
Dragon Ball Lee: Keith Lee Wants His Own Anime On WWE Network

Keith Lee wants to continue to grow his brand and maybe even one day get an anime on the WWE Network.

Keith Lee is known for his unique offense for a man of his size but with that comes an unconventional set of interests, including anime. Keith Lee is very proud of his barrier-breaking offense, Even naming one of his moves the Spirit Bomb, a Dragon Ball Z reference. Keith is proud of who he is he says he wants to carry that over into his merchandise and every facet of his brand.

Speaking with SuperSport, Keith even discussed wanting his own anime one day on WWE Network.

“In all honesty, my goal is to have a creation in which I am essentially Keith Lee in Anime form. I want that to be a part of my entrance, from Titantron to merchandise, things of that sort,” he began. “I would have a wrestling-style Anime [show] but it would be wrestlers with superpowers. The ring would have to be probably four times the size of what we have. Tournament style fights with storylines outside of the ring. If Keith Lee were an Anime character I feel like he would be absolutely ridiculous wearing probably Baby Blue/Pink and probably just as expressive as I am in real life.”

Many other WWE Superstars are fans of anime. In fact, Dragon Ball Z won the bracket for the best television show of all time in the New Day’s two-part March Madness podcast special.

In the same interview, Lee discusses what he feels makes NXT so special. Read his comments at this link.

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