
Dumpster Match Set For WWE Raw, Which Leads To Big E Praying

WWE announced that former United States Champion Kalisto will have a shot at revenge this Monday Night.

Kurt Angle agreed to make a match between Kalisto and Braun Strowman for Monday’s Raw, stemming from Strowman’s attack on the cruiserweight last week. After dumping Kalisto in a trash bin, the two will compete in a dumpster match.

From WWE.com:

After Braun Strowman laid waste to several Raw Superstars last week, Kalisto has challenged his attacker to a Dumpster Match, this Monday Night at 8/7 C on Raw. But, as The Monster Among Men gears up to Roman Reigns at WWE Payback, are his masked opponent’s plans for retribution destined for the dump?

Former Tag Team Champion Big E, isn’t giving Kalisto much of a chance.

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