
Details On AEW’s Big Production Hire, Mike Mansury

AEW made a big hire in the form of Mike Mansury.

Mansury announced his return to wrestling as a Senior VP & Co-Executive Producer for AEW. He previously served as VP of Global TV Production for WWE. He’s been around AEW shows for the last several weeks at least, but this hire is even bigger than many realize on the surface.

When the Triple H regime took over, many asked if Kevin Dunn would also be on his way out. When we asked within WWE, we were repeatedly told that the one person who seemed poised to replace him had left the company, and they didn’t think they would be able to get him back. Until today, that person went nameless, until the Mansury hire was revealed, and WWE sources indicated to us that it was Mansury. We’re told that in WWE, there wasn’t much further he could go above where he’d been unless Kevin Dunn stepped aside, which did not end up happening.

Another source indicated that he was a name that they thought Triple H would try to bring back to the company, and that Triple H seemed keen on his work. They said that they didn’t think Mansury would come back unless he was taking over Kevin Dunn’s role, and Dunn still hasn’t budged from his spot.

We’ve already heard from talent and staff within both AEW and WWE who were happy about the hiring, and believe that it will go a long way in helping AEW’s content. One WWE source said that he’s a good hire specifically because he’s more in touch with AEW’s demographic, and can significantly increase the level of production the company has. One WWE source that heavily criticizes AEW to us, said that he saw this as AEW’s biggest hire this year.

Mansury was still observing at AEW as of December 15.

This article first appeared on our premium service, Fightful Select and was republished here on Fightful. If you complain about it being “old news,” you have to chug a gallon of egg nog. Subscribe to get exclusive news every day, and a half-dozen weekly podcasts.

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