
Contract Status, Free Agent Status On Several More Wrestlers

KiLynn King

Despite appearing on NWA, IMPACT Wrestling, and AEW, it was reiterated to us that KiLynn King remained a free agent. She told us Mickie James are instrumental on getting her into NWA, and that she was welcomed back in AEW during her late 2022 appearances.


Kazarian officially signed with IMPACT Wrestling, but several had long been questioning the status of his AEW deal, as he started working IMPACT and indies last year. He clarified recently he passed on an extension. We’re told that this past year Kazarian was still on a full-time deal. He’s also been officially removed from the roster page.


Former NXT talent AQA has officially been removed from the AEW roster page, and we’re told that her deal is up with the company. She announced she’d be stepping away from wrestling back in July.

PC Recruits

PWInsider claimed that WWE signed both Ezekiel Balogun and Alexis Gray, former collegiate athletes. We’re attempting to confirm this with WWE, but will likely be a part of the new announced Performance Center class

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