
Does Mick Foley Stay In Touch With The Rock?

To say that the Rock ‘N Sock Connection was a unique pairing would be an understatement. The team consisted of the People’s Champion The Rock and Mrs. Foley’s Baby Boy Mick Foley to form one of the most perfect Yin-Yang combinations ever seen in the business.

On one hand it was the lovable yet weird Foley while, on the other, it was the man who oozed charisma and talent, The Rock. The pair became as close as close can be during their run, and event had one last match together back in 2004 at WrestleMania XX.

Of course, it’s been 12 years since then, and both men are off doing their own things now. Foley is the current General Manager of Monday Night Raw while The Rock is the highest-paid actor of 2016 in between his appearances for WWE. And in an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Foley spoke about the relationship between the former tag partners, and if they keep in touch.

“What’s funny is our daughters keep in better touch than we do,” Foley said. “Like I’ll hear my daughter say, ‘The Rock’s going to be on Raw today,’ and it’s a complete secret. ‘His daughter just texted me.’ I get a message from him every once in awhile. And I’ve got a great rock and roll Rock story.

“When I met his girlfriend Lauren, she said, ‘You and I have already met. You were at my 13th birthday party. My father is Sib Hashian, the drummer from Boston.’ I happened to be with a friend of mine on the way to Fenway Park and he said, ‘We just got to stop off at a buddy of mine’s house.’ So we’re forever bound by the fact that the mother of The Rock’s child turned 13 with me in attendance.”

In addition to his relationship with The Great One, Foley talked about Women in WWE, his daughter Noelle entering the wrestling business and the time Shaquille O’Neal thought he was Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

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