
Daffney Provides Health Update Via Instagram, Will Be Seeing A Spinal Specialist

Pro wrestling is a tough industry. Often times, wrestling can take a severe toll on the men and women who step inside the squared circle and give their all to entertain an audience on any particular evening, no matter the size.

Former WCW and TNA superstar Daffney Unger has taken to Instagram to address some serious medical issues she’s been facing.

Daffney, who had neck surgery two-and-a-half years ago where a metal plate was inserted between her C4 and C5 vertebrae, reveals that she’s been feeling numbness on her left hand, especially her thumb. 

Unger would go on to say that she experienced pain in her wrist and forearm, and then eventually her temple, neck, collarbone and trapezius muscle. When the began to feel like her shoulder would be ripped out of its socket, she decided to go get it checked out.

Upon seeing a doctor, she learned that there is what appears to be a cyst or growth next to her T1 vertebra. Daffney would go on to say that she’s been given steroids & anti-inflammatories and keeps her left arm elevated.

Daffney says she’ll seeing a specialist in the morning and ask for good juju from her fans and peers:


Some of you know that I had neck surgery 2 1/2 years ago. They put a metal plate between my C4 & C5. Recently, I noticed my fingers on my left hand going numb again, especially my thumb. My wrist and forearm began to hurt, my temple, neck, collarbone and trap were next, and then finally my shoulder felt like it was being ripped out of the socket if I didn’t keep my arm cradled. Just like 2 1/2 years ago. By Thursday night it had gotten so bad, I decided I needed to go get it checked the next day. Good news: I haven’t hurt another disc in my neck. Bad news: They found a cyst or growth next to my T1. They gave me steroids & anti inflammatories and I’ve been keeping my left arm propped up. It’s weird because my middle finger especially hurts this time – almost like it’s broken so it sticks up. I’m constantly giving Dina, my roomie, the bird. Which she totally doesn’t deserve because she just made me some amazing grits and has been a guardian angel. In the morning I make an appointment with a spinal specialist to find out what is next to my T1 & what is causing the pain. I’ll keep y’all updated. Wanted to explain my absence and request good juju please —

A post shared by Daffney Unger (@screamqueendaff) on

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