Congressman Tim Ryan Calls State Of The Union Fake Like Pro Wrestling, Called Out By Pro Wrestlers
Ohio Representative Tim Ryan had enough of Donald Trump’s State of the Union, claiming to have walked out during the speech.
But Ryan took things a step too far in the world of wrestling social media, saying the State of the Union was “all fake” and “like watching professional wrestling”
I just walked out of the #StateOfTheUnion. I’ve had enough. It’s like watching professional wrestling. It’s all fake.
— Congressman Tim Ryan (@RepTimRyan) February 5, 2020
Trump is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame.
As you would expect, pro wrestlers weren’t too thrilled with Ryan calling their sport “fake.”
If this guy thinks political twitter is bad, he obviously hasn’t felt the wrath of Wrestling twitter yet.
— Kamille (@kamillebrick) February 5, 2020
Come to @aiwrestling Friday and see just how fake it is!
— REAL Dean Malenko account (@FilthyTomLawlor) February 5, 2020
We aren’t fake. TRUMP IS. We don’t deserve to be lumped into his category. TRUMP= unpredictable and FAKE. WRESTLING= predetermined and physically REAL. We are the escape from this reality
— Gail Kim-Irvine (@gailkimITSME) February 5, 2020
You leave wrestling out of this!!! —
— PAIGE (@RealPaigeWWE) February 5, 2020
You’re ‘fake’ constantly so that you get what you want out of life.
— Drake Maverick (@WWEMaverick) February 5, 2020
Don’t u dare bring me into this, Tim.
— EFFY (@EFFYlives) February 5, 2020
Is this fake!?!?
— Jimmy’s Famous Seafood (@JimmysSeafood) February 5, 2020
Professional wrestling got him elected. You just now figured this out??
— Glenn Gilbertti (@TheRealDisco) February 5, 2020
As a fan of pro wrestling, politics & Congressman Ryan, I see many similarities between the jobs we so passionately do…
such as; it’s only real when we win— Nic Nemeth (@HEELZiggler) February 5, 2020
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