like at the Impact Zone. I think it would greatly, greatly benefit us as performers and as a brand to get out and see different audiences."

New ownership in GFW:

"You can see some of the relationships being rebuilt. We've got a good relationship with NOAH in Japan, AAA in Mexico. For instance, we are on Spike in the UK. Relationships are nto only being built but rebuilt. You are going to have people who claim to be fans, quote unquote, who are going to be negative. That is normal in anything. I see people complain about every TV show under the sun. This is no different. Haters gonna hate, as they like to say. (laughs) Maybe take some of the good, constructive criticism. But, otherwise, keep moving forward. Keep pushing. You're going to get where you're going at some point."

Check out the full interview at this link.

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