
Dan Maff Recalls The First Ring Of Honor Show From 2002

Dan Maff is one of the first-ever competitors to compete in a Ring of Honor ring. Having recently signed a new contract with them, Maff Is in the rare position of being able to compare and contrast the promotion back then to the promotion it’s become today.

Speaking on 10 Questions on Ring of Honor’s official website, Maff recalled the first Ring of Honor show from 2002 and the feeling in the locker room where nobody wanted to have a bad match.

“That first show was definitely something to never be forgotten. We were already told that this was going to be a roster that only included the best of the best from everywhere,” Maff began. “If you were here, you were special. If you were here, you were included as one of the best of the best. No one wanted to have a poor performance. Everyone wanted to do their part and knock it out of the park. It was literally an us versus the rest of the wrestling world mentality. As a new company, the entire roster wanted to be the alternative choice, the alternative product — hard-hitting and with a code of honor.”

To see the full Q&A with Maff, click here.

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